Class BindingOrganizer

  • public class BindingOrganizer
    extends Object
    Organizer for a set of bindings under construction. This tracks the individual bindings by default namespace or by associated object (to allow multiple bindings using a single namespace), and manages the relationships between the different bindings.
    Dennis M. Sosnoski
    • Constructor Detail

      • BindingOrganizer

        public BindingOrganizer​(boolean force,
                                boolean track,
                                boolean addcon,
                                boolean in,
                                boolean out,
                                boolean trim)
        Constructor taking flags used with constructed bindings.
        force - force classes flag
        track - track source flag
        addcon - add constructors flag
        in - input binding flag
        out - output binding flag
        trim - trim whitespace flag
    • Method Detail

      • addBinding

        public BindingHolder addBinding​(Object obj,
                                        String uri,
                                        String prefix,
                                        boolean dflt)
        Add a binding to the set in use.
        obj - object associated with binding (can be namespace URI, if only one binding per namespace)
        uri - namespace URI (null if no namespace)
        prefix - namespace prefix (null if not specified, empty string if unprefixed default namespace)
        dflt - namespace is default for elements in binding flag
        created binding holder
      • getBinding

        public BindingHolder getBinding​(Object obj)
        Get the binding associated with a particular control object and namespace, if defined.
        obj - object associated with binding
        binding holder, or null if not yet defined
      • getRequiredBinding

        public BindingHolder getRequiredBinding​(Object obj)
        Get the binding associated with a particular control object.
        obj - object associated with binding (can be namespace URI, if only one binding per namespace)
        binding holder
      • addBindingObject

        public void addBindingObject​(Object obj,
                                     BindingHolder holder)
        Associate a control object with an existing binding. The control object is added in addition to any other control objects for that binding, so that the binding will be returned when any of the control objects is used for look up.
        obj - object associated with binding (can be namespace URI, if only one binding per namespace)
        holder - binding holder
      • addDefaultPrefix

        public void addDefaultPrefix​(String uri,
                                     String pref)
        Set the default prefix for a namespace, if none already set.
        uri - namespace URI
        pref - prefix to be used (empty string if to be default namespace)
      • forceBindingPrefix

        public void forceBindingPrefix​(String prefix,
                                       BindingHolder holder)
        Force specified prefix to be used for binding.
        prefix - Binding prefix
        holder - Binding holder
      • isEqual

        public static boolean isEqual​(Object a,
                                      Object b)
        General object comparison method. Don't know why Sun hasn't seen fit to include this somewhere, but at least it's easy to write (over and over again).
        a - first object to be compared
        b - second object to be compared
        true if both objects are null, or if a.equals(b); false otherwise
      • addTypeNameReference

        public void addTypeNameReference​(BindingHolder hold,
                                         String uri,
                                         Object obj)
        Add reference from binding to a type name defined in the same or another binding.
        hold - binding containing reference
        uri - namespace URI for type name
        obj - object associated with referenced binding
      • addFormat

        public void addFormat​(FormatElement format)
        Add a format definition to the binding.
        format - Format Element
      • iterateBindings

        public Iterator iterateBindings()
        Iterate the collection of bindings. null values may be present in the collection, due to bindings which have been eliminated.
      • addRootUris

        public void addRootUris​(Collection uris)
        Adds a collection of namespace URIs to be referenced at root binding level.
        uris - URIs
      • getKeys

        public List getKeys()
        Get the list of binding key objects.
      • configureFiles

        public BindingHolder configureFiles​(String rootname,
                                            String trgtpack,
                                            List pregens)
        Configure the names to be used for writing bindings to files. If only one binding has been defined, it just gets the supplied name. If multiple bindings have been defined, a single root binding is constructed which includes all the other bindings and defines namespaces for those bindings, all <format> definitions are moved to that root binding, and is is given the supplied name while the other bindings are given unique names within the same directory.
        rootname - file name for root or singleton binding definition
        trgtpack - target package for binding (null if unspecified)
        pregens - pregenerated bindings to be included in root binding
        root or singleton binding holder
      • writeBindings

        public void writeBindings​(File dir)
                           throws org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException,
        Write the bindings to supplied destination path. The configureFiles(String, String, List) must be called before this method is called, in order to configure the file names and complete the root binding definition.
        dir - target directory for writing binding definitions
        org.jibx.runtime.JiBXException - Error
        IOException - I/O Error