All Classes and Interfaces

Orchestrates test discovery using the configured test engines.
EngineDiscoveryResult encapsulates the result of test discovery by a TestEngine.
Status of test discovery by a TestEngine.
Orchestrates test execution using the configured test engines.
An EngineFilter is applied to all TestEngines before they are used.
The Launcher API is the main entry point for client code that wishes to discover and execute tests using one or more test engines.
LauncherConfig defines the configuration API for creating Launcher instances via the LauncherFactory.
Builder API for LauncherConfig.
Collection of constants related to Launcher.
Register a concrete implementation of this interface with a LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder or Launcher to be notified of events that occur during test discovery.
Collection of static factory methods for creating LauncherDiscoveryListeners.
LauncherDiscoveryRequest extends the EngineDiscoveryRequest API with additional filters that are applied by the Launcher itself.
The LauncherDiscoveryRequestBuilder provides a light-weight DSL for generating a LauncherDiscoveryRequest.
Represents the result of test discovery of the configured test engines.
Factory for creating Launcher instances by invoking LauncherFactory.create() or LauncherFactory.create(LauncherConfig).
Interceptor for test discovery and execution by a Launcher in the context of a LauncherSession.
An invocation that can be intercepted.
The LauncherSession API is the main entry point for client code that wishes to repeatedly discover and execute tests using one or more test engines.
Register an implementation of this interface to be notified when a LauncherSession is opened and closed.
Collection of static factory methods for creating LauncherSessionListeners.
Use org.junit.platform.reporting.legacy.LegacyReportingUtils instead.
Simple TestExecutionListener for logging informational messages for all events via a BiConsumer that consumes Throwable and Supplier<String>.
The result of attempting to parse a TagExpression.
A PostDiscoveryFilter is applied to TestDescriptors after test discovery.
Simple TestExecutionListener that generates a summary of the test execution.
A tag expression can be evaluated against a collection of tags to determine if they match the expression.
Factory methods for creating PostDiscoveryFilters based on included and excluded tags or tag expressions.
Register a concrete implementation of this interface with a Launcher to be notified of events that occur during test execution.
Summary of test plan execution.
Failure of a test or container.
Immutable data transfer object that represents a test or container which is usually part of a TestPlan.
TestPlan describes the tree of tests and containers as discovered by a Launcher.
Visitor for TestIdentifiers in a TestPlan.
UniqueIdTrackingListener is a TestExecutionListener that tracks the unique IDs of all tests that were executed during the execution of the TestPlan and generates a file containing the unique IDs once execution of the TestPlan has finished.