Class DeploymentDescriptorIO

  • public class DeploymentDescriptorIO
    extends Object
    XML based deployment descriptor IO manager to read and write descriptors. Underlying uses XStream for serialization with special class and field mapping for more readability of the produced XML output.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DeploymentDescriptorIO

        public DeploymentDescriptorIO()
    • Method Detail

      • fromXml

        public static DeploymentDescriptor fromXml​(InputStream inputStream)
        Reads XML data from given input stream and produces valid instance of DeploymentDescriptor
        inputStream - input stream that comes with xml data of the descriptor
        instance of the descriptor after deserialization
      • toXml

        public static String toXml​(DeploymentDescriptor descriptor)
        Serializes descriptor instance to XML
        descriptor - descriptor to be serialized
        xml representation of descriptor as string