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Aes - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Implements a factory for an AES/CTR Cipher.
Aes() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes
Aes.BouncyCastleCipherFactory - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Implements CipherFactory using BouncyCastle.
Aes.OpenSSLCipherFactory - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Implements CipherFactory using Jitsi SRTP's OpenSSL.
Aes.SunJCECipherFactory - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Implements CipherFactory using Sun JCE.
Aes.SunPKCS11CipherFactory - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Implements CipherFactory using Sun PKCS#11.
AESCM_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Counter Mode AES Cipher, defined in Section 4.1.1, RFC3711
AESF8_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
F8 mode AES Cipher, defined in Section 4.1.2, RFC 3711
AESGCM_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Galois/Counter Mode AES Cipher, defined in RFC 7714
AUTH_FAIL - org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
authenticatePacketHmac(ByteArrayBuffer, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Authenticates a packet.


BaseSrtpCryptoContext - Class in org.jitsi.srtp
SrtpCryptoContext class is the core class of SRTP implementation.
BaseSrtpCryptoContext(int, byte[], byte[], SrtpPolicy, Logger) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
BLKLEN - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
BLKLEN - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
block size, just a short name.
BouncyCastleCipherFactory() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes.BouncyCastleCipherFactory


cipher - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Cipher to encrypt packets.
cipher - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
A 128 bits block cipher (AES or TwoFish)
cipherAuthOnly - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpCryptoContext
Secondary cipher for decrypting packets in auth-only mode.
CipherFactory - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Factory which initializes a Cipher that is implemented by a Provider.
CipherFactory(String) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.CipherFactory
Initializes a new CipherFactory instance which is to initialize Ciphers that are implemented by a specific Provider.
CipherFactory(Provider) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.CipherFactory
Initializes a new CipherFactory instance which is to initialize Ciphers that are implemented by a specific Provider.
close() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
close() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
close() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
close() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpContextFactory
Close the transformer engine.
createCipher(String) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes
Initializes a new Cipher instance which implements Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) in some mode.
createCipher(String) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes.OpenSSLCipherFactory
createCipher(String) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.CipherFactory
Creates a cipher with the factory
createMac(Logger) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.HmacSha1
Initializes a new Mac instance which implements a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC) with SHA-1.
ctx - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
the OpenSSL EVP_CIPHER_CTX context


deriveContext(int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpContextFactory
Derives a new SrtpCryptoContext for use with a new SSRC.
deriveControlContext(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpContextFactory
Derives a new SrtcpCryptoContext for use with a new SSRC.
desc - Variable in enum org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
doCipherUpdate(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
Call EVP_CipherUpdate, throwing on failure.
doEngineInit(int, Key) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi


engineDoFinal() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineDoFinal(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi
engineGetBlockSize() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineGetBlockSize() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineGetIV() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineGetIV() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineGetMacLength() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
engineGetOutputSize(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineGetOutputSize(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineGetParameters() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineGetParameters() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameters, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameters, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCtrCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesEcbCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineInit(int, Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec, SecureRandom) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi
engineInit(Key, AlgorithmParameterSpec) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
engineReset() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
engineSetMode(String) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineSetMode(String) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineSetPadding(String) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineSetPadding(String) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineUpdate(byte) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineUpdate(byte[], int, int, byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi
engineUpdateAAD(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
engineUpdateAAD(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi


FAIL - org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
formatReplayWindow(long, long, long) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtpPacketUtils
Formats the current state of an SRTP/SRTCP replay window, for debugging purposes.


getAuthKeyLength() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get the authentication key length
getAuthTagLength() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Gets the authentication tag length of this SRTP cryptographic context
getAuthTagLength() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get the authentication tag length
getAuthType() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get the authentication type
getEncKeyLength() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get the encryption key length
getEncType() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get the encryption type
getExtensionLength(ByteArrayBuffer) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtpPacketUtils
Returns the length of the variable-length part of the header extensions present in an SRTP packet.
getIndex(ByteArrayBuffer, int) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtcpPacketUtils
Get the SRTCP index (sequence number) from an SRTCP packet
getOpenSSLCipher(Key) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
Get the appropriate OpenSSL cipher object for the given key length.
getOpenSSLCipher(Key) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCtrCipherSpi
getOpenSSLCipher(Key) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesEcbCipherSpi
getOpenSSLCipher(Key) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi
getOutputSize(int, boolean) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
getOutputSize(int, boolean) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi
getProvider() - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes.SunPKCS11CipherFactory
Gets the java.security.Provider instance (to be) employed for an (optimized) AES implementation.
getSaltKeyLength() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get the salt key length
getSecretKey(byte[]) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
getSenderSsrc(ByteArrayBuffer) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtcpPacketUtils
Get the sender SSRC of an SRTCP packet.
getSequenceNumber(ByteArrayBuffer) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtpPacketUtils
Reads the sequence number of an SRTP packet.
getSsrc() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Gets the SSRC of this SRTP cryptographic context
getSsrc(ByteArrayBuffer) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtpPacketUtils
Reads the SSRC of an SRTP packet.
getTotalHeaderLength(ByteArrayBuffer) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtpPacketUtils
Gets the total header length of an SRTP packet.


HmacSha1 - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Implements a factory for an HMAC-SHA1 Mac.
HmacSha1() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.HmacSha1
HMACSHA1_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
HMAC SHA1 Authentication, defined in Section 4.2.1, RFC3711


init(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
init(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherCtr
init(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherF8
init(byte[], byte[]) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherGcm
INVALID_PACKET - org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
isLoaded() - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.JitsiOpenSslProvider
isReceiveReplayDisabled() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get whether receive-side RTP replay protection is enabled.
isReceiveReplayEnabled() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get whether receive-side RTP replay protection is enabled.
isSendReplayDisabled() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get whether send-side RTP replay protection is disabled.
isSendReplayEnabled() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Get whether send-side RTP replay protection is enabled.
iv - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
The most recent initialization vector set
ivStore - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Temp store.


JitsiOpenSslProvider - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
JitsiOpenSslProvider() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.JitsiOpenSslProvider


logger - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Logger for BaseSrtpCryptoContext and derived objects.
logger - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpContextFactory
Logger for SrtpContextFactory and derived objects.


mac - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
The HMAC object we used to do packet authentication


NULL_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Null Authentication, no authentication This should be set if GCM or other AEAD encryption is used.
NULL_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Null Cipher, does not change the content of RTP payload


OK - org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
OpenSslAesCipherSpi - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
AES Cipher implementations using OpenSSL via JNI.
OpenSslAesCipherSpi(String) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
OpenSslAesCipherSpi.OpenSslAesCipherSpiCleanable - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
OpenSslAesCipherSpiCleanable() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi.OpenSslAesCipherSpiCleanable
OpenSslAesCtrCipherSpi - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
AES-CTR Cipher implementation using OpenSSL via JNI.
OpenSslAesCtrCipherSpi() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCtrCipherSpi
OpenSslAesEcbCipherSpi - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
AES-ECB Cipher implementation using OpenSSL via JNI.
OpenSslAesEcbCipherSpi() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesEcbCipherSpi
OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
AES-GCM auth-only Cipher SPI.
OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmAuthOnlyCipherSpi
OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
AES-GCM Cipher implementation using OpenSSL via JNI.
OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesGcmCipherSpi
OpenSSLCipherFactory() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes.OpenSSLCipherFactory
OpenSslHmacSpi - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
Implements the interface MacSpi using the OpenSSL Crypto library.
OpenSslHmacSpi() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslHmacSpi
Initializes a new of this class for HMAC-SHA1.
opmode - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi
The Cipher operation mode with which the cipher was initialized.
org.jitsi.srtp - package org.jitsi.srtp
org.jitsi.srtp.crypto - package org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
org.jitsi.srtp.utils - package org.jitsi.srtp.utils


policy - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Encryption / Authentication policy for this session
process(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
process(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherCtr
process(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherF8
process(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherGcm
processAAD(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
processAAD(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherCtr
processAAD(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherF8
processAAD(byte[], int, int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherGcm
provider - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.CipherFactory
The Provider which provides the implementations of the Ciphers to be initialized by this instance.


rbStore - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Temp store.
REPLAY_FAIL - org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
REPLAY_OLD - org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
REPLAY_WINDOW_SIZE - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
The replay check windows size.
replayWindow - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Bit mask for replay check
reverseTransformPacket(ByteArrayBuffer) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtcpCryptoContext
Transform a SRTCP packet into a RTCP packet.
reverseTransformPacket(ByteArrayBuffer, boolean) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpCryptoContext
Transforms an SRTP packet into an RTP packet.
run() - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.OpenSslAesCipherSpi.OpenSslAesCipherSpiCleanable


saltKey - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Derived session salting key
setAuthKeyLength(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set the authentication key length
setAuthTagLength(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set the authentication tag length
setAuthType(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set the authentication type
setEncKeyLength(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set the encryption key length
setEncType(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set the encryption type
setFactoryClassName(String) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes
Set the class to use as the factory class for AES cryptography.
setIV(byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
setIV(byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherCtr
setIV(byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherF8
setIV(byte[], int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherGcm
setReceiveReplayEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set whether receive-side RTP replay protection is to be enabled.
setSaltKeyLength(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set the salt key length
setSendReplayEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Set whether send-side RTP replay protection is to be enabled.
SKEIN_AUTHENTICATION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Skein Authentication
SrtcpCryptoContext - Class in org.jitsi.srtp
SrtcpCryptoContext class is the core class of SRTCP implementation.
SrtcpCryptoContext(int, byte[], byte[], SrtpPolicy, Logger) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtcpCryptoContext
Construct a normal SrtcpCryptoContext based on the given parameters.
SrtcpPacketUtils - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.utils
SrtcpPacket is the low-level utilities to get the data fields needed by SRTCP.
SrtcpPacketUtils() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtcpPacketUtils
SrtpCipher - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
SRTP encryption.
SrtpCipher(Cipher) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipher
SrtpCipherCtr - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
SRTP encryption in CTR mode.
SrtpCipherCtr(Cipher) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherCtr
SrtpCipherF8 - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
SrtpCipherF8 implements Srtp F8 Mode Encryption for 128 bits block cipher.
SrtpCipherF8(Cipher) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherF8
SrtpCipherGcm - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.crypto
SRTP encryption in GCM mode.
SrtpCipherGcm(Cipher) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.SrtpCipherGcm
SrtpContextFactory - Class in org.jitsi.srtp
The SrtpContextFactory creates the initial crypto contexts for RTP and RTCP encryption using the supplied key material.
SrtpContextFactory(boolean, byte[], byte[], SrtpPolicy, SrtpPolicy, Logger) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpContextFactory
Construct a SrtpTransformEngine based on given master encryption key, master salt key and Srtp/Srtcp policy.
SrtpCryptoContext - Class in org.jitsi.srtp
SrtpCryptoContext class is the core class of SRTP implementation.
SrtpCryptoContext(boolean, int, int, byte[], byte[], SrtpPolicy, Logger) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpCryptoContext
Constructs a normal SrtpCryptoContext based on the given parameters.
SrtpErrorStatus - Enum in org.jitsi.srtp
SrtpPacketUtils - Class in org.jitsi.srtp.utils
SrtpPacket is the low-level utilities to get the data fields needed by SRTP.
SrtpPacketUtils() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtpPacketUtils
SrtpPolicy - Class in org.jitsi.srtp
SrtpPolicy holds the SRTP encryption / authentication policy of a SRTP session.
SrtpPolicy(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Construct a SrtpPolicy object based on given parameters.
ssrc - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
RTP/RTCP SSRC of this cryptographic context
SunJCECipherFactory() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes.SunJCECipherFactory
SunPKCS11CipherFactory() - Constructor for class org.jitsi.srtp.crypto.Aes.SunPKCS11CipherFactory
Initializes a new instance of this class.


tempStore - Variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
this is a working store, used by some methods to avoid new operations the methods must use this only to store results for immediate processing
transformPacket(ByteArrayBuffer) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtcpCryptoContext
Transform a RTCP packet into a SRTCP packet.
transformPacket(ByteArrayBuffer) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpCryptoContext
Transforms an RTP packet into an SRTP packet.
TWOFISH_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
Counter Mode TwoFish Cipher
TWOFISHF8_ENCRYPTION - Static variable in class org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpPolicy
F8 Mode TwoFish Cipher


validatePacketLength(ByteArrayBuffer, int) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtcpPacketUtils
Validate that the contents of a ByteArrayBuffer could contain a valid SRTCP packet.
validatePacketLength(ByteArrayBuffer, int) - Static method in class org.jitsi.srtp.utils.SrtpPacketUtils
Validate that the contents of a ByteArrayBuffer could contain a valid SRTP packet.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jitsi.srtp.SrtpErrorStatus
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


writeRoc(int) - Method in class org.jitsi.srtp.BaseSrtpCryptoContext
Writes roc / index to the rbStore buffer.
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