Class UnmarshalBuilder

  • public class UnmarshalBuilder
    extends MarshalUnmarshalBuilder
    Unmarshalling method builder. Tracks the creation of an unmarshalling method, including special handling of exceptions that may be generated by object accesses during the unmarshalling process.
    Dennis M. Sosnoski
    • Field Detail


        protected static final org.apache.bcel.generic.Type[] SINGLE_STRING_ARGS
    • Constructor Detail

      • UnmarshalBuilder

        public UnmarshalBuilder​(String name,
                                ClassFile cf,
                                ClassFile mf)
        Constructor. This sets up for constructing a static unmarshalling method with public access and wrapped exception handling.
        name - method name to be built
        cf - unmarshal class file information
        mf - method generation class file information
    • Method Detail

      • genExceptionHandler

        public org.apache.bcel.generic.InstructionHandle genExceptionHandler()
        Add exception handler code. The implementation of this abstract base class method provides handling specific to an unmarshalling method.
        Specified by:
        genExceptionHandler in class MarshalUnmarshalBuilder
        handle for first instruction in handler