
Class Framework

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.gradle.api.Named , org.gradle.api.attributes.HasAttributes

    public final class Framework
    extends AbstractNativeLibrary implements HasAttributes
    • Method Detail

      • setEmbedBitcode

         final Unit setEmbedBitcode(@Deprecated(message = "Use 'embedBitcodeMode' property instead.") BitcodeEmbeddingMode embedBitcode)
      • isStatic

         final Boolean isStatic()

        Specifies if the framework is linked as a static library (false by default).

      • setStatic

         final Unit setStatic(Boolean isStatic)

        Specifies if the framework is linked as a static library (false by default).

      • embedBitcode

         final Unit embedBitcode(String mode)

        Enable or disable embedding bitcode for the framework. The parameter mode is one of the following string constants:

            disable - Don't embed LLVM IR bitcode.
            bitcode - Embed LLVM IR bitcode as data.
                      Has the same effect as the -Xembed-bitcode command line option.
            marker - Embed placeholder LLVM IR data as a marker.
                     Has the same effect as the -Xembed-bitcode-marker command line option.