Class CibaGrantType

    • Field Detail


        public static final String ADDITIONAL_CALLBACK_PARAMS_PREFIX
        Prefix used to store additional params from the original authentication callback response into AuthenticationSessionModel note to be available later in Authenticators, RequiredActions etc. Prefix is used to prevent collisions with internally used notes.
        See Also:
        AuthenticationSessionModel.getClientNote(String), Constant Field Values

        public static final String ADDITIONAL_BACKCHANNEL_REQ_PARAMS_PREFIX
        Prefix used to store additional params from the backchannel authentication request into AuthenticationSessionModel note to be available later in Authenticators, RequiredActions etc. Prefix is used to prevent collisions with internally used notes.
        See Also:
        AuthenticationSessionModel.getClientNote(String), Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • CibaGrantType

        public CibaGrantType​(<String,​String> formParams,
                             org.keycloak.models.ClientModel client,
                             org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession session,
                             TokenEndpoint tokenEndpoint,
                             org.keycloak.models.RealmModel realm,
                             Cors cors)
    • Method Detail

      • authorizationUrl

        public static authorizationUrl​( baseUriBuilder)
      • authenticationUrl

        public static authenticationUrl​( baseUriBuilder)
      • cibaGrant

        public cibaGrant()