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AbstractBean - Class in org.jxmapviewer.beans
A convenience class from which to extend all non-visual AbstractBeans.
AbstractBean() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Creates a new instance of AbstractBean
AbstractBean(PropertyChangeSupport, VetoableChangeSupport) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Creates a new instance of AbstractBean, using the supplied PropertyChangeSupport and VetoableChangeSupport delegates.
AbstractPainter<T> - Class in org.jxmapviewer.painter
A convenient base class from which concrete Painter implementations may extend.
AbstractPainter() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Creates a new instance of AbstractPainter.
AbstractPainter(boolean) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Creates a new instance of AbstractPainter.
AbstractPainter.Interpolation - Enum in org.jxmapviewer.painter
An enum representing the possible interpolation values of Bicubic, Bilinear, and Nearest Neighbor.
AbstractSerializableBean - Class in org.jxmapviewer.beans
This subclass enhances AbstractBean by implementing the Serializable interface.
AbstractSerializableBean() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractSerializableBean
Creates a new instance of AbstractSerializableBean.
AbstractSerializableBean(PropertyChangeSupport, VetoableChangeSupport) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractSerializableBean
Creates a new instance of AbstractSerializableBean, using the supplied support delegates.
AbstractTileFactory - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
The AbstractTileFactory provides a basic implementation for the TileFactory.
AbstractTileFactory(TileFactoryInfo) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Creates a new instance of DefaultTileFactory using the spcified TileFactoryInfo
addCustomRequestProperties(URLConnection) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Adds custom request properties to the connection before sending the request.
addPainter(Painter<T>) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Adds a painter to the queue of painters
addPropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Add a PropertyChangeListener to the listener list.
addPropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Add a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
addTileListener(TileListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Adds a tile listener
addVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Add a VetoableListener to the listener list.
addVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Add a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property.


baseURL - Variable in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
The base url for loading tiles from.
Bicubic - org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter.Interpolation
use bicubic interpolation
Bilinear - org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter.Interpolation
use bilinear interpolation


calculateZoomFrom(Set<GeoPosition>) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Calculates a zoom level so that all points in the specified set will be visible on screen.
CenterMapListener - Class in org.jxmapviewer.input
Centers the map on the mouse cursor if left is double-clicked or middle mouse button is pressed.
CenterMapListener(JXMapViewer) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.input.CenterMapListener
clear(Image) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Clears the data from the image.
clearCache() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Call this method to clear the cacheable.
clearCache() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Clears the cache of this Painter, and all child Painters.
clearLocalCache() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Clears the cache of this painter only, and not of any of the children.
clone() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
CompoundPainter<T> - Class in org.jxmapviewer.painter
A Painter implementation composed of an array of Painters.
CompoundPainter() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Creates a new instance of CompoundPainter
CompoundPainter(List<? extends Painter<T>>) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Convenience constructor for creating a CompoundPainter for a list of painters.
CompoundPainter(Painter<T>...) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Convenience constructor for creating a CompoundPainter for an array of painters.
configureGraphics(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
This method is called by the paint method prior to any drawing operations to configure the drawing surface.
configureGraphics(Graphics2D) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
convertGeoPositionToPoint(GeoPosition) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Converts the specified GeoPosition to a point in the JXMapViewer's local coordinate space.
convertPointToGeoPosition(Point2D) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Converts the specified Point2D in the JXMapViewer's local coordinate space to a GeoPosition on the map.
convertToBufferedImage(Image) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Converts the specified image into a compatible buffered image.
createColorModelCompatibleImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new BufferedImage using the same color model as the image passed as a parameter.
createCompatibleImage(int, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new opaque compatible image of the specified width and height.
createCompatibleImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image with the same width, height and transparency as the image specified as a parameter.
createCompatibleImage(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image of the specified width and height, and the same transparency setting as the image specified as a parameter.
createCompatibleTranslucentImage(int, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new translucent compatible image of the specified width and height.
createThumbnail(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createThumbnail(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createThumbnailFast(BufferedImage, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createThumbnailFast(BufferedImage, int, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a thumbnail of a source image.
createTileRunner(Tile) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Subclasses can override this if they need custom TileRunners for some reason
Custom - org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit.DefaultProviders
CylindricalProjectionTileFactory - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer.bmng
CylindricalProjectionTileFactory(TileFactoryInfo) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.bmng.CylindricalProjectionTileFactory


DefaultTileFactory - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
A tile factory which configures itself using a TileFactoryInfo object and uses a Google Maps like mercator projection.
DefaultTileFactory(TileFactoryInfo) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultTileFactory
Creates a new instance of DefaultTileFactory using the spcified TileFactoryInfo
DefaultWaypoint - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
DefaultWaypoint() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultWaypoint
Creates a new instance of Waypoint
DefaultWaypoint(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultWaypoint
DefaultWaypoint(GeoPosition) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultWaypoint
DefaultWaypointRenderer - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
This is a standard waypoint renderer.
DefaultWaypointRenderer() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultWaypointRenderer
Uses a default waypoint image
dispose() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
dispose() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty.EmptyTileFactory
dispose() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Disposes this TileFactory
doPaint(Graphics2D, JXMapViewer, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.WaypointPainter
doPaint(Graphics2D, T, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Subclasses must implement this method and perform custom painting operations here.
doPaint(Graphics2D, T, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
drawMapTiles(Graphics, int, Rectangle) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Draw the map tiles.


EmptyTileFactory - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty
A null implementation of TileFactory.
EmptyTileFactory() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty.EmptyTileFactory
Creates a new instance of EmptyTileFactory
EmptyTileFactory(TileFactoryInfo) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty.EmptyTileFactory
Creates a new instance of EmptyTileFactory using the specified info.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
ESRITileFactory - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer.esri
ESRITileFactory() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.esri.ESRITileFactory
Creates a new instance of ESRITileFactory


FileBasedLocalCache - Class in org.jxmapviewer.cache
A file/folder-based cache
FileBasedLocalCache(File, boolean) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.cache.FileBasedLocalCache
fireIndexedPropertyChange(String, int, Object, Object) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Report a bound indexed property update to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Fire an existing PropertyChangeEvent to any registered listeners.
firePropertyChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Report a bound property update to any registered listeners.
fireTileLoadedEvent(Tile) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Notifies all tile listeners
fireVetoableChange(PropertyChangeEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Fire a vetoable property update to any registered listeners.
fireVetoableChange(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Report a vetoable property update to any registered listeners.


generatePolygon(int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.ShapeUtils
Generates a polygon with an inside radius of 0.
generatePolygon(int, int, int) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.ShapeUtils
Generates a polygon
generatePolygon(int, int, int, boolean) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.ShapeUtils
Generates a polygon
generateShapeFromText(Font, char) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.ShapeUtils
generateShapeFromText(Font, String) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.ShapeUtils
GeoBounds - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
The GeoBounds class provides access the the North East and South West corners of the bounds and provides an intersects method.
GeoBounds(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoBounds
GeoBounds(Set<GeoPosition>) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoBounds
GeoPosition - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
An immutable coordinate in the real (geographic) world, composed of a latitude and a longitude.
GeoPosition(double[]) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
Creates a new instance of GeoPosition from the specified latitude and longitude as an array of two doubles, with the latitude first.
GeoPosition(double, double) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
Creates a new instance of GeoPosition from the specified latitude and longitude.
GeoPosition(int, int, int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
Creates a new instance of GeoPosition from the specified latitude and longitude.
geoToPixel(GeoPosition, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.bmng.CylindricalProjectionTileFactory
geoToPixel(GeoPosition, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Convert a GeoPosition to a pixel position in the world bitmap a the specified zoom level.
GeoUtil - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util
These are math utilities for converting between pixels, tiles, and geographic coordinates.
GeoUtil() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.GeoUtil
get(URI) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileCache
Returns a buffered image for the requested URI from the cache.
get(URL) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.cache.FileBasedLocalCache
get(URL) - Method in interface org.jxmapviewer.cache.LocalCache
get(URL) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.cache.NoOpLocalCache
getAddressLocation() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
getAddressLocation() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Gets the current address location of the map.
getAttribution() - Method in class
getAttribution() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.OSMTileFactoryInfo
getAttribution() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
Some map providers require explicit attribution, can be null
getAttribution() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
getBaseUrl() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSService
getBaseURL() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getBitmapCoordinate(double, double, int, TileFactoryInfo) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.GeoUtil
Given a position (latitude/longitude pair) and a zoom level, return the appropriate point in pixels.
getBitmapCoordinate(GeoPosition, int, TileFactoryInfo) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.GeoUtil
Given a position (latitude/longitude pair) and a zoom level, return the appropriate point in pixels.
getCenter() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Gets the current pixel center of the map.
getCenter() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoBounds
getCenterPosition() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
getCenterPosition() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
A property indicating the center position of the map
getDefaultProvider() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
getDefaultZoomLevel() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getFilters() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
A defensive copy of the Effects to apply to the results of the AbstractPainter's painting operation.
getImage() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
getInfo() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Get the TileFactoryInfo describing this TileFactory
getInterpolation() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Gets the current interpolation setting.
getLatitude() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
Get the latitude as decimal degrees
getLayer() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSService
getLayers() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
getLicense() - Method in class
getLicense() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.OSMTileFactoryInfo
getLicense() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getLicense() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
getLoadingImage() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
A property for an image which will be display when an image is still loading.
getLocalFile(URL) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.cache.FileBasedLocalCache
Returns the local File corresponding to the given remote URI.
getLongitude() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
Get the longitude as decimal degrees
getLongitudeDegreeWidthInPixels(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getLongitudeRadianWidthInPixels(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getMainMap() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Returns a reference to the main embedded JXMapViewer component
getMapBounds(JXMapViewer) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.GeoUtil
Gets the map bounds.
getMapCenterInPixelsAtZoom(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getMapSize(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Returns a Dimension containing the width and height of the map, in tiles at the current zoom level.
getMapSize(int, TileFactoryInfo) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.GeoUtil
getMapWidthInTilesAtZoom(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getMaximumZoomLevel() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getMiniMap() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Returns a reference to the mini embedded JXMapViewer component
getMinimumZoomLevel() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getModeLabel() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
getModeName() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
getName() - Method in enum org.jxmapviewer.util.ProjectProperties
getName() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
The name of this info.
getNorthWest() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoBounds
Gets the north west position.
getOverlayPainter() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Gets the current map overlay
getPainters() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Gets the array of painters used by this CompoundPainter
getPendingTiles() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
getPixels(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns an array of pixels, stored as integers, from a BufferedImage.
getPosition() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultWaypoint
getPosition() - Method in interface org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Waypoint
Get the current GeoPosition of this Waypoint
getPosition(Point2D, int, TileFactoryInfo) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.GeoUtil
Convert an on screen pixel coordinate and a zoom level to a geo position
getPriority() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
Gets the loading priority of this tile.
getPropertyChangeListeners() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Returns an array of all the listeners that were added to the PropertyChangeSupport object with addPropertyChangeListener().
getPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
getService() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Subclasses may override this method to provide their own executor services.
getSouthEast() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoBounds
Gets the south east position.
getSrs() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
getStyles() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Returns the tile that is located at the given tilePoint for this zoom.
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty.EmptyTileFactory
Gets an instance of an empty tile for the given tile position and zoom on the world map.
getTile(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Return the Tile at a given TilePoint and zoom level
getTileBgColor() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
getTileCache() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
getTileFactory() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Get the current factory
getTileFormat() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
getTileSize(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Gets the size of an edge of a tile in pixels at the current zoom level.
getTileSize(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
Get the tile size.
getTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class
getTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.OSMTileFactoryInfo
getTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
Returns the tile url for the specified tile at the specified zoom level.
getTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
getTileUrl(int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
getTotalMapZoom() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
getTransform() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Gets the current transform applied to all painters in this CompoundPainter.
getURL() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
Gets the URL of this tile.
getVersion() - Method in enum org.jxmapviewer.util.ProjectProperties
getVetoableChangeListeners() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Returns the list of VetoableChangeListeners.
getVetoableChangeListeners(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Returns an array of all the listeners which have been associated with the named property.
getViewportBounds() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Returns the bounds of the viewport in pixels.
getWaypoints() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.WaypointPainter
Gets the current set of waypoints to paint
getX() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
getY() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
getZoom() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Gets the current zoom level
getZoom() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
getZoomInAction() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Returns an action which can be attached to buttons or menu items to make the map zoom in
getZoomInButton() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
returns a reference to the zoom in button
getZoomOutAction() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Returns an action which can be attached to buttons or menu items to make the map zoom out
getZoomOutButton() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
returns a reference to the zoom out button
getZoomSlider() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
returns a reference to the zoom slider
GoogleMapsTileFactoryInfo - Class in
Uses Google Maps API - it has several glitches, so don't use it unless you know what you're doing.
GoogleMapsTileFactoryInfo(String) - Constructor for class
GoogleMapsTileFactoryInfo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
GraphicsUtilities - Class in org.jxmapviewer.util
GraphicsUtilities contains a set of tools to perform common graphics operations easily.


hashCode() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
hasPropertyChangeListeners(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Check if there are any listeners for a specific property, including those registered on all properties.
hasVetoableChangeListeners(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Check if there are any listeners for a specific property, including those registered on all properties.
High - org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile.Priority
HYBRID - Static variable in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
Use hybrid map


INSTANCE - org.jxmapviewer.util.ProjectProperties
The only instance of this class
intersects(GeoBounds) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoBounds
Determines if this bounds intersects the other bounds.
isAddressLocationShown() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
isAntialiasing() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Returns if antialiasing is turned on or not.
isCacheable() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Gets whether this AbstractPainter can be cached as an image.
isCheckingDirtyChildPainters() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Used by CompoundPainter.isDirty() to check if the child Painters should be checked for their dirty flag as part of processing.
Default value is: true
This should be set to false if the cacheable state of the child Painters are different from each other.
isClipPreserved() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Indicates if the clip produced by any painter is left set once it finishes painting.
isDataProviderCreditShown() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
isDesignTime() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Indicates whether the component is being used at design time, such as in a visual editor like NetBeans' Matisse
isDirty() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Ye olde dirty bit.
isDirty() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
This CompoundPainter is dirty if it, or (optionally) any of its children, are dirty.
isDrawTileBorders() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Indicates if the tile borders should be drawn.
isHorizontalWrapped() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
isInfiniteMapRendering() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
isLoaded() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
Indicates if this tile's underlying image has been successfully loaded yet.
isLoading() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
isMiniMapVisible() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Indicates if the mini-map is currently visible
isNegativeYAllowed() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
do not use
isPanningEnabled() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Returns whether panning is enabled.
isRestrictOutsidePanning() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
isValidTile(int, int, int, TileFactoryInfo) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.GeoUtil
isVisible() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Gets the visible property.
isXr2l() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
isYt2b() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
isZoomButtonsVisible() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Indicates if the zoom buttons are visible.
isZoomSliderVisible() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Indicates if the zoom slider is currently visible


JXMapKit - Class in org.jxmapviewer
The JXMapKit is a pair of JXMapViewers preconfigured to be easy to use with common features built in.
JXMapKit() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Creates a new JXMapKit
JXMapKit.DefaultProviders - Enum in org.jxmapviewer
JXMapViewer - Class in org.jxmapviewer
A tile oriented map component that can easily be used with tile sources on the web like Google and Yahoo maps, satellite data such as NASA imagery, and also with file based sources like pre-processed NASA images.
JXMapViewer() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Create a new JXMapViewer.


keyPressed(KeyEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.PanKeyListener


latToY(double, double) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.MercatorUtils
loadCompatibleImage(InputStream) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image from a stream.
loadCompatibleImage(URL) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Returns a new compatible image from a URL.
loadingFailed() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
Indicates if this tile's underlying image failed loading.
LocalCache - Interface in org.jxmapviewer.cache
A cache that stores GET requests to a HTTP url locally
longToX(double, double) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.MercatorUtils
Low - org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile.Priority


main(String...) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
MAP - Static variable in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
Use road map
mapClicked(GeoPosition) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.MapClickListener
This method needs to be implemented in the extending class to handle the map clicked event.
MapClickListener - Class in org.jxmapviewer.input
Listens to single mouse clicks on the map and returns the GeoPosition
MapClickListener(JXMapViewer) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.input.MapClickListener
Creates a mouse listener for the jxmapviewer which returns the GeoPosition of the the point where the mouse was clicked.
MercatorUtils - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util
A utility class of methods that help when dealing with standard Mercator projections.
mergeClip(Graphics, Shape) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
mergeClip(Graphics, Shape) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.ShapeUtils
Sets the clip on a graphics object by merging a supplied clip with the existing one.
mouseClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.MapClickListener
Gets called on mouseClicked events, calculates the GeoPosition and fires the mapClicked method that the extending class needs to implement.
mouseDragged(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.PanMouseInputListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.CenterMapListener
mousePressed(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.PanMouseInputListener
mouseReleased(MouseEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.PanMouseInputListener
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.ZoomMouseWheelListenerCenter
mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.input.ZoomMouseWheelListenerCursor


NearestNeighbor - org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter.Interpolation
use nearest neighbor interpolation
needMoreMemory() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileCache
Request that the cache free up some memory.
NoOpLocalCache - Class in org.jxmapviewer.cache
A dummy implementation that does nothing
NoOpLocalCache() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.cache.NoOpLocalCache


OpenStreetMaps - org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit.DefaultProviders
org.jxmapviewer - package org.jxmapviewer
org.jxmapviewer.beans - package org.jxmapviewer.beans
org.jxmapviewer.cache - package org.jxmapviewer.cache - package
org.jxmapviewer.input - package org.jxmapviewer.input
org.jxmapviewer.painter - package org.jxmapviewer.painter
org.jxmapviewer.util - package org.jxmapviewer.util
org.jxmapviewer.viewer - package org.jxmapviewer.viewer
org.jxmapviewer.viewer.bmng - package org.jxmapviewer.viewer.bmng
org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty - package org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty
org.jxmapviewer.viewer.esri - package org.jxmapviewer.viewer.esri
org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util - package org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util
org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms - package org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms
OSMTileFactoryInfo - Class in org.jxmapviewer
Uses OpenStreetMap
OSMTileFactoryInfo() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.OSMTileFactoryInfo
Default constructor
OSMTileFactoryInfo(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.OSMTileFactoryInfo


paint(Graphics2D, T, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
paint(Graphics2D, T, int, int) - Method in interface org.jxmapviewer.painter.Painter
Renders to the given Graphics2D object.
paintComponent(Graphics) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Painter<T> - Interface in org.jxmapviewer.painter
A painting delegate.
paintWaypoint(Graphics2D, JXMapViewer, Waypoint) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultWaypointRenderer
paintWaypoint(Graphics2D, JXMapViewer, W) - Method in interface org.jxmapviewer.viewer.WaypointRenderer
paint the specified waypoint on the specified map and graphics context
PanKeyListener - Class in org.jxmapviewer.input
used to pan using the arrow keys
PanKeyListener(JXMapViewer) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.input.PanKeyListener
PanMouseInputListener - Class in org.jxmapviewer.input
Used to pan using press and drag mouse gestures
PanMouseInputListener(JXMapViewer) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.input.PanMouseInputListener
pixelToGeo(Point2D, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.bmng.CylindricalProjectionTileFactory
pixelToGeo(Point2D, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Convert a pixel in the world bitmap at the specified zoom level into a GeoPosition
ProjectProperties - Enum in org.jxmapviewer.util
Project properties.
promote(Tile) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Increase the priority of this tile so it will be loaded sooner.
put(URI, byte[], BufferedImage) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileCache
Put a tile image into the cache.
put(URL, InputStream) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.cache.FileBasedLocalCache
put(URL, InputStream) - Method in interface org.jxmapviewer.cache.LocalCache
put(URL, InputStream) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.cache.NoOpLocalCache


recenterToAddressLocation() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Re-centers the map to have the current address location be at the center of the map, accounting for the map's width and height.
removePainter(Painter<T>) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Removes a painter from the queue of painters
removePropertyChangeListener(PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Remove a PropertyChangeListener from the listener list.
removePropertyChangeListener(String, PropertyChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Remove a PropertyChangeListener for a specific property.
removeTileListener(TileListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Removes a tile listener
removeVetoableChangeListener(VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Remove a VetoableChangeListener from the listener list.
removeVetoableChangeListener(String, VetoableChangeListener) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.beans.AbstractBean
Remove a VetoableChangeListener for a specific property.


SATELLITE - Static variable in class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
Use satellite map
setAddressLocation(GeoPosition) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
setAddressLocation(GeoPosition) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Gets the current address location of the map
setAddressLocationShown(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
setAntialiasing(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Sets the antialiasing setting.
setBaseUrl(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSService
setCacheable(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Sets whether this AbstractPainter can be cached as an image.
setCenter(Point2D) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Sets the new center of the map in pixel coordinates.
setCenterPosition(GeoPosition) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
setCenterPosition(GeoPosition) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
A property indicating the center position of the map
setCheckingDirtyChildPainters(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Set the flag used by CompoundPainter.isDirty() to check if the child Painters should be checked for their dirty flag as part of processing.
setClipPreserved(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Sets if the clip should be preserved.
setDataProviderCreditShown(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
setDefaultProvider(JXMapKit.DefaultProviders) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
setDefaultZoomLevel(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
setDesignTime(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Indicate that the component is being used at design time, such as in a visual editor like NetBeans' Matisse
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Sets the dirty bit.
setDirty(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
setDrawTileBorders(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Set if the tile borders should be drawn.
setFilters(BufferedImageOp...) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
A convenience method for specifying the filters to use based on BufferedImageOps.
setHorizontalWrapped(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
setInfiniteMapRendering(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Side note: This setting is ignored when horizontaklWrapped is set to true.
setInterpolation(AbstractPainter.Interpolation) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Sets a new value for the interpolation setting.
setLayer(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSService
setLayers(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
setLoading(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
setLoadingImage(Image) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
A property for an image which will be display when an image is still loading.
setLocalCache(LocalCache) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
setLocalCache(LocalCache) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
setMiniMapVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Sets if the mini-map should be visible
setOverlayPainter(Painter<? super JXMapViewer>) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Sets the map overlay.
setPainters(List<? extends Painter<T>>) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Sets the array of Painters to use.
setPainters(Painter<T>...) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Sets the array of Painters to use.
setPanEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Enables or disables panning.
setPixels(BufferedImage, int, int, int, int, int[]) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Writes a rectangular area of pixels in the destination BufferedImage.
setPosition(GeoPosition) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.DefaultWaypoint
Set a new GeoPosition for this Waypoint
setPriority(Tile.Priority) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
Set the loading priority of this tile.
setRenderer(WaypointRenderer<W>) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.WaypointPainter
Sets the waypoint renderer to use when painting waypoints
setRestrictOutsidePanning(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
setSrs(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
setStyles(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
setThreadPoolSize(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Set the number of threads to use for loading the tiles.
setTileBgColor(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
setTileCache(TileCache) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
setTileFactory(TileFactory) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Sets the tile factory for both embedded JXMapViewer components.
setTileFactory(TileFactory) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Set the current tile factory (must not be null)
setTileFormat(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
setTransform(AffineTransform) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Set a transform to be applied to all painters contained in this CompoundPainter
setUserAgent(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
Set the User agent that will be used when making a tile request.
setUserID(String) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.esri.ESRITileFactory
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Sets the visible property.
setWaypoints(Set<? extends W>) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.WaypointPainter
Sets the current set of waypoints to paint
setXr2l(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
setYt2b(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
setZoom(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Set the current zoomlevel for the main map.
setZoom(int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Set the current zoom level
setZoomButtonsVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Sets if the zoom buttons should be visible.
setZoomSliderVisible(boolean) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit
Sets if the zoom slider should be visible
ShapeUtils - Class in org.jxmapviewer.util
shouldUseCache() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Returns true if the painter should use caching.
shouldUseCache() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
startLoading(Tile) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.AbstractTileFactory
startLoading(Tile) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.empty.EmptyTileFactory
Override this method to load the tile using, for example, an ExecutorService.
startLoading(Tile) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Override this method to load the tile using, for example, an ExecutorService.


Tile - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
The Tile class represents a particular square image piece of the world bitmap at a particular zoom level.
Tile(int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile
Create a new Tile at the specified tile point and zoom level
Tile.Priority - Enum in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
The loading priority
TileCache - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
An implementation only class for now.
TileCache() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileCache
Default constructor - Empty
TileFactory - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
A class that can produce tiles and convert coordinates to pixels
TileFactory(TileFactoryInfo) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactory
Creates a new instance of TileFactory
TileFactoryInfo - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
A TileFactoryInfo encapsulates all information specific to a map server.
TileFactoryInfo(int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
Creates a new instance of TileFactoryInfo.
TileFactoryInfo(String, int, int, int, int, boolean, boolean, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileFactoryInfo
Creates a new instance of TileFactoryInfo.
TileListener - Interface in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
Notified when the status of a tile has changed
tileLoaded(Tile) - Method in interface org.jxmapviewer.viewer.TileListener
Notification when a tile is loaded
tileStretchPaint(Graphics, JComponent, BufferedImage, Insets) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Draws an image on top of a component by doing a 3x3 grid stretch of the image using the specified insets.
toCompatibleImage(BufferedImage) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.util.GraphicsUtilities
Return a new compatible image that contains a copy of the specified image.
toString() - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.GeoPosition
toWMSURL(int, int, int, int) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSService
Convertes to a WMS URL


validate(T) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter
Called to allow Painter subclasses a chance to see if any state in the given object has changed from the last paint operation.
validate(T) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.painter.CompoundPainter
Iterates over all child Painters and gives them a chance to validate themselves.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit.DefaultProviders
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter.Interpolation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.util.ProjectProperties
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile.Priority
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.JXMapKit.DefaultProviders
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.painter.AbstractPainter.Interpolation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.util.ProjectProperties
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.jxmapviewer.viewer.Tile.Priority
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo - Class in org.jxmapviewer
VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo(VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo.MVEMode) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo
VirtualEarthTileFactoryInfo.MVEMode - Class in org.jxmapviewer
The map mode


Waypoint - Interface in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
A Waypoint is a GeoPosition that can be drawn on a may using a WaypointPainter.
WaypointPainter<W extends Waypoint> - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
Paints waypoints on the JXMapViewer.
WaypointPainter() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.WaypointPainter
Creates a new instance of WaypointPainter
WaypointRenderer<W> - Interface in org.jxmapviewer.viewer
A interface that draws waypoints.
WMSService - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms
A class that represents a WMS mapping service.
WMSService() - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSService
Creates a new instance of WMSService
WMSService(String, String) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSService
WMSTileFactory - Class in org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms
A tile factory that uses a WMS service.
WMSTileFactory(WMSService) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.wms.WMSTileFactory
Creates a new instance of WMSTileFactory
WMSTileFactoryInfo - Class in org.jxmapviewer
WMSTileFactoryInfo(int, int, int, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
WMSTileFactoryInfo(int, int, int, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
WMSTileFactoryInfo(int, int, int, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo
WMSTileFactoryInfo(int, int, int, String, String, String, String, String, String, int) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.WMSTileFactoryInfo


xToLong(int, double) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.MercatorUtils


yToLat(int, double) - Static method in class org.jxmapviewer.viewer.util.MercatorUtils


ZoomMouseWheelListenerCenter - Class in org.jxmapviewer.input
zooms using the mouse wheel on the view center
ZoomMouseWheelListenerCenter(JXMapViewer) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.input.ZoomMouseWheelListenerCenter
ZoomMouseWheelListenerCursor - Class in org.jxmapviewer.input
zooms to the current mouse cursor using the mouse wheel
ZoomMouseWheelListenerCursor(JXMapViewer) - Constructor for class org.jxmapviewer.input.ZoomMouseWheelListenerCursor
zoomToBestFit(Set<GeoPosition>, double) - Method in class org.jxmapviewer.JXMapViewer
Zoom and center the map to a best fit around the input GeoPositions.
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