Class TaskAssigningRuntimeClientImpl

    • Method Detail

      • executePlanning

        public org.kie.server.api.model.taskassigning.PlanningExecutionResult executePlanning​(org.kie.server.api.model.taskassigning.PlanningItemList planningItemList,
                                                                                              String userId)
        Specified by:
        executePlanning in interface TaskAssigningRuntimeClient
      • findTasks

        public org.kie.server.api.model.taskassigning.TaskDataList findTasks​(Long fromTaskId,
                                                                             List<String> status,
                                                                             LocalDateTime fromLastModificationDate,
                                                                             Integer page,
                                                                             Integer pageSize,
                                                                             org.kie.server.api.model.taskassigning.TaskInputVariablesReadMode inputVariablesReadMode)
        Description copied from interface: TaskAssigningRuntimeClient
        Executes a parametrized query over the jBPM tasks. This method is intended for the tasks assigning integration implementation internal use. Third parties interested in consuming the information type returned by this method should use the simplified variant of this of this method TaskAssigningRuntimeClient.findTasks(Long, List, LocalDateTime, Integer, Integer) or any other of the jBPM runtime client/queries methods, etc.

        Specified by:
        findTasks in interface TaskAssigningRuntimeClient
        fromTaskId - filters the tasks with taskId >= fromTaskId. If null no filtering is applied.
        status - filters the tasks that are in one of the following status. If null or the empty list no filtering is applied.
        fromLastModificationDate - filters the tasks with lastModificationDate >= fromLastModificationDate. If null no filtering is applied.
        page - sets the starting page for the paged reading.
        pageSize - sets the pageSize for the paged reading.
        inputVariablesReadMode - establishes the tasks input variables reading mode.
        a list of TaskData with the jBPM tasks that met the filtering conditions. The potential owners of the task are always loaded but there's no warranty that the potential owners of the last consumed task fits the page/pageSize configuration. The task inputs data is loaded accordingly with the selected taskInputVariablesReadMode.
        See Also:
      • findTasks

        public org.kie.server.api.model.taskassigning.TaskDataList findTasks​(Long fromTaskId,
                                                                             List<String> status,
                                                                             LocalDateTime fromLastModificationDate,
                                                                             Integer page,
                                                                             Integer pageSize)
        Description copied from interface: TaskAssigningRuntimeClient
        Executes a parametrized query over the jBPM tasks. This method is intended for the tasks assigning integration implementation. Third parties that might use this method must be aware that no task inputs data is loaded. If this information is needed the standard jBPM runtime client/queries must be used instead.

        Specified by:
        findTasks in interface TaskAssigningRuntimeClient
        fromTaskId - filters the tasks with taskId >= fromTaskId. If null no filtering is applied.
        status - filters the tasks that are in one of the following status. If null or the empty list no filtering is applied.
        fromLastModificationDate - filters the tasks with lastModificationDate >= fromLastModificationDate. If null no filtering is applied.
        page - sets the starting page for the paged reading.
        pageSize - sets the pageSize for the paged reading.
        a list of TaskData with the jBPM tasks that met the filtering conditions. The potential owners of the task is always loaded but there's no warranty that the potential owners of the last consumed taks fits the page/pageSize configuration. NO task inputs data is loaded by this method.
        See Also: