Interface XStreamMarshallerExtension

  • public interface XStreamMarshallerExtension
    Represents custom extension for the XStream marshaller.
    • Method Detail

      • extend

        void extend​(XStreamMarshaller xStreamMarshaller)
        Extends the provided marshaller, with e.g. custom converters.
        xStreamMarshaller - the marshaller which should be extended
      • chainMapperWrapper

        default com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.MapperWrapper chainMapperWrapper​(com.thoughtworks.xstream.mapper.MapperWrapper next)
        Enables additional MapperWrappers by chaining them to the provided one.

        Example: return new HibernateWrapper(next) - this will add the HibernateWrapper into the chain. Note that it is important to pass the next MapperWrapper into the constructor to make sure the chain does not get broken

        Default implementation: identity

        next - the next MapperWrapper in the chain