jMonkeyEngine 3.8.0-alpha3 jme3-core Javadoc

Contains the basic annotations to be used by all type systems and meta-annotations to qualify annotations (qualifiers).
central classes of the "new" animation system (the one using AnimComposer and tweens)
interpolation support for the "new" animation system
tweening support for the "new" animation system
actions and blending support for the "new" animation system
utility classes that support the "new" animation system
access loadable assets on the classpath, in a filesystem, or on the Web
audio support, including music and sound effects
audio support based on the OpenAL API
audio formats supported across all platforms
bounding volumes for collision detection and scene-graph culling
cinematics, for programming cutscenes and the like
events for use in cinematics
scene-based (non-physics) collision detection
bounding interval hierarchies (BIH) for use in collision detection
cursor formats supported across all platforms
particle influencers for use in special effects
emitter shapes for use in particle effects
generate lighting environments for physically-based rendering (PBR)
supplemental classes for generating lighting environments
utilities for generating lighting environments
load and save assets in jMonkeyEngine's native formats, including J3O
J3O format (jMonkeyEngine's native binary format)
render letters, numbers, and other glyphs
font formats supported across all platforms
the J3M asset format
This package contains an API for using OpenCL together with jME3.
performance profiling
rendering based on OpenGL (Open Graphics Library)
determine the order in which geometries are rendered
meshes for debug visualizations
visualize for animation armatures for debugging
share mesh data across multiple geometries
generate meshes for various geometric shapes
manage and manipulate OpenGL shaders
simulate shadows using filters or renderers
interface with the underlying operating system
textures for applying image data to 3-D geometries
display 2-D images
utility classes and miscellaneous useful algorithms
parse block-structured languages that use braces and semicolons
generate deep clones of objects
generate tangents for models using the mikktspace algorithm
utilities for parsing XML