Class KnowledgeBuilderFactory

  • public class KnowledgeBuilderFactory
    extends Object
    This factory is used to build the knowledge base resources that are held collectively in KnowledgePackages. The KnowledgePackage also provides the role of 'namespacing'. An optional KnowlegeBuilderConfiguration can be supplied. The KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration is itself created from this factory. The KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration allows you to set the ClassLoader to be used along with other setting like the default dialect and compiler, as well as many other options.
     KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowlegeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
    • Constructor Detail

      • KnowledgeBuilderFactory

        public KnowledgeBuilderFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • newKnowledgeBuilder

        public static KnowledgeBuilder newKnowledgeBuilder()
        Create and return a new KnowledgeBuilder, using the default KnowledgeBuilderConfigurations
        The KnowledgeBuilder
      • newKnowledgeBuilder

        public static KnowledgeBuilder newKnowledgeBuilder​(KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration conf)
        Create and return a new KnowledgeBuilder, using he given KnowledgeBuilderConfigurations
        The KnowledgeBuilder
      • newKnowledgeBuilder

        public static KnowledgeBuilder newKnowledgeBuilder​(org.kie.api.KieBase kbase)
      • newKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration

        public static KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration newKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration()
        Create a KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration on which properties can be set.
        The KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration.
      • newKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration

        public static KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration newKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration​(Properties properties,
                                                                                     ClassLoader... classLoaders)
        Create a KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration on which properties can be set. Use the given properties file and ClassLoader - either of which can be null.
        The KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration.
      • newDecisionTableConfiguration

        public static DecisionTableConfiguration newDecisionTableConfiguration()
        DecisionTable resources require a ResourceConfiguration, that configuration instance is created here. Note that if you are passing a Reader, you must use an InputStreamReader so the encoding can be determined.
         KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
         DecisionTableConfiguration dtconf = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newDecisionTableConfiguration();
         dtconf.setInputType( DecisionTableInputType.XLS );
         dtconf.setWorksheetName( "Tables_2" );
         kbuilder.add( new URL( "file://IntegrationExampleTest.xls" ),
                               dtconf );
         assertFalse( kbuilder.hasErrors() );
         KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
      • newScoreCardConfiguration

        public static ScoreCardConfiguration newScoreCardConfiguration()
        ResourceConfiguration for score cards. It allows for the worksheet name to be specified.

        Simple example showing how to build a KnowledgeBase from an XLS resource.

         KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
         ScoreCardConfiguration scconf = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newScoreCardConfiguration();
         scconf.setWorksheetName( "Tables_2" );
         kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource( "file://IntegrationExampleTest.xls" ),
                       scconf );
         assertFalse( kbuilder.hasErrors() );
         KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
      • newJaxbConfiguration

        public static JaxbConfiguration newJaxbConfiguration​( xjcOpts,
                                                             String systemId)