Class AttributeBase

    • Constructor Detail

      • AttributeBase

        public AttributeBase()
    • Method Detail

      • prevalidate

        public void prevalidate​(ValidationContext vctx)
        Prevalidate attribute information. The prevalidation step is used to check attribute values in isolation, such as the settings for enumerated values and class file information. This empty base class implementation should be overridden by each subclass that requires prevalidation handling.
        vctx - validation context
      • validate

        public void validate​(ValidationContext vctx)
        Validate attribute information. The validation step is used for checking the interactions between attributes, such as references to named elements and namespace usage. The prevalidate(org.jibx.binding.model.ValidationContext) method will always be called for every component in the binding definition before this method is called for any component. This empty base class implementation should be overridden by each subclass that requires validation handling.
        vctx - validation context