Class PredictionOutcome

    • Constructor Detail

      • PredictionOutcome

        public PredictionOutcome()
        Creates an empty prediction.
      • PredictionOutcome

        public PredictionOutcome​(double confidenceLevel,
                                 double confidenceThreshold,
                                 Map<String,​Object> data)
        Returns a prediction for a prediction service with the specified confidence level, confidence threshold and outcome.
        confidenceLevel - Numerical value to quantify confidence level for this prediction
        confidenceThreshold - The threshold above which a prediction should be automatically accepted
        data - A map containing the outcome names and values (respectively as map keys and values)
    • Method Detail

      • isPresent

        public boolean isPresent()
      • isCertain

        public boolean isCertain()
        Returns true if a prediction has a confidence level above the specified threshold otherwise false
      • getConfidenceLevel

        public double getConfidenceLevel()
      • getConfidenceThreshold

        public double getConfidenceThreshold()