Interface JobServerFilter

All Superinterfaces:

public interface JobServerFilter extends JobFilter
A filter that is triggered each time that:
  • a Job starts processing
  • a Job has been processed
  • a Job succeeds
  • a Job fails
  • a Job fails after all retries are exhausted

Can be useful for adding extra logging, ... .

Please note: Any JobFilter should process really fast. If it is repeatedly slow, it'll negatively impact the performance of JobRunr.

  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    default void
    This hook is called when a Job failed and will not be retried anymore (due to the fact that the retries are exhausted).
    default void
    This hook is called when the Job starts processing
    default void
    This hook is called when the Job processing failed (note that the job still has the PROCESSING state).
    default void
    This hook is called when the Job processing succeeded (note that the job still has the PROCESSING state).
  • Method Details

    • onProcessing

      default void onProcessing(Job job)
      This hook is called when the Job starts processing
      job - the job that will be processed
    • onProcessingSucceeded

      default void onProcessingSucceeded(Job job)
      This hook is called when the Job processing succeeded (note that the job still has the PROCESSING state).
      job - the job that has been processed successfully.
    • onProcessingFailed

      default void onProcessingFailed(Job job, Exception e)
      This hook is called when the Job processing failed (note that the job still has the PROCESSING state).
      job - the job that has been processed successfully.
      e - the exception that occurred.
    • onFailedAfterRetries

      default void onFailedAfterRetries(Job job)
      This hook is called when a Job failed and will not be retried anymore (due to the fact that the retries are exhausted).
      job - the job that failed.