Interface RoleResource

    • Method Detail

      • getPermissions

        ManagementPermissionReference getPermissions()
        Returns indicator if the fine grain permissions are enabled or not.
        current representation of the permissions feature
      • toRepresentation

        RoleRepresentation toRepresentation()
      • update

        void update​(RoleRepresentation roleRepresentation)
      • remove

        void remove()
      • getRoleComposites

        Set<RoleRepresentation> getRoleComposites()
      • getRealmRoleComposites

        Set<RoleRepresentation> getRealmRoleComposites()
      • getClientRoleComposites

        Set<RoleRepresentation> getClientRoleComposites​(@PathParam("clientUuid")
                                                        String clientUuid)
      • addComposites

        void addComposites​(List<RoleRepresentation> rolesToAdd)
      • deleteComposites

        void deleteComposites​(List<RoleRepresentation> rolesToRemove)
      • getRoleUserMembers

        Set<UserRepresentation> getRoleUserMembers()
        Get role members

        Returns users that have the given role

        a list of users with the given role
      • getRoleUserMembers

        Set<UserRepresentation> getRoleUserMembers​(@QueryParam("first")
                                                   Integer firstResult,
                                                   Integer maxResults)
        Get role members

        Returns users that have the given role, paginated according to the query parameters

        firstResult - Pagination offset
        maxResults - Pagination size
        a list of users with the given role
      • getRoleGroupMembers

        Set<GroupRepresentation> getRoleGroupMembers()
        Get role groups

        Returns groups that have the given role

        a list of groups with the given role
      • getRoleGroupMembers

        Set<GroupRepresentation> getRoleGroupMembers​(@QueryParam("first")
                                                     Integer firstResult,
                                                     Integer maxResults)
        Get role groups

        Returns groups that have the given role, paginated according to the query parameters

        firstResult - Pagination offset
        maxResults - Pagination size
        a list of groups with the given role