Interface DecisionTableConfiguration

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface DecisionTableConfiguration
    ResourceConfiguration for decision tables. It allows for the type of the decision, XLS or CSV, to be specified and optionally allows a worksheet name to also be specified.

    Simple example showing how to build a KnowledgeBase from an XLS resource.

     KnowledgeBuilder kbuilder = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newKnowledgeBuilder();
     DecisionTableConfiguration dtconf = KnowledgeBuilderFactory.newDecisionTableConfiguration();
     dtconf.setInputType( DecisionTableInputType.XLS );
     dtconf.setWorksheetName( "Tables_2" );
     kbuilder.add( ResourceFactory.newUrlResource( "file://IntegrationExampleTest.xls" ),
                   dtconf );
     assertFalse( kbuilder.hasErrors() );
     KnowledgeBase kbase = KnowledgeBaseFactory.newKnowledgeBase();
    • Method Detail

      • setInputType

        void setInputType​(DecisionTableInputType inputType)
        Specify the type of decision table resource, currently either XLS or CSV. This parameter is mandatory.
        inputType -
      • setWorksheetName

        void setWorksheetName​(String name)
        Which named xls worksheet should be used. This parameter is optional, and a default worksheet will be used if not specified.
        name -
      • getWorksheetName

        String getWorksheetName()
      • addRuleTemplateConfiguration

        void addRuleTemplateConfiguration​( template,
                                          int row,
                                          int col)
      • isTrimCell

        boolean isTrimCell()
      • setTrimCell

        void setTrimCell​(boolean trimCell)