Interface AbstractAuthenticationFlowContext

    • Method Detail

      • getEvent

        EventBuilder getEvent()
        Current event builder being used
      • newEvent

        EventBuilder newEvent()
        Create a refresh new EventBuilder to use within this context
      • getRealm

        RealmModel getRealm()
        Current realm
      • getConnection

        org.keycloak.common.ClientConnection getConnection()
        Information about the IP address from the connecting HTTP client.
      • getUriInfo getUriInfo()
        UriInfo of the current request
      • getAuthenticatorConfig

        AuthenticatorConfigModel getAuthenticatorConfig()
        Get any configuration associated with the current execution
      • getForwardedErrorMessage

        FormMessage getForwardedErrorMessage()
        This could be an error message forwarded from another authenticator that is restarting or continuing the flo. For example the brokering API sends this when the broker failed authentication and we want to continue authentication locally. forwardedErrorMessage can then be displayed by whatever form is challenging.
      • getForwardedSuccessMessage

        FormMessage getForwardedSuccessMessage()
        This could be an success message forwarded from another authenticator that is restarting or continuing the flow. For example a reset password sends an email, then resets the flow with a success message. forwardedSuccessMessage can then be displayed by whatever form is challenging.
      • getForwardedInfoMessage

        FormMessage getForwardedInfoMessage()
        This could be an info message forwarded from another authenticator. This info message will be usually displayed only once on the first screen shown to the user during authentication. The authenticator forwarding the info message does not know which the screen would be. For example during user re-authentication, the user should see info message like "Please re-authenticate", but at the beginning of the authentication, it is not 100% clear which screen will be the first shown screen where this message should be displayed
      • setForwardedInfoMessage

        void setForwardedInfoMessage​(String message,
                                     Object... parameters)
        message - to be forwarded
        parameters - parameters of the message if any
        See Also:
      • generateAccessCode

        String generateAccessCode()
        Generates access code and updates clientsession timestamp Access codes must be included in form action callbacks as a query parameter.
      • success

        void success()
        Mark the current execution as successful. The flow will then continue
      • failure

        void failure​(AuthenticationFlowError error,
        Aborts the current flow.
        error -
        response - Response that will be sent back to HTTP client
      • failure

        void failure​(AuthenticationFlowError error,
                     String eventDetails,
                     String userErrorMessage)
        Aborts the current flow.
        error -
        response - Response that will be sent back to HTTP client
        eventDetails - Details about the error event
        userErrorMessage - A message describing the error to the user
      • challenge

        void challenge​( challenge)
        Sends a challenge response back to the HTTP client. If the current execution requirement is optional, this response will not be sent. If the current execution requirement is alternative, then this challenge will be sent if no other alternative execution was successful.
        challenge -
      • forceChallenge

        void forceChallenge​( challenge)
        Sends the challenge back to the HTTP client irregardless of the current executionr requirement
        challenge -
      • failureChallenge

        void failureChallenge​(AuthenticationFlowError error,
        Same behavior as forceChallenge(), but the error count in brute force attack detection will be incremented. For example, if a user enters in a bad password, the user is directed to try again, but Keycloak will keep track of how many failures have happened.
        error -
        challenge -
      • attempted

        void attempted()
        There was no failure or challenge. The authenticator was attempted, but not fulfilled. If the current execution requirement is alternative or optional, then this status is ignored by the flow.
      • getStatus

        FlowStatus getStatus()
        Get the current status of the current execution.
        may return null if not set yet.
      • getError

        AuthenticationFlowError getError()
        Get the error condition of a failed execution.
        may return null if there was no error
      • getEventDetails

        String getEventDetails()
        Get details of the event that caused an error
        may return null if not set
      • getUserErrorMessage

        String getUserErrorMessage()
        A custom error message that can be displayed to the user
        Optional error message