Annotation Type RegExp

  • @Documented
    public @interface RegExp
    Specifies that an element of the program represents a string that is a regular expression text supported by Pattern. Code editors may use this annotation to enable syntax highlighting, code completion and other features inside the literals that assigned to the annotated variables, passed as arguments to the annotated parameters, or returned from the annotated methods.
    See Also:
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      @NonNls java.lang.String prefix
      A constant prefix that is assumed to be implicitly added before the regular expression.
      @NonNls java.lang.String suffix
      A constant suffix that is assumed to be implicitly added after the regular expression.
    • Element Detail

      • prefix

        @NonNls java.lang.String prefix
        A constant prefix that is assumed to be implicitly added before the regular expression.
      • suffix

        @NonNls java.lang.String suffix
        A constant suffix that is assumed to be implicitly added after the regular expression.