
Interface KotlinJsOptions

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinCommonOptions , org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinCommonToolOptions

    public interface KotlinJsOptions
     implements KotlinCommonOptions
    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      abstract Boolean getFriendModulesDisabled() Disable internal declaration export Default value: false
      abstract Unit setFriendModulesDisabled(Boolean friendModulesDisabled) Disable internal declaration export Default value: false
      abstract String getMain() Define whether the main function should be called upon execution Possible values: "call", "noCall" Default value: "call"
      abstract Unit setMain(String main) Define whether the main function should be called upon execution Possible values: "call", "noCall" Default value: "call"
      abstract Boolean getMetaInfo() Generate .meta.js and .kjsm files with metadata.
      abstract Unit setMetaInfo(Boolean metaInfo) Generate .meta.js and .kjsm files with metadata.
      abstract String getModuleKind() Kind of the JS module generated by the compiler Possible values: "plain", "amd", "commonjs", "umd" Default value: "plain"
      abstract Unit setModuleKind(String moduleKind) Kind of the JS module generated by the compiler Possible values: "plain", "amd", "commonjs", "umd" Default value: "plain"
      abstract Boolean getNoStdlib() Don't automatically include the default Kotlin/JS stdlib into compilation dependencies Default value: true
      abstract Unit setNoStdlib(Boolean noStdlib) Don't automatically include the default Kotlin/JS stdlib into compilation dependencies Default value: true
      abstract String getOutputFile() Destination *.
      abstract Unit setOutputFile(String outputFile) Destination *.
      abstract Boolean getSourceMap() Generate source map Default value: false
      abstract Unit setSourceMap(Boolean sourceMap) Generate source map Default value: false
      abstract String getSourceMapEmbedSources() Embed source files into source map Possible values: "never", "always", "inlining" Default value: null
      abstract Unit setSourceMapEmbedSources(String sourceMapEmbedSources) Embed source files into source map Possible values: "never", "always", "inlining" Default value: null
      abstract String getSourceMapPrefix() Add the specified prefix to paths in the source map Default value: null
      abstract Unit setSourceMapPrefix(String sourceMapPrefix) Add the specified prefix to paths in the source map Default value: null
      abstract String getTarget() Generate JS files for specific ECMA version Possible values: "v5" Default value: "v5"
      abstract Unit setTarget(String target) Generate JS files for specific ECMA version Possible values: "v5" Default value: "v5"
      abstract Boolean getTypedArrays() Translate primitive arrays to JS typed arrays Default value: true
      abstract Unit setTypedArrays(Boolean typedArrays) Translate primitive arrays to JS typed arrays Default value: true
      abstract String getApiVersion() Allow using declarations only from the specified version of bundled libraries Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.
      abstract Unit setApiVersion(String apiVersion) Allow using declarations only from the specified version of bundled libraries Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.
      abstract String getLanguageVersion() Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.
      abstract Unit setLanguageVersion(String languageVersion) Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.
      abstract Boolean getUseFir() Compile using Front-end IR.
      abstract Unit setUseFir(Boolean useFir) Compile using Front-end IR.
      abstract Boolean getAllWarningsAsErrors() Report an error if there are any warnings Default value: false
      abstract Unit setAllWarningsAsErrors(Boolean allWarningsAsErrors) Report an error if there are any warnings Default value: false
      abstract Boolean getSuppressWarnings() Generate no warnings Default value: false
      abstract Unit setSuppressWarnings(Boolean suppressWarnings) Generate no warnings Default value: false
      abstract Boolean getVerbose() Enable verbose logging output Default value: false
      abstract Unit setVerbose(Boolean verbose) Enable verbose logging output Default value: false
      abstract List<String> getFreeCompilerArgs() A list of additional compiler arguments Default value: emptyList()
      abstract Unit setFreeCompilerArgs(List<String> freeCompilerArgs) A list of additional compiler arguments Default value: emptyList()
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

    • Method Detail

      • getMain

         abstract String getMain()

        Define whether the main function should be called upon execution Possible values: "call", "noCall" Default value: "call"

      • setMain

         abstract Unit setMain(String main)

        Define whether the main function should be called upon execution Possible values: "call", "noCall" Default value: "call"

      • getMetaInfo

         abstract Boolean getMetaInfo()

        Generate .meta.js and .kjsm files with metadata. Use to create a library Default value: true

      • setMetaInfo

         abstract Unit setMetaInfo(Boolean metaInfo)

        Generate .meta.js and .kjsm files with metadata. Use to create a library Default value: true

      • getModuleKind

         abstract String getModuleKind()

        Kind of the JS module generated by the compiler Possible values: "plain", "amd", "commonjs", "umd" Default value: "plain"

      • setModuleKind

         abstract Unit setModuleKind(String moduleKind)

        Kind of the JS module generated by the compiler Possible values: "plain", "amd", "commonjs", "umd" Default value: "plain"

      • getNoStdlib

         abstract Boolean getNoStdlib()

        Don't automatically include the default Kotlin/JS stdlib into compilation dependencies Default value: true

      • setNoStdlib

         abstract Unit setNoStdlib(Boolean noStdlib)

        Don't automatically include the default Kotlin/JS stdlib into compilation dependencies Default value: true

      • getOutputFile

         abstract String getOutputFile()

        Destination *.js file for the compilation result Default value: null

      • setOutputFile

         abstract Unit setOutputFile(String outputFile)

        Destination *.js file for the compilation result Default value: null

      • getSourceMapEmbedSources

         abstract String getSourceMapEmbedSources()

        Embed source files into source map Possible values: "never", "always", "inlining" Default value: null

      • setSourceMapEmbedSources

         abstract Unit setSourceMapEmbedSources(String sourceMapEmbedSources)

        Embed source files into source map Possible values: "never", "always", "inlining" Default value: null

      • getSourceMapPrefix

         abstract String getSourceMapPrefix()

        Add the specified prefix to paths in the source map Default value: null

      • setSourceMapPrefix

         abstract Unit setSourceMapPrefix(String sourceMapPrefix)

        Add the specified prefix to paths in the source map Default value: null

      • getTarget

         abstract String getTarget()

        Generate JS files for specific ECMA version Possible values: "v5" Default value: "v5"

      • setTarget

         abstract Unit setTarget(String target)

        Generate JS files for specific ECMA version Possible values: "v5" Default value: "v5"

      • getTypedArrays

         abstract Boolean getTypedArrays()

        Translate primitive arrays to JS typed arrays Default value: true

      • setTypedArrays

         abstract Unit setTypedArrays(Boolean typedArrays)

        Translate primitive arrays to JS typed arrays Default value: true

      • getApiVersion

         abstract String getApiVersion()

        Allow using declarations only from the specified version of bundled libraries Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.9 (experimental)" Default value: null

      • setApiVersion

         abstract Unit setApiVersion(String apiVersion)

        Allow using declarations only from the specified version of bundled libraries Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.9 (experimental)" Default value: null

      • getLanguageVersion

         abstract String getLanguageVersion()

        Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.9 (experimental)" Default value: null

      • setLanguageVersion

         abstract Unit setLanguageVersion(String languageVersion)

        Provide source compatibility with the specified version of Kotlin Possible values: "1.3 (deprecated)", "1.4 (deprecated)", "1.5", "1.6", "1.7", "1.8 (experimental)", "1.9 (experimental)" Default value: null

      • getUseFir

         abstract Boolean getUseFir()

        Compile using Front-end IR. Warning: this feature is far from being production-ready Default value: false

      • setUseFir

         abstract Unit setUseFir(Boolean useFir)

        Compile using Front-end IR. Warning: this feature is far from being production-ready Default value: false

      • getVerbose

         abstract Boolean getVerbose()

        Enable verbose logging output Default value: false

      • setVerbose

         abstract Unit setVerbose(Boolean verbose)

        Enable verbose logging output Default value: false