Class BoxAndWhiskerItem

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BoxAndWhiskerItem
extends Object
implements Serializable
Represents one data item within a box-and-whisker dataset. Instances of this class are immutable.
See Also:
Serialized Form
  • Constructor Details

    • BoxAndWhiskerItem

      public BoxAndWhiskerItem​(Number mean, Number median, Number q1, Number q3, Number minRegularValue, Number maxRegularValue, Number minOutlier, Number maxOutlier, List outliers)
      Creates a new box-and-whisker item.
      mean - the mean (null permitted).
      median - the median (null permitted).
      q1 - the first quartile (null permitted).
      q3 - the third quartile (null permitted).
      minRegularValue - the minimum regular value (null permitted).
      maxRegularValue - the maximum regular value (null permitted).
      minOutlier - the minimum outlier (null permitted).
      maxOutlier - the maximum outlier (null permitted).
      outliers - the outliers (null permitted).
    • BoxAndWhiskerItem

      public BoxAndWhiskerItem​(double mean, double median, double q1, double q3, double minRegularValue, double maxRegularValue, double minOutlier, double maxOutlier, List outliers)
      Creates a new box-and-whisker item.
      mean - the mean.
      median - the median
      q1 - the first quartile.
      q3 - the third quartile.
      minRegularValue - the minimum regular value.
      maxRegularValue - the maximum regular value.
      minOutlier - the minimum outlier value.
      maxOutlier - the maximum outlier value.
      outliers - a list of the outliers.
  • Method Details