All Classes and Interfaces

Base class for parsers
Simple support for STaX type of parsing.
Parses any DOM tree to a list of DOM representations.
Utility to deal with assertions
Constants for attributes
Base Class for the Stax writers for SAML
KeyLocator that represents a list of multiple KeyLocators.
Conditions validation as per Section 2.5 of
Encoder of saml messages based on DEFLATE compression
Holder containing the information about a destination
Check that Destination field in SAML request/response is either unset or matches the expected one.
Utility dealing with DOM
PLINK-158: Maintain backward compatibility
Error Codes for PicketLink
Constants copied from XMLConstants to work around issues with IntelliJ See
Key locator for a bunch of keys.
An LSResource Resolver for schema validation
Utility class that generates unique IDs
Holds essential information about an IDP for creating saml messages.
Holds info about the issuer for saml messages creation
Utility to obtain JAXB2 marshaller/unmarshaller etc
Utility class associated with JAXP Validation
Factory for the SAML v2 Authn Response
Tools for KeyInfo object manipulation.
This interface defines a method for obtaining a security key by ID.
Helper class that facilitates the hash of a Key to be located easier.
Helper class in process of parsing signature out of SAML token.
Constants useful to the JBoss Identity Federation project
This interface acts as a Log Facade for PicketLink, from which exceptions and messages should be created or logged.
Factory class to create PicketLinkLogger instances.
Utility for the HTTP/Post binding
Utility class for SAML HTTP/Redirect binding
A Destination holder that holds the destination host url and the destination query string
Parse the saml assertion
Write the SAML 11 Assertion to stream
Constants for the SAML v1.1 Specifications
Utility for parsing SAML 1.1 payload
Parse the SAML2 AuthnRequest
Write the SAML11RequestType to stream
Parse the SAML 11 Response
Write the SAML11ResponseType to stream
Parse the saml subject
Handles for dealing with SAML2 Authentication
API for SAML2 Request
API for dealing with SAML2 Response objects
Class that deals with SAML2 Signature
Parse the SAML Response
Deal with AssertionType
Parse the saml assertion
Elements and attribute names from saml-schema-assertion-2.0.xsd
Write the SAML Assertion to stream
Parse the in the saml assertion
Parse the in the saml assertion
Parse the in the saml assertion
Parse the in the saml assertion
Parse the in the saml assertion
Parse the SAML2 AuthnRequest
Parse the in the saml assertion
Parse the in the saml assertion
A Holder class that can store the SAML object as well as the corresponding DOM object.
Parse the SAML Entities Descriptor
Parse the SAML Metadata element "EntityDescriptor"
Parses <samlp:Extensions> SAML2 element into series of DOM nodes.
Parses <samlp:Extensions> SAML2 element into series of DOM nodes.
Deals with SAML2 Metadata
Write the SAML metadata elements
Parse SAML payload
Utility methods for SAML Parser
Implementations of this interface are builders that can register <samlp:Extensions> content providers.
Elements from saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd
Parse the <ProxyRestriction Count=\"\"> tag
Base Class for SAML Request Parsing
Parse the in the saml assertion
Parse the SAML2 RequestedAuthnContext
Writes a SAML2 Request Type to Stream
Parse the SAML Response
Write a SAML Response to stream
Parse the Single Log Out requests
Parse the SLO Response
Base Class for all Response Type parsing for SAML2
Base Class for all Response Type parsing for SAML2
Base Class for all Response Type parsing for SAML2
Parse the saml subject
Manages the schemas for PicketLink
Privileged Blocks
Holds information about signature
Signature utility for signing content
A Transfer Object used by XMLSignatureUtil
Holds the information about a Service Provider
Deals with SAML2 Statements
Interface to indicate the parser.
Utility for the stax based parser
Utility class that deals with StAX
Utility methods for stax writing
Utility dealing with Strings
Utility dealing with the system properties at the JVM level for PicketLink
Utility to deal with JAXP Transformer
X500 SAML Profile Constants Adapted from
Base Class for all Response Type parsing for SAML2
Elements from saml-schema-protocol-2.0.xsd
Utility for XML Encryption Note: This utility is currently using Apache XML Security library API.
Utility for XML Signature Note: You can change the canonicalization method type by using the system property "picketlink.xmlsig.canonicalization"
Util class dealing with xml based time