Annotation Type DisableIfAnyArgument

@Target(METHOD) @Retention(RUNTIME) @ExtendWith(org.junitpioneer.jupiter.params.DisableIfArgumentExtension.class) public @interface DisableIfAnyArgument
@DisableIfAnyArgument is a JUnit Jupiter extension that selectively disables a ParameterizedTest execution if at least one argument (as defined by Object.toString()) satisfies the specified condition.

The extension uses Jupiter's InvocationInterceptor. It's important to note that since it's marked as API.Status.EXPERIMENTAL it might be removed without prior notice. Unlike Disabled annotations, this extension doesn't disable the whole test method. With DisableIfAnyArgument, it is possible to selectively disable tests out of the plethora of dynamically registered parameterized tests.

The extension requires that exactly one of contains or matches is configured.

For more information how the extension resolves the annotations, check the documentation.

See Also:
  • DisableIfArgumentExtension