Class DefaultParser.ArgumentList

All Implemented Interfaces:
CompletingParsedLine, ParsedLine
Enclosing class:

public class DefaultParser.ArgumentList extends Object implements ParsedLine, CompletingParsedLine
The result of a delimited buffer.
Marc Prud'hommeaux
  • Constructor Details

    • ArgumentList

      @Deprecated public ArgumentList(String line, List<String> words, int wordIndex, int wordCursor, int cursor)
    • ArgumentList

      public ArgumentList(String line, List<String> words, int wordIndex, int wordCursor, int cursor, String openingQuote, int rawWordCursor, int rawWordLength)
      line - the command line being edited
      words - the list of words
      wordIndex - the index of the current word in the list of words
      wordCursor - the cursor position within the current word
      cursor - the cursor position within the line
      openingQuote - the opening quote (usually '\"' or '\'') or null
      rawWordCursor - the cursor position inside the raw word (i.e. including quotes and escape characters)
      rawWordLength - the raw word length, including quotes and escape characters
  • Method Details

    • wordIndex

      public int wordIndex()
      Description copied from interface: ParsedLine
      The index of the current word in the list of words.
      Specified by:
      wordIndex in interface ParsedLine
      the index of the current word in the list of words
    • word

      public String word()
      Description copied from interface: ParsedLine
      The current word being completed. If the cursor is after the last word, an empty string is returned.
      Specified by:
      word in interface ParsedLine
      the word being completed or an empty string
    • wordCursor

      public int wordCursor()
      Description copied from interface: ParsedLine
      The cursor position within the current word.
      Specified by:
      wordCursor in interface ParsedLine
      the cursor position within the current word
    • words

      public List<String> words()
      Description copied from interface: ParsedLine
      The list of words.
      Specified by:
      words in interface ParsedLine
      the list of words
    • cursor

      public int cursor()
      Description copied from interface: ParsedLine
      The cursor position within the line.
      Specified by:
      cursor in interface ParsedLine
      the cursor position within the line
    • line

      public String line()
      Description copied from interface: ParsedLine
      The unparsed line.
      Specified by:
      line in interface ParsedLine
      the unparsed line
    • escape

      public CharSequence escape(CharSequence candidate, boolean complete)
      Specified by:
      escape in interface CompletingParsedLine
    • rawWordCursor

      public int rawWordCursor()
      Specified by:
      rawWordCursor in interface CompletingParsedLine
    • rawWordLength

      public int rawWordLength()
      Specified by:
      rawWordLength in interface CompletingParsedLine