Class _GFMLexer

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class _GFMLexer
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements GeneratedLexer
    This class is a scanner generated by JFlex 1.7.0 from the specification file gfm.flex
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      _GFMLexer​( in)
      Creates a new scanner
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      org.intellij.markdown.IElementType advance()
      Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
      int getTokenEnd()  
      int getTokenStart()  
      void reset​(java.lang.CharSequence buffer, int start, int end, int initialState)  
      void yybegin​(int newState)
      Enters a new lexical state
      char yycharat​(int pos)
      Returns the character at position pos from the matched text.
      int yylength()
      Returns the length of the matched text region.
      void yypushback​(int number)
      Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream.
      int yystate()
      Returns the current lexical state.
      java.lang.CharSequence yytext()
      Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
      static int ZZ_CMAP​(int ch)
      Translates characters to character classes Chosen bits are [7, 7, 7] Total runtime size is 1928 bytes
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • _GFMLexer

        public _GFMLexer​( in)
        Creates a new scanner
        in - the to read input from.
    • Method Detail

      • ZZ_CMAP

        public static int ZZ_CMAP​(int ch)
        Translates characters to character classes Chosen bits are [7, 7, 7] Total runtime size is 1928 bytes
      • reset

        public void reset​(java.lang.CharSequence buffer,
                          int start,
                          int end,
                          int initialState)
        Specified by:
        reset in interface GeneratedLexer
      • yystate

        public final int yystate()
        Returns the current lexical state.
      • yybegin

        public final void yybegin​(int newState)
        Enters a new lexical state
        newState - the new lexical state
      • yytext

        public final java.lang.CharSequence yytext()
        Returns the text matched by the current regular expression.
      • yycharat

        public final char yycharat​(int pos)
        Returns the character at position pos from the matched text. It is equivalent to yytext().charAt(pos), but faster
        pos - the position of the character to fetch. A value from 0 to yylength()-1.
        the character at position pos
      • yylength

        public final int yylength()
        Returns the length of the matched text region.
      • yypushback

        public void yypushback​(int number)
        Pushes the specified amount of characters back into the input stream. They will be read again by then next call of the scanning method
        number - the number of characters to be read again. This number must not be greater than yylength()!
      • advance

        public org.intellij.markdown.IElementType advance()
        Resumes scanning until the next regular expression is matched, the end of input is encountered or an I/O-Error occurs.
        Specified by:
        advance in interface GeneratedLexer
        the next token
        Throws: - if any I/O-Error occurs