Interface Node.DynamicTestExecutor

  • Enclosing interface:
    Node<C extends EngineExecutionContext>

    public static interface Node.DynamicTestExecutor
    Executor for additional, dynamic test descriptors discovered during execution of a Node.

    The test descriptors will be executed by the same HierarchicalTestExecutor that executes the submitting node.

    This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.

    See Also:
    Node.execute(EngineExecutionContext, DynamicTestExecutor), HierarchicalTestExecutor
    • Method Detail

      • execute

        void execute​(TestDescriptor testDescriptor)
        Submit a dynamic test descriptor for immediate execution.
        testDescriptor - the test descriptor to be executed
      • awaitFinished

        void awaitFinished()
                    throws java.lang.InterruptedException
        Block until all dynamic test descriptors submitted to this executor are finished.

        This method is useful if the node needs to perform actions in its Node.execute(EngineExecutionContext, DynamicTestExecutor) method after all its dynamic children have finished.

        java.lang.InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting