
Class KotlinNativeBinaryContainer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    kotlin.collections.Collection , kotlin.collections.Iterable , kotlin.collections.MutableCollection , kotlin.collections.MutableIterable , kotlin.collections.MutableSet , kotlin.collections.Set , org.gradle.api.DomainObjectCollection , org.gradle.api.DomainObjectSet

    public abstract class KotlinNativeBinaryContainer
    extends AbstractKotlinNativeBinaryContainer implements DomainObjectSet<NativeBinary>
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      final Project getProject()
      KotlinNativeTarget getTarget()
      final NativeBuildType getDEBUG()
      final NativeBuildType getRELEASE()
      Integer getSize()
      NativeBinary getByName(String name) Returns a binary with the given name.
      NativeBinary findByName(String name) Returns a binary with the given name.
      Executable getExecutable(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns an executable with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      StaticLibrary getStaticLib(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns a static library with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      SharedLibrary getSharedLib(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns a shared library with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      Framework getFramework(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns an Objective-C framework with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      TestExecutable getTest(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns a test executable with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      Executable findExecutable(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns an executable with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      StaticLibrary findStaticLib(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns a static library with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      SharedLibrary findSharedLib(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns a shared library with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      Framework findFramework(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns an Objective-C framework with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      TestExecutable findTest(String namePrefix, NativeBuildType buildType) Returns a test executable with the given namePrefix and the given build type.
      • Methods inherited from class org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.KotlinNativeBinaryContainer

        executable, executable, executable, executable, executable, executable, executable, executable, executable, executable, findExecutable, findExecutable, findExecutable, findFramework, findFramework, findFramework, findSharedLib, findSharedLib, findSharedLib, findStaticLib, findStaticLib, findStaticLib, findTest, findTest, findTest, framework, framework, framework, framework, framework, framework, framework, framework, framework, framework, get, getAt, getExecutable, getExecutable, getExecutable, getFramework, getFramework, getFramework, getSharedLib, getSharedLib, getSharedLib, getStaticLib, getStaticLib, getStaticLib, getTest, getTest, getTest, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, sharedLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, staticLib, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test, test
      • Methods inherited from class org.gradle.api.DomainObjectCollection

        add, addAll, clear, iterator, remove, removeAll, removeIf, retainAll
      • Methods inherited from class kotlin.collections.MutableCollection

        contains, containsAll, isEmpty, parallelStream, spliterator, stream
      • Methods inherited from class kotlin.collections.Collection

      • Methods inherited from class org.gradle.api.DomainObjectSet

        addAllLater, addLater, all, all, configureEach, whenObjectAdded, whenObjectAdded, whenObjectRemoved, whenObjectRemoved, withType, withType
      • Methods inherited from class org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.dsl.AbstractKotlinNativeBinaryContainer

        findAll, matching, matching, withType
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait