Interface GeneratorStrategy

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGeneratorStrategy, DefaultGeneratorStrategy, JPrefixGeneratorStrategy, JVMArgsGeneratorStrategy, KeepNamesGeneratorStrategy, MatcherStrategy

public interface GeneratorStrategy
A strategy for naming various artefacts generated from Definition's
Lukas Eder
  • Method Details

    • getTargetDirectory

      String getTargetDirectory()
      The target directory
    • setTargetDirectory

      void setTargetDirectory(String directory)
      Initialise the target directory
    • getTargetPackage

      String getTargetPackage()
      Get the target package for the current configuration
    • setTargetPackage

      void setTargetPackage(String packageName)
      Initialise the target package name
    • getTargetLocale

      Locale getTargetLocale()
      Get the target locale for the current configuration
    • setTargetLocale

      void setTargetLocale(Locale targetLocale)
      Initialise the target locale
    • getTargetLanguage

      Language getTargetLanguage()
      Get the target language for the current configuration
    • setTargetLanguage

      void setTargetLanguage(Language targetLanguage)
      Initialise the target language
    • setInstanceFields

      void setInstanceFields(boolean instanceFields)
      Whether fields are instance fields (as opposed to static fields)
    • getInstanceFields

      boolean getInstanceFields()
      Whether fields are instance fields (as opposed to static fields)
    • setJavaBeansGettersAndSetters

      void setJavaBeansGettersAndSetters(boolean javaBeansGettersAndSetters)
      Whether getters and setters should be generated JavaBeans style (or jOOQ style).
    • getJavaBeansGettersAndSetters

      boolean getJavaBeansGettersAndSetters()
      Whether getters and setters should be generated JavaBeans style (or jOOQ style).
    • getJavaEnumLiteral

      String getJavaEnumLiteral(EnumDefinition definition, String literal)
      This is applied to enum literals of a given EnumDefinition.
      The Java identifier representing this enum literal, e.g. [OK]
    • getJavaEnumLiterals

      List<String> getJavaEnumLiterals(EnumDefinition definition, Collection<? extends String> literals)
      See Also:
    • getJavaEnumLiterals

      List<String> getJavaEnumLiterals(EnumDefinition definition, String... literals)
      See Also:
    • getJavaIdentifier

      String getJavaIdentifier(Definition definition)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in reference static and instance members. For instance, the reference instance of a TableDefinition is a java identifier
      The Java identifier representing this object, e.g. [my_table]
    • getJavaIdentifiers

      List<String> getJavaIdentifiers(Collection<? extends Definition> definitions)
      See Also:
    • getJavaIdentifiers

      List<String> getJavaIdentifiers(Definition... definitions)
      See Also:
    • getFullJavaIdentifier

      String getFullJavaIdentifier(Definition definition)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in reference static and instance members. For instance, the reference instance of a TableDefinition is a java identifier
      The Java identifier representing this object, e.g. [my_table]
    • getFullJavaIdentifiers

      List<String> getFullJavaIdentifiers(Collection<? extends Definition> definitions)
      See Also:
    • getFullJavaIdentifiers

      List<String> getFullJavaIdentifiers(Definition... definitions)
      See Also:
    • getJavaSetterName

      String getJavaSetterName(Definition definition)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in setters of a container. For example, the definition could be a ColumnDefinition, the container a TableDefinition. Then this would apply to records and POJOs. Also, the definition could be an AttributeDefinition and the container a UDTDefinition

      This is the same as calling getJavaSetterName(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)

      The Java setter method name representing this object, e.g. [setMyTable]
    • getJavaSetterName

      String getJavaSetterName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in setters of a container. For example, the definition could be a ColumnDefinition, the container a TableDefinition. Then this would apply to records and POJOs. Also, the definition could be an AttributeDefinition and the container a UDTDefinition
      The Java setter method name representing this object, e.g. [setMyTable]
    • getJavaGetterName

      String getJavaGetterName(Definition definition)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in getters of a container. For example, the definition could be a ColumnDefinition, the container a TableDefinition. Then this would apply to records and POJOs. Also, the definition could be an AttributeDefinition and the container a UDTDefinition

      This is the same as calling getJavaGetterName(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)

      The Java getter method name representing this object, e.g. [getMyTable]
    • getJavaGetterName

      String getJavaGetterName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in getters of a container. For example, the definition could be a ColumnDefinition, the container a TableDefinition. Then this would apply to records and POJOs. Also, the definition could be an AttributeDefinition and the container a UDTDefinition
      The Java getter method name representing this object, e.g. [getMyTable]
    • getJavaMethodName

      String getJavaMethodName(Definition definition)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in methods. For example, the definition could be a RoutineDefinition

      This is the same as calling getJavaMethodName(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)

      The Java method name representing this object, e.g. [myFunction]
    • getJavaMethodName

      String getJavaMethodName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      This is applied to definitions that can result in methods. For example, the definition could be a RoutineDefinition
      The Java method name representing this object, e.g. [myFunction]
    • getGlobalReferencesJavaClassExtends

      String getGlobalReferencesJavaClassExtends(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The super class name of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g. [com.example.AbstractPojo]. If this returns null or an empty string, then no super class is extended.
    • getJavaClassExtends

      String getJavaClassExtends(Definition definition)
      This is the same as calling getJavaClassExtends(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)
      The super class name of the Java class representing this object, e.g. [com.example.AbstractPojo]. If this returns null or an empty string, then no super class is extended.
    • getJavaClassExtends

      String getJavaClassExtends(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The super class name of the Java class representing this object, e.g. [com.example.AbstractPojo]. If this returns null or an empty string, then no super class is extended.
    • getGlobalReferencesJavaClassImplements

      List<String> getGlobalReferencesJavaClassImplements(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The implemented interface names of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g. [com.example.Pojo]. If this returns null or an empty list, then no interfaces are implemented.
    • getJavaClassImplements

      List<String> getJavaClassImplements(Definition definition)
      This is the same as calling getJavaClassImplements(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)
      The implemented interface names of the Java class name representing this object, e.g. [com.example.Pojo] If this returns null or an empty list, then no interfaces are implemented.
    • getJavaClassImplements

      List<String> getJavaClassImplements(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The implemented interface names of the Java class name representing this object, e.g. [com.example.Pojo]. If this returns null or an empty list, then no interfaces are implemented.
    • getGlobalReferencesJavaClassName

      String getGlobalReferencesJavaClassName(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The Java class name of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g. [MyTableSuffix]
    • getJavaClassName

      String getJavaClassName(Definition definition)
      This is the same as calling getJavaClassName(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)
      The Java class name representing this object, e.g. [MyTable]
    • getJavaClassName

      String getJavaClassName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The Java class name representing this object, e.g. [MyTableSuffix]
    • getGlobalReferencesJavaPackageName

      String getGlobalReferencesJavaPackageName(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The Java package name of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g. [org.jooq.generated]
    • getJavaPackageName

      String getJavaPackageName(Definition definition)
      This is the same as calling getJavaPackageName(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)
      The Java package name of this object, e.g. [org.jooq.generated]
    • getJavaPackageName

      String getJavaPackageName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The Java package name of this object, e.g. [org.jooq.generated]
    • getJavaMemberName

      String getJavaMemberName(Definition definition)
      The "java member name" is applied where a definition is used as a member (for POJOs) or as a method argument (for setters). Example definitions are This is the same as calling getJavaMemberName(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)
      The Java class name representing this object, starting with a lower case character, e.g. [myTable]
    • getJavaMemberName

      String getJavaMemberName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The "java member name" is applied where a definition is used as a member (for POJOs) or as a method argument (for setters). Example definitions are
      The Java class name representing this object, starting with a lower case character, e.g. [myTableSuffix]
    • getGlobalReferencesFullJavaClassName

      String getGlobalReferencesFullJavaClassName(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The full Java class name of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g. [org.jooq.generated.MyTable]
    • getFullJavaClassName

      String getFullJavaClassName(Definition definition)
      The full Java class name representing this object, e.g. [org.jooq.generated.MyTable]
    • getFullJavaClassName

      String getFullJavaClassName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      This is the same as calling getFullJavaClassName(definition, Mode.DEFAULT)
      The full Java class name representing this object, e.g. [org.jooq.generated.MyTable][suffix]
    • getGlobalReferencesFileName

      String getGlobalReferencesFileName(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The Java class file name of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g. []
    • getFileName

      String getFileName(Definition definition)
      The Java class file name representing this object, e.g. []
    • getFileName

      String getFileName(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The Java class file name representing this object, e.g. []
    • getFileRoot

      File getFileRoot()
      The directory containing all Java objects, e.g. [C:\org\jooq\generated]
    • getGlobalReferencesFile

      File getGlobalReferencesFile(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The Java class file name of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g. [C:\org\jooq\generated\]
    • getFile

      File getFile(Definition definition)
      The Java class file name representing this object, e.g. [C:\org\jooq\generated\]
    • getFile

      File getFile(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The Java class file name representing this object, e.g. [C:\org\jooq\generated\]
    • getFile

      File getFile(String fileName)
      The Java class file name representing this object, e.g. [C:\org\jooq\generated\fileName]
    • getGlobalReferencesFileHeader

      String getGlobalReferencesFileHeader(Definition container, Class<? extends Definition> objectType)
      The Java class file header of the global references class for a given definition type, e.g.
       This file is generated by jOOQ.
    • getFileHeader

      String getFileHeader(Definition definition)
      The Java class file header, e.g.
       This file is generated by jOOQ.
    • getFileHeader

      String getFileHeader(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode)
      The Java class file header, e.g.
       This file is generated by jOOQ.
    • getOverloadSuffix

      String getOverloadSuffix(Definition definition, GeneratorStrategy.Mode mode, String overloadIndex)
      The overload suffix to be applied when generating overloaded routine artefacts, e.g. "_OverloadIndex_" + overloadIndex