All Classes and Interfaces

A class for the accumulate function configuration.
An Enum for AlphaNetworkCompilerOption option.
A class for the alpha node range index threshold configuration.
A class for the alpha node hashing threshold configuration.
Task assignment strategy that defines how to select actual owner based on task properties such as potential owners, task data etc.
This interface defines methods that are used by all of the Audit delete query builder implementations.
This interface defines methods that are used by all of the Audit delete query builder implementations.
This interface defines methods that are used by all of the Audit ParametrizedQueryBuilder implementations.
Supported audit log modes
Handler responsible for controlling access to writable properties.
Allows various components (e.g. work item handlers, event listeners) to be cached and reused within a cache owner (e.g.
Maintains a cache of various items that are long lived or expensive to be created frequently so they can benefit from being cached.
Context implementation to deliver capabilities to find proper RuntimeEngine instances based on case identifier.
Priority System properties META-INF/ of provided classLoader
To improve performance in frequent session creation cases, chained properties can be cached by it's conf file name and requesting classloader.
Allows various components (e.g. work item handlers, event listeners) to be closed when owning component (ksession) is being closed/disposed.
The CommandFactory returns Commands that can be used by classes that implement CommandExecutor.
An abstract definition of a compilation problem
This is an Internal Drools Class
CompositeConfiguration<T extends org.kie.api.conf.Option,S extends org.kie.api.conf.SingleValueOption,M extends org.kie.api.conf.MultiValueOption>
A class for the composite key depth configuration.
A KnowledgeBuilder with a fluent interface allowing to add multiple Resources at the same time, without worrying about cross dependencies among them.
ConfigurationFactory<T extends org.kie.api.conf.Option,S extends org.kie.api.conf.SingleValueOption,M extends org.kie.api.conf.MultiValueOption>
A class for the consequence exception handler configuration configuration.
An option to define after how many evaluations in interpreted mode (with mvel) a constraint should be jitted (translated in bytecode)
Classes that implement this interface will provide additional capabilities based on correlation.
Context implementation to deliver capabilities to find proper RuntimeEngine instances based on correlation key instead of process instance id.
ResourceConfiguration for decision tables.
Specifies the type of decision table resource.
A class for the default dialect configuration.
A class for the default package name configuration.
Deployment descriptor defines configurable components of deployable unit - kjar that will be used upon deployment to execution environment providing flexible and independent setup per deployment unit
Fluent API style builder to simplify construction (or modification) of descriptor instances.
XML based deployment descriptor IO manager to read and write descriptors.
Marker interface that indicates that given class is disposable - meaning shall be manually or automatically disposed on close events.
Callback listener interface to receive notification when Disposable instances are actually disposed.
See DMNRuntimeFluent
DroolsJaxbHelperProvider is used by the DroolsJaxbHelperFactory to "provide" it's concrete implementation.
A class for the dump directory configuration.
Default implementation of Context interface that does not bring any specifics to the RuntimeManager and is usually used for instances of manager that does not deal with contextual information: Singleton PerRequest To obtain instances of this context use static get() method.
A class for the evaluators configuration.
Allows do define custom producers for know EventListeners.
Responsible for implementing filter capability to decide how to deal with given error.
This is the base interface for all ParametrizedQueryBuilder implementations.
An Enum for ExternaliseCanonicalModelLambda option.
Option to force evaluation and then activation of rules annotated with @Eager.
Allows to provide global instances for KieSession to be registered on time when RuntimeEngine is created.
By default all the Drools artifacts under the resources folder, at any level, are included into the KieBase.
An Enum for indexLeftBetaMemory option.
An Enum for Index Precedence option.
An Enum for indexRightBetaMemory option.
Internal Rule interface for runtime rule inspection.
Extension to stable API of RuntimeEngine that provides additional capabilities.
The Task Service Entry Point serves as facade of all the other services, providing a single entry point to access to all the services
Long term out of the box persistence of runtime state with JPA is possible with Drools and jBPM.
A Factory for this KieServices
Marker interface for KIE specific type resolvers e.g. class loaders
The KnowledgeBuilder is responsible for taking source files, such as a .drl file, a .bpmn2 file or an .xls file, and turning them into a KnowledgePackage of rule and process definitions which a KnowledgeBase can consume.
This class configures the knowledge package builder and compiler.
A reported error during the build process.
A typed collection of errors.
This factory is used to build the knowledge base resources that are held collectively in KnowledgePackages.
KnowledgeBuilderFactoryService is used by the KnowledgeBuilderFactory to "provide" it's concrete implementation.
Provides helper methods for working with JAXB and a Knowledgebase, it takes care of the Classpath issues when mapping against internal type declarations.
A markup interface for KnowledgeBuilderConfiguration options
A base interface for type safe configurations
A super interface for Knowledge Building result messages.
A typed collection for knowledge builder results.
The KnowledgeRuntimeLogger uses the comprehensive event system to create an audit log that can be used to log the execution of the session for later inspection, in tools such as the Eclipse audit viewer.
A class for the language level configuration.
Provides support for lazy load of content of given data object e.g. process variable or case file data
Mapper responsibility is to provide correlation between context identifier and ksession identifier to effectively keep track of what context has been mapped to given ksession.
Mapper covers entire life cycle of the mapping which consists of: storing the mapping retrieving the mapping removing the mapping
The MarshallerFactory is used to marshal and unmarshal StatefulKnowledgeSessions.
A class for the max threads configuration.
Defines merging strategy of two descriptors
A markup interface for MultiValueKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration options
A markup interface for MultiValueKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration options
Extension of ObjectModel that provides unique name for the object model
Responsible for providing various types of publishers of notifications e.g. email, sms, message, etc.
Object model that defines how and of what type the object instance should be created.
The how is actually delegated to resolved implementation ObjectModelResolver that default to Java Reflection based resolver but might utilize others (such as MVEL, Spring, CDI, etc).
Resolves ObjectModel to actual instances based on underlying mechanism such as reflection, Spring, CDI, MVEL and more.
Provides all available implementations of ObjectModelResolver
Determines is the engine should evaluate rules and execute their consequences sequentially or in parallel.
An Enum for ParallelLambdaExternalizationOption option.
A class for the parallel rules build threshold configuration.
Instances of this class can be built by various ParametrizedQueryBuilder implemetnations, including those in the jbpm-audit or jbpm-human-task-core modules.
This is the base interface for all ParametrizedQueryBuilder implementations.
Supported persistence modes
Class used to provide utility methods to manage implementation to be invoked at runtime
Encapsulates results from a PredictionService.
Interface which allows a prediction or recommendation service implementation to be trained with task data and return outcome predictions based on task input.
This is a mixin style interface who's role is to provide process specific methods to the KnowledgeBuilder, currently there are none.
see ProcessRuntime
This interface defines methods that are used by all of the Audit ParametrizedQueryBuilder implementations.
Process instance id aware implementation of the Context interface.
This is the base interface for all ParametrizedQueryBuilder implementations.
An Enum for ProcessStringEscapes option.
Dedicated type for custom implementations of VariableIndexer for process variables
Convenience Factory to provide Resource implementations for the desired IO resource.
An enum of the available problem types
This is a mixin style interface who's role is to provide rule specific methods to the KnowledgeBuilder, currently there are none.
See RuleRuntime and StatefulRuleSession
Extension of org.kie.api.runtime.manager.RuntimeEnvironment that contains internal methods
Use org.kie.api.runtime.manager.RuntimeManagerFactory
Use org.kie.api.runtime.manager.RuntimeManagerFactory
Allows to apply filtering on runtime manager identifiers to find only those matching
An Enum for SequentialAgenda option.
Factory that produces KieSession instances.
Exception that indicates that ksession could not be found
An Enum for ShareAlphaNodes option.
An Enum for ShareBetaNodes option.
A markup interface for SingleValueKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration options
A markup interface for SingleValueKnowledgeBuilderConfiguration options
StatefulKnowledgeSession is the most common way to interact with the engine.
This implements Map in order to fool JSON..
This is a XmlAdapter for mapping Map<String, Object> instances to classes/instances that both JAXB/XML and JSON can deal with.
This implements Map in order to fool JSON..
This is a XmlAdapter for mapping Map<String, String> instances to classes/instances that both JAXB/XML and JSON can deal with.
The Task Admintration Service is intended to provide administrative functions such as: - Remove and Archive Tasks
The Task Attachment Service will deal with all the functionality related with Task Attachments.
The Task Comment Service will handle all the operations related with the Comments associated with a Task
The Task Content Service is intended to handle the information which is stored inside a Task.
The Task Deadlines Service is intended to handle all the Deadlines associated with a Task
Experimental: The Task Definition Service is intended to keep meta information about a Task.
The Task Events Service is intended to provide all the functionality required to handle the events that are being emitted by the module
Base class for all exceptions for the task related activities see, ContentData)
See TaskService
The Task Identity Service provides all the functionality related with the Organizational Entities that will be handled internally by jBPM.
The Task Instance Service is in charge of handling all the actions required to interact with a Task Instance.
The Task Query Service will contain all the methods to get information about the current Task Instances.
Factory that produces TaskService instances.
The Task Statistics Service provides all the methods for gathering Task Instance Statistics.
An instance of this class is used to dynamically create a query to retrieve TaskSummary instances.
/** An enum used to specify the criteria for ordering the results of the query
Represents single Task variable entity
Dedicated type for custom implementations of VariableIndexer for tasks - user tasks
An option to disable trimming of spaces for values in decision tables drools.trimCellsInDTable = <true|false> DEFAULT = true
Variable indexer that allows to transform variable instance into other representation (usually string) to be able to use it for queries.
Allows to provide custom implementations to deliver WorkItem name and WorkItemHandler instance pairs for the runtime.
A work item manager is responsible for finding the right work item handler when a work item should be executed and should be notified when this work item has been completed (or aborted).