Interface ArgumentsAccessor

  • All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface ArgumentsAccessor
    ArgumentsAccessor defines the public API for accessing arguments provided by an ArgumentsProvider for a single invocation of a @ParameterizedTest method.

    Specifically, an ArgumentsAccessor aggregates a set of arguments for a given invocation of a parameterized test and provides convenience methods for accessing those arguments in a type-safe manner with support for automatic type conversion.

    An instance of ArgumentsAccessor will be automatically supplied for any parameter of type ArgumentsAccessor in a parameterized test. In addition, ArgumentsAggregator implementations are given access to an ArgumentsAccessor.

    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

    Additional Kotlin arguments accessors can be found as extension functions in the org.junit.jupiter.params.aggregator package.

    See Also:
    ArgumentsAggregator, ParameterizedTest
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      java.lang.Object get​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as an Object.
      <T> T get​(int index, java.lang.Class<T> requiredType)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as an instance of the required type.
      java.lang.Boolean getBoolean​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Boolean, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.Byte getByte​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Byte, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.Character getCharacter​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Character, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.Double getDouble​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Double, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.Float getFloat​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Float, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.Integer getInteger​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Integer, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.Long getLong​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Long, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.Short getShort​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Short, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      java.lang.String getString​(int index)
      Get the value of the argument at the given index as a String, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
      int size()
      Get the number of arguments in this accessor.
      java.lang.Object[] toArray()
      Get all arguments in this accessor as an array.
      java.util.List<java.lang.Object> toList()
      Get all arguments in this accessor as an immutable list.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        java.lang.Object get​(int index)
                      throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as an Object.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
      • get

        <T> T get​(int index,
                  java.lang.Class<T> requiredType)
           throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as an instance of the required type.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        requiredType - the required type of the value; never null
        the value at the given index, potentially null
      • getCharacter

        java.lang.Character getCharacter​(int index)
                                  throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Character, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getBoolean

        java.lang.Boolean getBoolean​(int index)
                              throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Boolean, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getByte

        java.lang.Byte getByte​(int index)
                        throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Byte, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getShort

        java.lang.Short getShort​(int index)
                          throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Short, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getInteger

        java.lang.Integer getInteger​(int index)
                              throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Integer, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getLong

        java.lang.Long getLong​(int index)
                        throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Long, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getFloat

        java.lang.Float getFloat​(int index)
                          throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Float, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getDouble

        java.lang.Double getDouble​(int index)
                            throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a Double, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • getString

        java.lang.String getString​(int index)
                            throws ArgumentAccessException
        Get the value of the argument at the given index as a String, performing automatic type conversion as necessary.
        index - the index of the argument to get; must be greater than or equal to zero and less than size()
        the value at the given index, potentially null
        ArgumentAccessException - if the value cannot be accessed or converted to the desired type
      • size

        int size()
        Get the number of arguments in this accessor.
      • toArray

        java.lang.Object[] toArray()
        Get all arguments in this accessor as an array.
      • toList

        java.util.List<java.lang.Object> toList()
        Get all arguments in this accessor as an immutable list.