All Classes and Interfaces

Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together.
A Completer implementation that invokes a child completer using the appropriate separator argument.
Marker interface for objects bound to key sequences.
The BindingReader will transform incoming chars into key bindings
A holder for a StringBuilder that also contains the current cursor position.
A completion candidate.
A completer is the mechanism by which tab-completion candidates will be resolved.
An extension of ParsedLine that, being aware of the quoting and escaping rules of the Parser that produced it, knows if and how a completion candidate should be escaped/quoted.
History using a file for persistent backing.
This exception is thrown by LineReader.readLine() when user the user types ctrl-D).
Completer for Enum names.
use org.jline.builtins.Completers$FileNameCompleter instead
Console history.
The KeyMap class contains all bindings from keys to operations.
The kill ring class keeps killed text in a fixed size ring.
Read lines from the console, with input editing.
A reader for terminal applications.
Possible states in which the current readline operation may be in.
Callback used to mask parts of the line
Null completer.
ParsedLine objects are returned by the Parser during completion or when accepting the line.
Redirects a Writer to a LineReader's LineReader.printAbove(String) method, which draws output above the current prompt / input line.
A reference to a Widget.
Simple MaskingCallback that will replace all the characters in the line with the given mask.
Completer for a set of strings.
Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together.
Simple undo tree.
This exception is thrown by LineReader.readLine() when user interrupt handling is enabled and the user types the interrupt character (ctrl-C).