Class EnteredTokenCredentialsProvider

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class EnteredTokenCredentialsProvider
    extends Object
    implements CredentialsProvider
    Token based implementation of CredentialsProvider that is expected to get valid token when instantiating instance and then return Bearer type of authorization header.
    • Constructor Detail

      • EnteredTokenCredentialsProvider

        public EnteredTokenCredentialsProvider​(String token)
    • Method Detail

      • getAuthorization

        public String getAuthorization()
        Description copied from interface: CredentialsProvider
        Returns authorization string that shall be used for setting up "Authorization" header for HTTP communication. It's expected to be completely setup including prefix (such as Basic) and encryption (such as Base64 in case of basic) if needed.
        Specified by:
        getAuthorization in interface CredentialsProvider