
Class KotlinAndroidTarget

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    org.gradle.api.Named , org.gradle.api.attributes.HasAttributes , org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.plugin.KotlinTarget

    public abstract class KotlinAndroidTarget
    extends AbstractKotlinTarget
    • Constructor Detail

      • KotlinAndroidTarget

        KotlinAndroidTarget(String targetName, Project project)
    • Method Detail

      • getPublishLibraryVariants

         final List<String> getPublishLibraryVariants()

        Names of the Android library variants that should be published from the target's project within the default publications which are set up if the maven-publish Gradle plugin is applied.

        Item examples:

        • 'release' (in case no product flavors were defined)

        • 'fooRelease' (for the release build type of a flavor 'foo')

        • 'fooBarRelease' (for the release build type multi-dimensional flavors 'foo' and 'bar').

        If set to null, which can also be done with publishAllLibraryVariants, all library variants will be published, but not test or application variants.

      • getPublishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor

         final Boolean getPublishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor()

        If true, a publication will be created per merged product flavor, with the build types used as classifiers for the artifacts published within each publication. If set to false, each Android variant will have a separate publication.

      • setPublishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor

         final Unit setPublishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor(Boolean publishLibraryVariantsGroupedByFlavor)

        If true, a publication will be created per merged product flavor, with the build types used as classifiers for the artifacts published within each publication. If set to false, each Android variant will have a separate publication.

      • publishAllLibraryVariants

         final Unit publishAllLibraryVariants()

        Set up all of the Android library variants to be published from this target's project within the default publications, which are set up if the maven-publish Gradle plugin is applied. This overrides the variants chosen with publishLibraryVariants