Annotation Type Language

  • @Retention(CLASS)
    public @interface Language
    Specifies that an element of the program represents a string that is a source code on a specified language. Code editors may use this annotation to enable syntax highlighting, code completion and other features inside the literals that assigned to the annotated variables, passed as arguments to the annotated parameters, or returned from the annotated methods.

    This annotation also could be used as a meta-annotation, to define derived annotations for convenience. E.g. the following annotation could be defined to annotate the strings that represent Java methods:

       @Language(value = "JAVA", prefix = "class X{", suffix = "}")
       @interface JavaMethod {}

    Note that using the derived annotation as meta-annotation is not supported. Meta-annotation works only one level deep.

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      @NonNls java.lang.String value
      Language name like "JAVA", "HTML", "XML", "RegExp", etc.
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      @NonNls java.lang.String prefix
      A constant prefix that is assumed to be implicitly added before the literal.
      @NonNls java.lang.String suffix
      A constant suffix that is assumed to be implicitly added after the literal.
    • Element Detail

      • value

        @NonNls java.lang.String value
        Language name like "JAVA", "HTML", "XML", "RegExp", etc. The complete list of supported languages is not specified. However, at least the following languages should be recognized:
        • "JAVA" - Java programming language
        • "HTML" - HTML
        • "XML" - XML
        • "RegExp" - Regular expression supported by Java Pattern
      • prefix

        @NonNls java.lang.String prefix
        A constant prefix that is assumed to be implicitly added before the literal. This helps to apply proper highlighting when the program element represents only a part of the valid program. E.g. if the method parameter accepts a Java method, it could be annotated as void methodProcessor(@Language(value="JAVA", prefix="class X {", suffix="}").
      • suffix

        @NonNls java.lang.String suffix
        A constant suffix that is assumed to be implicitly added after the literal. See prefix() for details.