Class MarshallerFactory

  • public class MarshallerFactory
    extends Object
    • Constructor Detail

      • MarshallerFactory

        public MarshallerFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • getMarshaller

        public static Marshaller getMarshaller​(MarshallingFormat format,
                                               ClassLoader classLoader)
        Builds new marshaller for given format and class loader
        format - marshaller format that marshaller should be built for
        classLoader - classloader to be used by the marshaller
        new instance of the marshaller
      • getMarshaller

        public static Marshaller getMarshaller​(Set<Class<?>> classes,
                                               MarshallingFormat format,
                                               ClassLoader classLoader)
        Builds new marshaller for given format and class loader
        classes - optional custom classes to be added to marshaller - might be null
        format - marshaller format that marshaller should be built for
        classLoader - classloader to be used by the marshaller
        new instance of the marshaller