Interface UIServicesClient

    • Method Detail

      • getProcessForm

        String getProcessForm​(String containerId,
                              String processId,
                              String language)
        Returns process form for given process id that resides in given container. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        language - language that form should be filtered for
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the process form
      • getProcessFormByType

        String getProcessFormByType​(String containerId,
                                    String processId,
                                    String language,
                                    String formType)
        Returns process form for given process id that resides in given container
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        language - language that form should be filtered for
        formType - type of form to be returned (FORM - default (form modeler), FRM - v7 forms, FTL - freemarker template)
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the process form
      • getProcessForm

        String getProcessForm​(String containerId,
                              String processId)
        Returns process form for given process id that resides in given container - without filtering values by language. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the process form
      • getProcessRawForm

        String getProcessRawForm​(String containerId,
                                 String processId)
        Returns process form for given process id that resides in given container - without filtering values by language. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        string representation of the process form without any marshalling
      • getProcessFormByType

        String getProcessFormByType​(String containerId,
                                    String processId,
                                    String formType)
        Returns process form for given process id that resides in given container - without filtering values by language
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        formType - type of form to be returned (FORM - default (form modeler), FRM - v7 forms, FTL - freemarker template)
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the process form
      • getTaskForm

        String getTaskForm​(String containerId,
                           Long taskId,
                           String language)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        language - language that form should be filtered for
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the task form
      • getTaskFormByType

        String getTaskFormByType​(String containerId,
                                 Long taskId,
                                 String language,
                                 String formType)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container.
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        language - language that form should be filtered for
        formType - type of form to be returned (FORM - default (form modeler), FRM - v7 forms, FTL - freemarker template)
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the task form
      • getTaskForm

        String getTaskForm​(String containerId,
                           Long taskId)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container as raw content - without filtering values by language. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the task form
      • getTaskRawForm

        String getTaskRawForm​(String containerId,
                              Long taskId)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container as raw content - without filtering values by language. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        string representation of the task form without any marshalling
      • getTaskFormByType

        String getTaskFormByType​(String containerId,
                                 Long taskId,
                                 String formType)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container as raw content - without filtering values by language. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        formType - type of form to be returned (FORM - default (form modeler), FRM - v7 forms, FTL - freemarker template)
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the task form
      • getTaskFormAsUser

        String getTaskFormAsUser​(String containerId,
                                 Long taskId,
                                 String language,
                                 String userId)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container as specified user. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormForUserByType Introduced to allow client to take advantage of bypass auth user connecting to server.
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        language - language that form should be filtered for
        userId - userId making the request to bypass auth user
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the task form
      • getTaskFormByTypeAsUser

        String getTaskFormByTypeAsUser​(String containerId,
                                       Long taskId,
                                       String language,
                                       String formType,
                                       String userId)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container as specified user. Introduced to allow client to take advantage of bypass auth user connecting to server.
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        language - language that form should be filtered for
        formType - type of form to be returned (FORM - default (form modeler), FRM - v7 forms, FTL - freemarker template)
        userId - userId making the request to bypass auth user
        string representation (json or xml depending on client marshaling selection) of the task form
      • getTaskRawFormAsUser

        String getTaskRawFormAsUser​(String containerId,
                                    Long taskId,
                                    String userId)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container as specified user as raw content - without filtering values by language. It returns default form type which is (FORM - build with form modeler). If there is a need to select the type use #getProcessFormByType Introduced to allow client to take advantage of bypass auth user connecting to server.
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        userId - userId making the request to bypass auth user
        string representation of the task form without any marshalling
      • getProcessImage

        String getProcessImage​(String containerId,
                               String processId)
        Returns process image (svg) of the given process id that belongs to given container
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        svg (xml) representing process image
      • getProcessInstanceImage

        String getProcessInstanceImage​(String containerId,
                                       Long processInstanceId)
        Returns process image (svg) with annotated active and completed nodes for given process instance that belongs to given container
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processInstanceId - unique process instance id
        svg (xml) representing process image annotated with active (in red) and completed (in grey) nodes
      • getProcessInstanceImageCustomColor

        String getProcessInstanceImageCustomColor​(String containerId,
                                                  Long processInstanceId,
                                                  String completeNodeColor,
                                                  String completeNodeBorderColor,
                                                  String activeNodeBorderColor)
        Returns process image (svg) with annotated active and completed nodes for given process instance that belongs to given container
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processInstanceId - unique process instance id
        completeNodeColor - process instance image complete node color
        completeNodeBorderColor - process instance image complete node border color
        activeNodeBorderColor - process instance image active node border color
        svg (xml) representing process image annotated with custom colors
      • renderProcessForm

        String renderProcessForm​(String containerId,
                                 String processId)
        Returns process form for given process id that resides in given container - completely rendered so the output is HTML
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        HTML representation of the process form
      • renderProcessForm

        String renderProcessForm​(String containerId,
                                 String processId,
                                 String renderer)
        Returns process form for given process id that resides in given container - completely rendered so the output is HTML
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        processId - unique process id
        renderer - name of the renderer to be used to produce the HTML
        HTML representation of the process form
      • renderCaseForm

        String renderCaseForm​(String containerId,
                              String caseDefinitionId)
        Returns case form for given case definition that resides in given container - completely rendered so the output is HTML
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        caseDefinitionId - unique case definition id
        HTML representation of the process form
      • renderCaseForm

        String renderCaseForm​(String containerId,
                              String caseDefinitionId,
                              String renderer)
        Returns case form for given case definition id that resides in given container - completely rendered so the output is HTML
        containerId - container identifier where process resides
        caseDefinitionId - unique case definition id
        renderer - name of the renderer to be used to produce the HTML
        HTML representation of the process form
      • renderTaskForm

        String renderTaskForm​(String containerId,
                              Long taskId)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container - completely rendered so the output is HTML
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        HTML representation of the task form
      • renderTaskForm

        String renderTaskForm​(String containerId,
                              Long taskId,
                              String renderer)
        Returns task form for given task id that belongs to given container - completely rendered so the output is HTML
        containerId - container identifier where task resides
        taskId - unique task id
        renderer - name of the renderer to be used to produce the HTML
        HTML representation of the task form
      • setResponseHandler

        void setResponseHandler​(ResponseHandler responseHandler)
        Override default response handler to change interaction pattern. Applies only to JMS based integration.
        responseHandler -