Interface TerminalExt

All Superinterfaces:
AutoCloseable, Closeable, Flushable, Terminal
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractPosixTerminal, AbstractTerminal, AbstractWindowsTerminal, DumbTerminal, ExternalTerminal, LineDisciplineTerminal, PosixPtyTerminal, PosixSysTerminal

public interface TerminalExt extends Terminal
The TerminalExt interface is implemented by Terminals and provides access to the Terminal's internals.
  • Method Details

    • getProvider

      TerminalProvider getProvider()
      Returns the TerminalProvider that created this terminal or null if the terminal was created with no provider.
    • getSystemStream

      SystemStream getSystemStream()
      The underlying system stream, may be SystemStream.Output, SystemStream.Error, or null if this terminal is not bound to a system stream.