Class MarshalBuilder

  • public class MarshalBuilder
    extends MarshalUnmarshalBuilder
    Marshalling method builder. Tracks the creation of a marshalling method, including special handling of exceptions that may be generated by object accesses during the marshalling process.
    Dennis M. Sosnoski
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarshalBuilder

        public MarshalBuilder​(String name,
                              ClassFile cf,
                              ClassFile mf)
        Constructor. This sets up for constructing a marshalling method with public access and wrapped exception handling. If the method is being generated directly to the class being marshalled it's built as a virtual method; otherwise, it's done as a static method.
        name - method name to be built
        cf - owning class file information
        mf - method generation class file information
    • Method Detail

      • genExceptionHandler

        public org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle genExceptionHandler()
        Add exception handler code. The implementation of this abstract base class method provides handling specific to a marshalling method.
        Specified by:
        genExceptionHandler in class MarshalUnmarshalBuilder
        handle for first instruction in handler