Class DynamicTimeSeriesCollection

All Implemented Interfaces:
ObjectInputValidation, Serializable, Cloneable, EventListener, DomainInfo, Dataset, SeriesChangeListener, SeriesDataset, RangeInfo, IntervalXYDataset, XYDataset

public class DynamicTimeSeriesCollection
extends AbstractIntervalXYDataset
implements IntervalXYDataset, DomainInfo, RangeInfo
A dynamic dataset.

Like FastTimeSeriesCollection, this class is a functional replacement for JFreeChart's TimeSeriesCollection _and_ TimeSeries classes. FastTimeSeriesCollection is appropriate for a fixed time range; for real-time applications this subclass adds the ability to append new data and discard the oldest. In this class, the arrays used in FastTimeSeriesCollection become FIFO's. NOTE:As presented here, all data is assumed >= 0, an assumption which is embodied only in methods associated with interface RangeInfo.

See Also:
Serialized Form