Annotation Type PropertyKey

  • @Documented
    public @interface PropertyKey
    Specifies that a method parameter, local variable, field or a method return value must be a valid property key in a specific resource bundle. When a string literal which is not a property key in the specified bundle is passed as a parameter, static analyzers may highlight it as an error. The annotation is also could be used by IDEs to provide completion in string literals passed as parameters.
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      java.lang.String resourceBundle
      The full-qualified name of the resource bundle in which the property keys must be present.
    • Element Detail

      • resourceBundle

        java.lang.String resourceBundle
        The full-qualified name of the resource bundle in which the property keys must be present. Consists of a full-qualified name of the package corresponding to the directory where the resource bundle is located and the base name of the resource bundle (with no locale specifier or extension), separated with a dot.