
Class DummyFrameworkTask

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    kotlin.Comparable , org.gradle.api.Task , org.gradle.api.internal.DynamicObjectAware , org.gradle.api.internal.TaskInternal , org.gradle.api.plugins.ExtensionAware , org.gradle.util.Configurable

    public class DummyFrameworkTask
    extends DefaultTask

    Creates a dummy framework in the target directory.

    We represent a Kotlin/Native module to CocoaPods as a vendored framework. CocoaPods needs access to such frameworks during installation process to obtain their type (static or dynamic) and configure the Xcode project accordingly. But we cannot build the real framework before installation because it may depend on CocoaPods libraries which are not downloaded and built at this stage. So we create a dummy static framework to allow CocoaPods install our pod correctly and then replace it with the real one during a real build process.

    • Nested Class Summary

      Nested Classes 
      Modifier and Type Class Description
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
    • Method Summary

      Modifier and Type Method Description
      final File getDestinationDir()
      final Provider<String> getFrameworkName()
      final Unit setFrameworkName(@Input() Provider<String> frameworkName)
      final Provider<Boolean> getUseDynamicFramework()
      final Unit setUseDynamicFramework(@Input() Provider<Boolean> useDynamicFramework)
      final Unit create()
      • Methods inherited from class org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.DummyFrameworkTask

        compareTo, configure, dependsOn, doFirst, doFirst, doFirst, doLast, doLast, doLast, finalizedBy, getActions, getAnt, getDependsOn, getDescription, getDestroyables, getDidWork, getEnabled, getExtensions, getFinalizedBy, getGroup, getInputs, getLocalState, getLogger, getLogging, getMustRunAfter, getName, getOutputs, getPath, getProject, getShouldRunAfter, getState, getTaskDependencies, getTemporaryDir, getTimeout, hasProperty, mustRunAfter, onlyIf, onlyIf, property, setActions, setDependsOn, setDescription, setDidWork, setEnabled, setFinalizedBy, setGroup, setMustRunAfter, setOnlyIf, setOnlyIf, setProperty, setShouldRunAfter, shouldRunAfter, usesService
      • Methods inherited from class org.gradle.api.DefaultTask

        appendParallelSafeAction, getAsDynamicObject, getConvention, getIdentityPath, getImpliesSubProjects, getOnlyIf, getRequiredServices, getServices, getSharedResources, getStandardOutputCapture, getTaskActions, getTaskIdentity, getTemporaryDirFactory, hasTaskActions, isEnabled, isHasCustomActions, prependParallelSafeAction, setImpliesSubProjects
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait