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addChild(N) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.ChildrenBuilder
Adds a new child to the associated node.
addChild(N, Consumer<? super DirectedGraph.ChildrenBuilder<N>>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.ChildrenBuilder
Adds a new child to the associated node and continues with adding children to the newly added child node.
addChildren(Collection<? extends N>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.ChildrenBuilder
Adds new children to the associated node.
addNode(N) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.Builder
Adds a node to the graph and returns a ChildrenBuilder which can be used to define the children of the given node.
addNode(N, Consumer<? super DirectedGraph.ChildrenBuilder<N>>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.Builder
Adds a node to the graph and immediately allows configuring its children.
addNode(TaskNodeKey<?, ?>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.CollectingTaskGraphBuilder
Adds a node to the task execution graph.
addNode(TaskNodeKey<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilder
Adds a node to the task execution graph.
addNodeWithChildren(N, Collection<? extends N>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.Builder
Adds a node to the graph and immediately add some children to that node.
addResultNodeKey(TaskNodeKey<?, ?>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Declares that the result of the node identified by the given TaskNodeKey is to be delivered to the TaskGraphExecutionResult.
addResultNodeKeys(Collection<? extends TaskNodeKey<?, ?>>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Declares that the result of the nodes identified by the given TaskNodeKeys are to be delivered to the TaskGraphExecutionResult.


bindInput(Class<I>, Class<A>, A) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskInputBinder
Declares that the task node action created will need the output of the task node specified by the given key.
bindInput(TaskFactoryKey<I, A>, A) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskInputBinder
Declares that the task node action created will need the output of the task node specified by the given key.
bindInput(TaskNodeKey<I, A>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskInputBinder
Declares that the task node action created will need the output of the task node specified by the given key.
build() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.CollectingTaskGraphDefConfigurer
Creates a TaskGraphBuilder through which you will be able to create the initial task nodes of the execution graph.
build() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.Builder
Creates a snapshot of the currently built graph.
build() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties.Builder
Creates a snapshot of the current state of this Builder.
build() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties.Builder
Creates a snapshot of the current state of this Builder.
build() - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphDefConfigurer
Creates a TaskGraphBuilder through which you will be able to create the initial task nodes of the execution graph.
build() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Creates a snapshot of the current state of this Builder.
build() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties.Builder
Creates a snapshot of the current state of this Builder.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph.Builder
Creates a new Builder with no nodes added yet.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the default values: factoryExecutor: An executor synchronously executing tasks on the calling thread.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the default values: nodeCreateErrorHandler: A callback logging the error on SEVERE level.
Builder() - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the default values: stopOnFailure: false deliverResultOnFailure: false computeErrorHandler: A callback logging the error on SEVERE level. resultNodeKeys: an empty set
Builder() - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the default values: executor: An executor synchronously executing tasks on the calling thread.
Builder(TaskFactoryProperties) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the values of the given TaskFactoryProperties.
Builder(TaskGraphBuilderProperties) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the values of the given TaskGraphBuilderProperties.
Builder(TaskGraphExecutorProperties) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the values of the given TaskGraphExecutorProperties.
Builder(TaskNodeProperties) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties.Builder
Initializes the Builder with the values of the given TaskNodeProperties.
buildGraph(CancellationToken) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.CollectingTaskGraphBuilder
Starts building a task graph and will notify the returned CompletionStage once the graph is built and is ready to be executed.
buildGraph(CancellationToken) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilder
Starts building a task graph and will notify the returned CompletionStage once the graph is built and is ready to be executed.
buildStrategy(DependencyDag<TaskNodeKey<?, ?>>, Iterable<? extends RestrictableNode>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategyFactory
Creates a strategy for the given task execution graph.
BuiltGraph - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a whole task execution graph.
BuiltGraph(Set<TaskNodeKey<?, ?>>, DependencyDag<TaskNodeKey<?, ?>>) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.BuiltGraph
Creates a new task execution graph with the given edges and nodes.


cancel() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Cancels the computation of this node if it was not computed yet.
CANCELED - Enum constant in enum class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.ExecutionResultType
CANCELED means that the task graph execution was canceled before it could have been fully computed and no other unexpected exceptions were thrown.
checkNotCyclic() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Checks if this graph is acyclic or not, throwing an exception if this graph is not acyclic.
CollectingTaskGraphBuilder - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a simple implementation of TaskGraphBuilder which collects the added task node keys and simply passes them to a given TaskGraphExecutorFactory.
CollectingTaskGraphBuilder(Collection<? extends TaskFactoryConfig<?, ?>>, TaskGraphExecutorFactory) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.CollectingTaskGraphBuilder
Creates a new CollectingTaskGraphBuilder with the given task factory definitions and TaskGraphExecutorFactory.
CollectingTaskGraphDefConfigurer - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a simple implementation of TaskGraphDefConfigurer which collects the added task factory definitions and simply passes them to a given TaskGraphBuilderFactory.
CollectingTaskGraphDefConfigurer(TaskGraphBuilderFactory) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.CollectingTaskGraphDefConfigurer
Creates a new CollectingTaskGraphDefConfigurer with the given TaskGraphBuilderFactory to be called when the build() method is called.
compute(CancellationToken) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.NodeTaskRef
Executes the task action and returns its output.
consumeInput() - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskInputRef
Returns the input bound when creating the task node.
createExecutor(DependencyDag<TaskNodeKey<?, ?>>, Iterable<? extends TaskNode<?, ?>>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskGraphExecutorFactory
Returns a new TaskGraphExecutor able to execute the given task graph.
createGraphBuilder(Collection<? extends TaskFactoryConfig<?, ?>>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskGraphBuilderFactory
Returns a new TaskGraphBuilder able to build a graph using the given task node factories.
createTaskNode(CancellationToken, TaskNodeCreateArgs<R, I>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactory
Creates the task node function, binds input for that function and may set properties of the task node to be created.
createTaskNode(CancellationToken, TaskNodeCreateArgs<R, I>, TaskFactory<R, I>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeWrapper
Creates the task node function relying on the given wrapped task node.
createTaskNode(TaskFactoryProperties, TaskFactoryKey<R, I>, TaskFactorySetup<R, I>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryWrapper
Creates the task node factory relying on the given wrapped task node factory.


defaultFactoryProperties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties.Builder
Returns the default values of the properties used by the task node factories.
defaultNodeProperties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties.Builder
Returns the default values of the properties used by the task nodes.
defineFactory(TaskFactoryKey<R, I>, TaskFactorySetup<R, I>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryDefiner
Adds deferred task node factory definition.
defineSimpleFactory(Class<R>, Class<I>, TaskFactory<R, I>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryDefiner
Adds a task node factory.
defineSimpleFactory(TaskFactoryKey<R, I>, TaskFactory<R, I>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryDefiner
Adds a task node factory.
delegateTo(Function<TaskNodeKey<R, I>, TaskNodeKey<R, I2>>) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactories
Creates a task factory delegating its call to another already declared task factory.
delegateToCustomKey(Function<? super I, ?>) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactories
Creates a task factory which delegates its call to another already declared task factory with a selected custom key.
delegateToFactoryArg(Class<I2>, Function<? super I, ? extends I2>) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactories
Creates a task factory delegating its call to another already declared task factory with a different factory argument type.
DependencyDag<N> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
DependencyDag(DirectedGraph<N>) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DependencyDag
Creates a DependencyDag from a directed graph where the edges point from dependent node to their dependencies.
DependencyErrorHandler - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines an error handler to be called instead of the associated node computation when the node is not being executed due to a failed dependency.
DirectedGraph<N> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a directed graph without any solitary nodes.
DirectedGraph.Builder<N> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
The Builder used to create DirectedGraph instances.
DirectedGraph.ChildrenBuilder<N> - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a builder to add children to a particular node in the graph.


eagerStrategy() - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategies
Returns a strategy which will allow executing tasks as soon as possible.
ensureScheduleComputed(CancellationToken) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Schedules this task node for computation if it was not scheduled yet.
ensureScheduleComputed(CancellationToken, TaskErrorHandler) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Schedules this task node for computation if it was not scheduled yet.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns true if the passed object is a TaskFactoryKey and identifies the same task node factory as this TaskFactoryKey.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns true if the passed object is a TaskNodeKey and identifies the same task node as this TaskNodeKey.
ERRORED - Enum constant in enum class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.ExecutionResultType
ERRORED means that the task graph execution failed due to an exception being thrown while trying to compute the output of a task node.
execute(CancellationToken) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor
Starts executing the associated task graph and will notify the returned CompletionStage once task execution terminates.
execute(CancellationToken) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutor
Starts executing the associated task graph and will notify the returned CompletionStage once task execution terminates.
ExecutionResultType - Enum Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the possible general outcomes of a task graph execution.


factoryArg() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeCreateArgs
Returns the argument passed to the task node factory.
factoryGroupDefiner(TaskFactoryGroupConfigurer) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.CollectingTaskGraphDefConfigurer
Returns a TaskFactoryDefiner through which it is possible to define task node factories.
factoryGroupDefiner(TaskFactoryGroupConfigurer) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphDefConfigurer
Returns a TaskFactoryDefiner through which it is possible to define task node factories.
futureOf(TaskNodeKey<R, ?>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor
Returns the CompletionStage tracking the completion of the given task node.
futureOf(TaskNodeKey<R, ?>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutor
Returns the CompletionStage tracking the completion of the given task node.


getAllLeafToRootNodes(Iterable<? extends N>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DependencyDag
Returns a map, mapping the leaf nodes (nodes having no children) to nodes they are reachable where the image of the mapping only contains nodes specified in the argument.
getAllLeafToRootNodes(Iterable<? extends N>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Returns a map, mapping the leaf nodes (nodes having no children) to nodes they are reachable where the image of the mapping only contains nodes specified in the argument.
getAllLeafToRootNodes(Iterable<? extends N>, Supplier<? extends Set<N>>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Returns a map, mapping the leaf nodes (nodes having no children) to nodes they are reachable where the image of the mapping only contains nodes specified in the argument.
getAllLeafToRootNodesOrdered(Iterable<? extends N>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DependencyDag
Returns a map, mapping the leaf nodes (nodes having no children) to nodes they are reachable where the image of the mapping only contains nodes specified in the argument.
getBuiltGraph() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor
Returns the whole task graph to be executed.
getBuiltGraph() - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutor
Returns the whole task graph to be executed.
getChildren(N) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Returns the set of direct children of the given node.
getComputeErrorHandler() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties
Returns the callback notified whenever a failure occurs while trying to execute the action of task node.
getConfigurer() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryConfig
Returns the method of defining the configuration of the associated task factory.
getDefaultFactoryProperties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties
Returns the default values of the properties used by the task node factories.
getDefaultNodeProperties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties
Returns the default values of the properties used by the task nodes.
getDefKey() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryConfig
Returns the key uniquely identifying the associated task node factory.
getDependencyGraph() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DependencyDag
Returns the directed graph where the edges point from dependent node to their dependencies.
getExecutor() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties
Returns the executor used to execute action of the associated task node.
getExpectedResultNow(TaskNodeKey<?, ?>, CompletableFuture<? extends R>) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Returns the output from the given CompletableFuture translating CancellationException to OperationCanceledException.
getFactoryArg() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns the argument passed to the task factory creating the node.
getFactoryArgType() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns the type of the argument passed to the task node factory when requested for a node to be created.
getFactoryExecutor() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties
Returns the executor used execute the createTaskNode method of the associated task factory.
getFactoryKey() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns the key identifying the task factory creating the node.
getForwardGraph() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DependencyDag
Returns the directed graph where the edges point from the dependency to dependent node.
getGraph() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.BuiltGraph
Returns the edges of the task execution graph.
getKey() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Returns the TaskNodeKey uniquely identifying this task in the task graph.
getKey() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns the custom key differentiating between TaskFactoryKey instances when types are not enough.
getNodeCreateErrorHandler() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties
Returns the callback notified whenever a failure occurs while trying to create a node with the associated task factory.
getNodeKey() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableNode
Returns the TaskNodeKey identifying the node which is to be restricted.
getNodes() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.BuiltGraph
Returns the nodes of the task execution graph.
getProperties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.NodeTaskRef
Returns the properties associated with the task node.
getRawGraph() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Returns a map, mapping parent nodes to their direct children.
getReachableNodes(Iterable<? extends N>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Returns all the nodes reachable from any of the nodes given in the argument.
getReleaseAction() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableNode
Returns the action to be called once the TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategy decides that the task can be scheduled for execution.
getResult() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Returns the output of this node or throws an exception if it was completed exceptionally.
getResult(TaskNodeKey<R, ?>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionResult
Returns the output of the task node identified by the given TaskNodeKey.
getResultNodeKeys() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties
Returns the set of TaskNodeKey identifying the nodes whose result are to be delivered to the TaskGraphExecutionResult.
getResultNow(CompletableFuture<? extends R>) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Returns the output from the given CompletableFuture translating CancellationException to OperationCanceledException.
getResultType() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns the return type of the task nodes created by the defined task node factory.
getResultType() - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionResult
Returns if the task graph execution completed completely successfully or not.
getSetup() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryConfig
Returns the deferred task node factory creator.


handleDependencyError(CancellationToken, TaskNodeKey<?, ?>, Throwable) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.DependencyErrorHandler
Called when the associated node cannot be executed due to a dependency failure.
hasChildren(N) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Returns true if the given node has at least one child node, false otherwise.
hashCode() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
hashCode() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
hasResult() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Returns true if this task node has already completed successfully and has its result set.


inputs() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeCreateArgs
Returns the TaskInputBinder used to bind inputs for the created task node function.
isDeliverResultOnFailure() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties
Returns true if results of the computation should be delivered even in case of failure.
isStopOnFailure() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties
Returns true if execution should be canceled after encountering the first failure.


newEagerExecutor() - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutors
Creates a task graph executor which will schedule all nodes to be computed as soon as possible.
newRestrictableExecutor(TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategyFactory) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutors
Creates a task graph executor which will limit the scheduled nodes with the given custom strategy.
newWeakLeafRestricterExecutor(int) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutors
Creates a task graph executor which will limit the number of scheduled nodes based on how many leaf nodes are still retained.
nodeKey() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeCreateArgs
Returns the key uniquely identifying the task node to be created.
NodeTaskRef<R> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines the fully built task of a node.
NodeTaskRef(TaskNodeProperties, CancelableFunction<? extends R>) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.NodeTaskRef
Creates a NodeTaskRef with the given properties and task action.


onError(TaskNodeKey<?, ?>, Throwable) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskErrorHandler
Called whenever a failure occurs while trying to create or execute a task node.
org.jtrim2.taskgraph - package org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the core interface for the task graph execution framework.
org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic - package org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines basic implementations of the task graph execution framework.


propagateDependencyFailure(CancellationToken, Throwable) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Completes this task node exceptionally but calling the dependency error handler first (if there is any).
propagateFailure(Throwable) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Completes this task node exceptionally with the given error if it was not completed yet.
properties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.CollectingTaskGraphBuilder
Returns the properties used when building the task graph.
properties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor
Returns the properties used for executing the task graph.
properties() - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilder
Returns the properties used when building the task graph.
properties() - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutor
Returns the properties used for executing the task graph.
properties() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeCreateArgs
Returns the properties to be set for the associated task node to be created.


release() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableNode
Allows the associated task node to be scheduled for execution.
RestrictableNode - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a node which a TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategy can restrict from being executed.
RestrictableNode(TaskNodeKey<?, ?>, Runnable) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableNode
Creates a new RestrictableNode with the given key and action used to release this node.
RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines an implementation of TaskGraphExecutor allowing to restrict task node execution using an externally provided custom strategy.
RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor(DependencyDag<TaskNodeKey<?, ?>>, Iterable<? extends TaskNode<?, ?>>, TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategyFactory) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor
Creates a new RestrictableTaskGraphExecutor with the given task graph, nodes and task execution restriction strategy.
reverse() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DependencyDag
Returns a DependencyDag having edges in the opposite direction than this DependencyDag.
reverseGraph() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.DirectedGraph
Returns a DirectedGraph where the edges a reversed compared to this graph.


setComputeErrorHandler(TaskErrorHandler) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Sets the callback notified whenever a failure occurs while trying to execute the action of a node.
setDeliverResultOnFailure(boolean) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Sets the flag determining if the result of the computation should be delivered to the TaskGraphExecutionResult or not.
setDependencyErrorHandler(DependencyErrorHandler) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties.Builder
Sets an error handler to be called if the associated node could not be executed due to a dependency error.
setExecutor(TaskExecutor) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties.Builder
Sets the executor used to execute the actions of the task nodes.
setFactoryExecutor(TaskExecutor) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties.Builder
Sets the executor used execute the createTaskNode method of the associated task factory.
setNodeComputed(TaskNodeKey<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategy
The task graph executor calls this method for every computed task node or task nodes decided to be not computed (possibly because one of its dependencies failed).
setNodeCreateErrorHandler(TaskErrorHandler) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties.Builder
Sets the callback notified whenever a failure occurs while trying to create a node with the associated task factory.
setStopOnFailure(boolean) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder
Sets the flag determining if execution should be canceled after encountering the first failure, or not.
setup(TaskFactoryProperties) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactorySetup
Creates a task node factory given the properties of the factory.
setup(TaskFactoryProperties.Builder) - Method in interface org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryGroupConfigurer
Configures the associated task node factory.
SUCCESS - Enum constant in enum class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.ExecutionResultType
SUCCESS means that the task graph execution completed fully without any exception being raised and without being canceled.


TaskErrorHandler - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a callback notified whenever a failure occurs while trying to create or execute a task node.
TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategies - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines factory methods for TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategyFactory implementations.
TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategy - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a strategy which can restrict nodes from being executed in order to prevent too much concurrent resource usage.
TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategyFactory - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a factory of TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategy creating task execution restriction strategy for a particular task graph.
TaskExecutorAop - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Contains utility methods to do task before or after a task node.
TaskFactories - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines utility methods to implement task node factories.
TaskFactory<R,I> - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a factory for creating task node function for the task execution graph.
TaskFactoryConfig<R,I> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a complete definition of a task node factory.
TaskFactoryConfig(TaskFactoryKey<R, I>, TaskFactoryGroupConfigurer, TaskFactorySetup<R, I>) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryConfig
Creates a task node factory definition with the given properties.
TaskFactoryDefiner - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Allows to define task node factories to build a task graph from.
TaskFactoryGroupConfigurer - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the configuration of a task node factory.
TaskFactoryKey<R,I> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the key uniquely identifying a particular task node factory.
TaskFactoryKey(Class<R>, Class<I>) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Creates a new TaskFactoryKey with the given properties with a null custom key.
TaskFactoryKey(Class<R>, Class<I>, Object) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Creates a new TaskFactoryKey with the given properties.
TaskFactoryProperties - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the properties of a task node factory.
TaskFactoryProperties(TaskFactoryProperties.Builder) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryProperties
Sets the properties of the TaskFactoryProperties from the current value of the passed Builder.
TaskFactoryProperties.Builder - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
The Builder used to create TaskFactoryProperties instances.
TaskFactorySetup<R,I> - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a deferred creator of a task node factory.
TaskFactoryWrapper - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a task node factory wrapping another task node factory.
taskFuture() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Returns the CompletableFuture holding the result of the output of this task node.
TaskGraphBuilder - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the initial nodes of the task graph.
TaskGraphBuilderFactory - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines factory creating TaskGraphBuilder for a list of task node factory definitions.
TaskGraphBuilderProperties - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the properties used to control task graph building (not its execution).
TaskGraphBuilderProperties(TaskGraphBuilderProperties.Builder) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphBuilderProperties
Sets the properties of the TaskGraphBuilderProperties from the current value of the passed Builder.
TaskGraphBuilderProperties.Builder - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
The Builder used to create TaskGraphBuilderProperties instances.
TaskGraphDefConfigurer - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines how to create task nodes, which is the first step in building a task execution graph.
TaskGraphExecutionException - Exception in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines an exception meaning that a task graph execution failed due to a node's action throwing an exception.
TaskGraphExecutionException() - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionException
Creates the exception with null as its detail message.
TaskGraphExecutionException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionException
Creates the exception with a specific detail message.
TaskGraphExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionException
Creates the exception with a specific detail message and cause.
TaskGraphExecutionException(String, Throwable, boolean) - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified detail message, cause, and writable stack trace enabled or disabled.
TaskGraphExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionException
Constructs a new runtime exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
TaskGraphExecutionResult - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the result of a task graph execution.
TaskGraphExecutor - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a executor which executes an already built task execution graph.
TaskGraphExecutorFactory - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines factory creating TaskGraphExecutor for a given task graph.
TaskGraphExecutorProperties - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the properties used to control task graph execution.
TaskGraphExecutorProperties(TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutorProperties
Sets the properties of the TaskGraphExecutorProperties from the current value of the passed Builder.
TaskGraphExecutorProperties.Builder - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
The Builder used to create TaskGraphExecutorProperties instances.
TaskGraphExecutors - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines factory methods to create a task graph executors.
TaskInputBinder - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
A TaskInputBinder is used by task node factories to define the inputs of the task node they create.
TaskInputRef<I> - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a reference to the input of a task node.
TaskNode<R,I> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic
Defines a task node which can be computed once.
TaskNode(TaskNodeKey<R, I>, NodeTaskRef<R>) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Creates a new TaskNode with the given node key and task.
TaskNode(TaskNodeKey<R, I>, NodeTaskRef<R>, CompletableFuture<R>) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Creates a new TaskNode with the given node key and task.
TaskNodeCreateArgs<R,I> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the properties used to create a task node.
TaskNodeCreateArgs(TaskNodeKey<R, I>, TaskNodeProperties, TaskInputBinder) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeCreateArgs
Creates a new TaskNodeCreateArgs with the given properties.
TaskNodeKey<R,I> - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the key uniquely identifying a particular task node.
TaskNodeKey(TaskFactoryKey<R, I>, I) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Creates a new TaskNodeKey with the given factory key and argument.
TaskNodeProperties - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines the properties of a task node.
TaskNodeProperties(TaskNodeProperties.Builder) - Constructor for class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties
Sets the properties of the TaskNodeProperties from the current value of the passed Builder.
TaskNodeProperties.Builder - Class in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
The Builder used to create TaskNodeProperties instances.
TaskNodeWrapper - Interface in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines a task node wrapping another task node.
TaskSkippedException - Exception in org.jtrim2.taskgraph
Defines an exception to be thrown when a task execution is skipped but failing to compute a task is not considered an error for the whole computation.
TaskSkippedException() - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskSkippedException
Creates the exception with null as its detail message.
TaskSkippedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskSkippedException
Creates the exception with a specific detail message.
TaskSkippedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskSkippedException
Creates the exception with a specific detail message and cause.
TaskSkippedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskSkippedException
Creates the exception with a specific cause.
toString() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.RestrictableNode
Returns the string representation of this RestrictableNode in no particular format.
toString() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns the string representation of this TaskFactoryKey in no particular format.
toString() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns the string representation of this TaskNodeKey in no particular format.
transformResult(Class<R2>, Function<? super R2, ? extends R>) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactories
Creates a task factory creating nodes depending on a node with the same key except with the result type changed.
tryGetDependencyErrorHandler() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeProperties
Returns the handler to be called when the associated task node cannot due to a failure in one of its dependencies.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.ExecutionResultType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.ExecutionResultType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.


wasScheduled() - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskNode
Returns true if this task properly scheduled.
weakLeafsOfEndNodeRestrictingStrategy(int) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.basic.TaskExecutionRestrictionStrategies
Returns a strategy which will limit the number of scheduled nodes based on how many leaf nodes are still retained.
withFactoryArg(I) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns a TaskNodeKey with the same properties as this TaskNodeKey but with its factory argument replaced.
withFactoryArgType(Class<I2>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns a TaskFactoryKey with the same properties as this TaskFactoryKey but with its factory argument type replaced.
withFactoryCustomKey(Object) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns a TaskNodeKey with the same properties as this TaskNodeKey but with its custom factory key replaced.
withFactoryKey(TaskFactoryKey<R2, I>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns a TaskNodeKey with the same properties as this TaskNodeKey but with its factory key replaced.
withKey(Object) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns a TaskFactoryKey with the same properties as this TaskFactoryKey but with its custom key replaced.
withoutStackTrace(String, Throwable) - Static method in exception org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskGraphExecutionException
Returns a new instance of TaskGraphExecutionException without stack trace information.
withResultType(Class<R2>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskFactoryKey
Returns a TaskFactoryKey with the same properties as this TaskFactoryKey but with its result type replaced.
withResultType(Class<R2>) - Method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskNodeKey
Returns a TaskNodeKey with the same properties as this TaskNodeKey but with its result type replaced.
wrapFactory(TaskFactoryDefiner, TaskFactoryWrapper) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskExecutorAop
Returns a TaskFactoryDefiner delegating all calls to the given TaskFactoryDefiner but wrapping its task node factories using the given TaskFactoryWrapper.
wrapNode(TaskFactoryDefiner, TaskNodeWrapper) - Static method in class org.jtrim2.taskgraph.TaskExecutorAop
Returns a TaskFactoryDefiner delegating all calls to the given TaskFactoryDefiner but wrapping its task nodes using the given TaskNodeWrapper.
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