All Classes and Interfaces

CommandRegistry common methods.
The AbstractWindowsTerminal is used as the base class for windows terminal.
Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together.
Provides a fluent API for generating ANSI escape sequences.
Display attributes, also know as SGR (Select Graphic Rendition) parameters.
ANSI 8 colors for fluent API
ED (Erase in Display) / EL (Erase in Line) parameter (see CSI sequence J and K)
Colors support.
Provides consistent access to an ANSI aware console PrintStream or an ANSI codes stripping PrintStream if not on a terminal (see Jansi native CLibrary isatty(int)).
Main class for the library, providing executable jar to diagnose Jansi setup.
Ansi mode.
A ANSI print stream extracts ANSI escape codes written to an output stream and calls corresponding AnsiProcessor.process* methods.
Simple PrintStream holding an AnsiOutputStream.
ANSI processor providing process* corresponding to ANSI escape codes.
Renders ANSI color escape-codes in strings by parsing out some special syntax to pick up the correct fluff to use.
Processor type.
A ANSI writer extracts ANSI escape codes written to a Writer and calls corresponding process* methods.
A Completer implementation that invokes a child completer using the appropriate separator argument.
Attributed string.
Attributed string builder
Text styling.
Control characters
Input flags - software input processing
Creates and manages widgets that auto-closes, deletes and skips over matching delimiters intelligently.
Creates and manages widgets for as you type command line suggestions.
Marker interface for objects bound to key sequences.
The BindingReader will transform incoming chars into key bindings
A holder for a StringBuilder that also contains the current cursor position.
Builtins: create tab completers, execute and create descriptions for builtins commands.
A completion candidate.
Interface to access some low level POSIX functions,.
termios structure for termios functions, describing a general terminal interface that is provided to control asynchronous communications ports
Window sizes.
Color palette
Helper class for dealing with color rounding.
Ansi processor to process color conversion if needed.
Store command information, compile tab completers and execute registered commands.
A completer is the mechanism by which tab-completion candidates will be resolved.
A file name completer takes the buffer and issues a list of potential completions.
An extension of ParsedLine that, being aware of the quoting and escaping rules of the Parser that produced it, knows if and how a completion candidate should be escaped/quoted.
Class that implements a connection with this telnet daemon.
An utility class that is used to store and allow retrieval of all data associated with a connection.
Class implementing a ConnectionEvent.
These events are used to communicate things that are supposed to be handled within the application context.
Interface defining a generic IP level connection filter.
Due to the fact that this task depends heavily on application context, I chose a very generic way of applying IP level connection filtering.
Interface to be implemented if a class wants to qualify as a ConnectionListener.
Note that a Shell is per contract also forced to implement this interface.
Class that takes care for active and queued connection.
Manage console variables, commands and script executions.
Manage console variables, commands and script execution.
Curses helper methods.
Class holding the cursor position.
History using a file for persistent backing.
Print highlighted objects to console.
Class containing the diff method.
Class representing one diff operation.
The data structure representing a diff is a Linked list of Diff objects: {Diff(Operation.DELETE, "Hello"), Diff(Operation.INSERT, "Goodbye"), Diff(Operation.EQUAL, " world.")} which means: delete "Hello", add "Goodbye" and keep " world."
Handle display and visual cursor.
This exception is thrown by LineReader.readLine() when user the user types ctrl-D).
Completer for Enum names.
Helper methods for running unix commands.
Console implementation with embedded line disciplined.
A simple buffering output stream with no synchronization.
A simple buffering output stream with no synchronization.
use org.jline.builtins.Completers$FileNameCompleter instead
Console history.
Infocmp helper methods.
A class for turning a byte stream into a character stream.
CommandRegistry common methods for JLine commands that are using HelpException.
Interface to access some low level.
Set the system properties, library.jline.path,, appropriately so that jline can find *.dll, *.jnilib and *.so files, according to the current OS (win, linux, mac).
Interface to access Win32 base APIs.
The KeyMap class contains all bindings from keys to operations.
The kill ring class keeps killed text in a fixed size ring.
The Damerau-Levenshtein Algorithm is an extension to the Levenshtein Algorithm which solves the edit distance problem between a source string and a target string with the following operations: Character Insertion Character Deletion Character Replacement Adjacent Character Swap Note that the adjacent character swap operation is an edit that may be applied when two adjacent characters in the source string match two adjacent characters in the target string, but in reverse order, rather than a general allowance for adjacent character swaps.
Abstract terminal with support for line discipline.
Read lines from the console, with input editing.
A reader for terminal applications.
Possible states in which the current readline operation may be in.
Internal logger.
Callback used to mask parts of the line
In-memory StyleSource.
NFA implementation.
Non blocking input stream
This class wraps a regular input stream and allows it to appear as if it is non-blocking; that is, reads can be performed against it that timeout if no data is seen for a period of time.
Non blocking reader
This class wraps a regular reader and allows it to appear as if it is non-blocking; that is, reads can be performed against it that timeout if no data is seen for a period of time.
StyleSource which always returns null.
Null completer.
Yet another GNU long options parser.
Exception thrown when using the --help option on a built-in command.
Provides OS name and architecture name.
ParsedLine objects are returned by the Parser during completion or when accepting the line.
Class that implements a PortListener.
If available, it accepts incoming connections and passes them to an associated ConnectionManager.
Redirects a Writer to a LineReader's LineReader.printAbove(String) method, which draws output above the current prompt / input line.
Print object to the console.
A reference to a Widget.
Screen terminal implementation.
Manage scriptEngine variables, statements and script execution.
SSHD Command factory which provides access to Shell.
Manages the JLine shutdown-hook thread and tasks to execute on shutdown.
Essentially a Runnable which allows running to throw an exception.
Signals helpers.
Simple MaskingCallback that will replace all the characters in the line with the given mask.
Completer for a set of strings.
Marker for proxy-based style bundles.
Provide default style-specification.
Provides the style group-name.
Allows overriding the style-name.
Styled PrintWriter which is aware of StyleExpression syntax.
Provides @{style value} expression evaluation.
Factory to create styled strings.
Style facade.
Resolves named (or source-referenced) AttributedStyle.
Resolves named (or source-referenced) AttributedStyle.
Provides the source of style configuration.
Java implementation of nanorc highlighter
Completer which contains multiple completers and aggregates them together.
Highlight command and language syntax using nanorc highlighter.
Aggregate command registries and dispatch command executions.
Manage systemRegistry store
Aggregate command registries.
Creates and manages widgets for as you type command line suggestions.
Class that represents the TelnetIO implementation.
A terminal representing a virtual terminal on the computer.
Builder class to create terminals.
The TerminalExt interface is implemented by Terminals and provides access to the Terminal's internals.
Helper class ti use during I/O operations with an eventual timeout.
Terminal multiplexer
Thread Top implementation.
Simple undo tree.
This exception is thrown by LineReader.readLine() when user interrupt handling is enabled and the user types the interrupt character (ctrl-C).
Create custom widgets by extending Widgets class
A Windows ANSI escape processor, that uses JNA to access native platform API's to change the console attributes (see Jansi native Kernel32).
A Windows ANSI escape processor, that uses JNA to access native platform API's to change the console attributes.
A Windows ANSI escape processor, uses JNA to access native platform API's to change the console attributes.
A Windows ANSI escape processor, that uses JNA to access native platform API's to change the console attributes.
Redirects an OutputStream to a Writer by decoding the data using the specified Charset.