

package input

  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AstCursor extends CursorFailures

    AstCursor provides a cursor over the muster AST

  2. final case class ByteArrayConsumable(value: Array[Byte]) extends Consumable[Array[Byte]] with Product with Serializable

    A byte array consumable wraps a byte array to read

  3. final case class ByteBufferConsumable(value: ByteBuffer) extends Consumable[ByteBuffer] with Product with Serializable

    A byte buffer consumable wraps a byte buffer to read

  4. final case class ByteChannelConsumable(value: ReadableByteChannel) extends Consumable[ReadableByteChannel] with Product with Serializable

    A readable byte channel consumable wraps a readable byte channel

  5. trait Consumable[T] extends AnyRef

    A Consumable abstracts over various input sources and allows for picking a particular type of adapter based on the type of the concrete consumer

  6. trait Consumer[S] extends AnyRef

    The type class that allows for reading streams and building objects from those streams.

  7. trait CursorFailures extends AnyRef

    Groups all the error generation methods together

  8. final case class FileConsumable(value: File) extends Consumable[File] with Product with Serializable

    A file consumable wraps a file

  9. trait ImplementationForwarders extends AnyRef

  10. trait InputCursor[R] extends AstCursor

  11. trait InputFormat[R, C <: InputCursor[_]] extends AnyRef

  12. final case class InputStreamConsumable(value: InputStream) extends Consumable[InputStream] with Product with Serializable

    An input stream consumable wraps an input stream

  13. final case class ReaderConsumable(value: Reader) extends Consumable[Reader] with Product with Serializable

    A reader consumable wraps a reader

  14. final case class StringConsumable(value: String) extends Consumable[String] with Product with Serializable

    A string consumable wraps a string to read

  15. final case class URLConsumable(value: URL) extends Consumable[URL] with Product with Serializable

    A URL consumable reads from a url

Value Members

  1. object Consumable

    The Consumable companion object contains the default implicit conversions

  2. object Consumer

    Contains the macro implementation for the muster.input.Consumer type class and a bunch of default implementations
