Class AccountCredentialResource

  • public class AccountCredentialResource
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • AccountCredentialResource

        public AccountCredentialResource​(org.keycloak.models.KeycloakSession session,
                                         org.keycloak.models.UserModel user,
                                         Auth auth)
    • Method Detail

      • credentialTypes

        public Stream<AccountCredentialResource.CredentialContainer> credentialTypes​(@QueryParam("type")
                                                                                     String type,
                                                                                     Boolean userCredentials)
        Retrieve the stream of credentials available to the current logged in user. It will return only credentials of enabled types, which user can use to authenticate in some authentication flow.
        type - Allows to filter just single credential type, which will be specified as this parameter. If null, it will return all credential types
        userCredentials - specifies if user credentials should be returned. If true, they will be returned in the "userCredentials" attribute of particular credential. Defaults to true.
      • removeCredential

        public void removeCredential​(@PathParam("credentialId")
                                     String credentialId)
        Remove a credential of current user
        credentialId - ID of the credential, which will be removed
      • setLabel

        public void setLabel​(@PathParam("credentialId")
                             String credentialId,
                             String userLabel)
        Update a user label of specified credential of current user
        credentialId - ID of the credential, which will be updated
        userLabel - new user label as JSON string