Interface KeycloakConfigResolver

  • public interface KeycloakConfigResolver
    On multi-tenant scenarios, Keycloak will defer the resolution of a KeycloakDeployment to the target application at the request-phase. A Request object is passed to the resolver and callers expect a complete KeycloakDeployment. Based on this KeycloakDeployment, Keycloak will resume authenticating and authorizing the request. The easiest way to build a KeycloakDeployment is to use KeycloakDeploymentBuilder , passing the InputStream of an existing keycloak.json to the build() method. The resolved KeycloakDeployment may not be null
    Juraci Paixão Kröhling
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • resolve

        KeycloakDeployment resolve​(HttpFacade.Request facade)
        Resolves the KeycloakDeployment based on the Request
        facade - The request
        KeycloakDeployment, may never be null