Interface DMNMessageContainer

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    DMNModel, DMNResult

    public interface DMNMessageContainer
    An interface for message container objects like DMNResults and DMNModel
    • Method Detail

      • getMessages

        java.util.List<DMNMessage> getMessages()
        Returns a list of all the messages produced during the DMN service invocation.
        list of messages
      • getMessages

        java.util.List<DMNMessage> getMessages​(DMNMessage.Severity... sevs)
        Returns a list of all the messages produced during the DMN service invocation, filtered by the list of severities given.
        sevs - the list of severities to filter the messages by
        filtered list of messages
      • hasErrors

        boolean hasErrors()
        A helper method to quick check for the presence of error messages. The actual error messages can be retrieved by invoking #getMessages()
        true if there are any error messages, false otherwise.