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accept(Logger, String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.RefreshErrorLogConsumer
accessorId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
accessorId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
accessorId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
accessorId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the accessorId attribute.
accessorId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the accessorId attribute.
aclClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the ACL HTTP client.
AclClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
AclResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
AclResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclResponse
AclToken - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
AclToken() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclToken
AclTokenId - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
AclTokenId() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclTokenId
acquire(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value acquire to acquire.
acquire(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value acquire to acquire.
acquireLock(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Acquire a lock for a given key.
acquireLock(String, String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Acquire a lock for a given key.
addAllChecks(Iterable<? extends Registration.RegCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addAllChecks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Adds elements to checks list.
addAllChecks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Adds elements to checks list.
addAllChecks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addAllChecks(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addAllChecks(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addAllCoordinates(Iterable<? extends Coordinate>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter.Builder
Adds elements to coordinates list.
addAllDatacenters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder
Adds elements to datacenters list.
addAllDatacenters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder
Adds elements to datacenters list.
addAllErrors(Iterable<? extends TxError>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Adds elements to errors list.
addAllEvents(Iterable<? extends Event>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addAllNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addAllNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addAllNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addAllNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Token.NodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addAllNodeMeta(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to nodeMeta list.
addAllNodes(Iterable<? extends ServiceHealth>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults.Builder
Adds elements to nodes list.
addAllPolicies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addAllPolicies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addAllPolicies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addAllPolicies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addAllPolicies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addAllPolicies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addAllResults(Iterable<? extends Map<String, Value>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Adds elements to results list.
addAllRoles(Iterable<? extends Token.RoleLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to roles list.
addAllServers(Iterable<? extends RaftServer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder
Adds elements to servers list.
addAllServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addAllServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addAllServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addAllServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Token.ServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addAllServiceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Adds elements to serviceTags list.
addAllServiceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Adds elements to serviceTags list.
addAllServiceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
Adds elements to serviceTags list.
addAllTag(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to tag list.
addAllTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Adds elements to tags list.
addAllTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Adds elements to tags list.
addAllTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
Adds elements to tags list.
addAllToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addAllToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addAllToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addAllToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addAllToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addAllToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addAllToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addAllUpstreams(Iterable<? extends ServiceProxyUpstream>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Adds elements to upstreams list.
addChecks(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Adds one element to checks list.
addChecks(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Adds one element to checks list.
addChecks(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addChecks(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addChecks(Registration.RegCheck) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Adds one element to checks list.
addChecks(Registration.RegCheck...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addChecks(HealthCheck) - Method in class
Adds one element to checks list.
addChecks(HealthCheck) - Method in class
Adds one element to checks list.
addChecks(HealthCheck) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Adds one element to checks list.
addChecks(HealthCheck...) - Method in class
Adds elements to checks list.
addChecks(HealthCheck...) - Method in class
Adds elements to checks list.
addChecks(HealthCheck...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Adds elements to checks list.
addCoordinates(Coordinate) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter.Builder
Adds one element to coordinates list.
addCoordinates(Coordinate...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter.Builder
Adds elements to coordinates list.
addDatacenters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder
Adds one element to datacenters list.
addDatacenters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder
Adds one element to datacenters list.
addDatacenters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder
Adds elements to datacenters list.
addDatacenters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder
Adds elements to datacenters list.
addErrors(TxError) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Adds one element to errors list.
addErrors(TxError...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Adds elements to errors list.
addEvents(Event) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse.Builder
Adds one element to events list.
addEvents(Event...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse.Builder
Adds elements to events list.
addListener(ConsulCache.Listener<K, V>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
Add a new listener.
addNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds one element to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds one element to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds one element to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeIdentities(Token.NodeIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds one element to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeIdentities(Token.NodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to nodeIdentities list.
addNodeMeta(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds one element to nodeMeta list.
addNodeMeta(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to nodeMeta list.
addNodes(ServiceHealth) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults.Builder
Adds one element to nodes list.
addNodes(ServiceHealth...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults.Builder
Adds elements to nodes list.
addPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds one element to policies list.
addPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds one element to policies list.
addPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds one element to policies list.
addPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addPolicies(Token.PolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds one element to policies list.
addPolicies(Token.PolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Adds one element to policies list.
addPolicies(Token.PolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Adds one element to policies list.
addPolicies(Token.PolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addPolicies(Token.PolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
addPolicies(Token.PolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Adds elements to policies list.
address() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
address() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
address() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
address() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftServer
address(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the value for the address attribute.
address(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the address attribute.
address(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value address to address.
address(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the value for the address attribute.
address(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the value for the address attribute.
address(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the address attribute.
address(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the address attribute.
address(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer.Builder
Initializes the value for the address attribute.
address(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value address to address.
addResults(Map<String, Value>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Adds one element to results list.
addResults(Map<String, Value>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Adds elements to results list.
addRoles(Token.RoleLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds one element to roles list.
addRoles(Token.RoleLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to roles list.
addServers(RaftServer) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder
Adds one element to servers list.
addServers(RaftServer...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder
Adds elements to servers list.
addServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds one element to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds one element to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds one element to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceIdentities(Token.ServiceIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds one element to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceIdentities(Token.ServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Adds elements to serviceIdentities list.
addServiceTags(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Adds one element to serviceTags list.
addServiceTags(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Adds one element to serviceTags list.
addServiceTags(String) - Method in class
Adds one element to serviceTags list.
addServiceTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Adds elements to serviceTags list.
addServiceTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Adds elements to serviceTags list.
addServiceTags(String...) - Method in class
Adds elements to serviceTags list.
addTag(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds one element to tag list.
addTag(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to tag list.
addTags(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Adds one element to tags list.
addTags(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Adds one element to tags list.
addTags(String) - Method in class
Adds one element to tags list.
addTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Adds elements to tags list.
addTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Adds elements to tags list.
addTags(String...) - Method in class
Adds elements to tags list.
addToQueryParameters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Adds one element to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Adds one element to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Adds one element to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds one element to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Adds one element to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Adds one element to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Adds one element to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Adds elements to toQueryParameters list.
addUpstreams(ServiceProxyUpstream) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Adds one element to upstreams list.
addUpstreams(ServiceProxyUpstream...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Adds elements to upstreams list.
adjustment(double) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord.Builder
Initializes the value for the adjustment attribute.
Agent - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Agent() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Agent
agentClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Agent HTTP client.
AgentClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/agent/ endpoints.
ANY - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
args(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value args to args.
args(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value args to args.
args(List<String>, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
args(List<String>, long, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
args(List<String>, long, long, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
args(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value args to args.
args(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value args to args.
authMethod(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value authMethod to authMethod.
authMethod(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value authMethod to authMethod.
authMethodNamespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value authMethodNamespace to authMethodNamespace.
authMethodNamespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value authMethodNamespace to authMethodNamespace.
awaitInitialized(long, TimeUnit) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache


Base64EncodingDeserializer - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
For use with JSON fields that Consul Base 64 encodes.
Base64EncodingDeserializer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Base64EncodingDeserializer
Base64EncodingSerializer - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
Base64EncodingSerializer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Base64EncodingSerializer
BasePolicyResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
BasePolicyResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse
BaseRoleResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
BaseRoleResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
BaseTokenResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
BaseTokenResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
behavior(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value behavior to behavior.
behavior(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the value for the behavior attribute.
behavior(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value behavior to behavior.
BlacklistingConsulFailoverStrategy - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy
BlacklistingConsulFailoverStrategy(Collection<HostAndPort>, long) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy.BlacklistingConsulFailoverStrategy
Constructs a blacklisting strategy with a collection of hosts and ports
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryParameterOptions
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.RoleOptions
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
BLANK - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TransactionOptions
blockMinutes(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
blockMinutes(int, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
blockSeconds(int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
blockSeconds(int, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Constructs a new Consul client.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableAclResponse.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableAclToken.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableAclTokenId.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableNodeIdentity.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePolicy.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePolicyLink.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRole.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRoleLink.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRoleResponse.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableToken.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableAgent.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCheck.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableConfig.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableFullService.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableMember.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePorts.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRegCheck.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRegistration.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableServiceProxy.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTelemetry.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCatalogNode.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableWriteRequest.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCoord.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableCoordinate.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableDatacenter.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableEvent.
build() - Method in class
Builds a new ImmutableHealthCheck.
build() - Method in class
Builds a new ImmutableNode.
build() - Method in class
Builds a new ImmutableService.
build() - Method in class
Builds a new ImmutableServiceCheck.
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableOperation.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTxError.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTxResponse.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableValue.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRaftServer.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableDnsQuery.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableFailover.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableQueryId.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableQueryResult.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableQueryResults.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableRaftIndex.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRaftIndex.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableServiceQuery.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableStoredQuery.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableTemplate.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableSession.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableSessionInfo.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableEventOptions.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Builds a new ImmutablePutOptions.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableQueryOptions.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Builds a new ImmutableRoleOptions.
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
build() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceHealthKey.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Creates a new CacheConfig.Builder object.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Creates a new Consul.Builder object.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableAclResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Creates a builder for ImmutableAclToken.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId
Creates a builder for ImmutableAclTokenId.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
Creates a builder for ImmutableNodeIdentity.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Creates a builder for ImmutablePolicy.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Creates a builder for ImmutablePolicyLink.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutablePolicyListResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutablePolicyResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Creates a builder for ImmutableRole.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Creates a builder for ImmutableRoleLink.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableRoleListResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
Creates a builder for ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Creates a builder for ImmutableRolePolicyLink.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableRoleResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
Creates a builder for ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceIdentity.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Creates a builder for ImmutableToken.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableTokenListResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableTokenResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Creates a builder for ImmutableAgent.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Creates a builder for ImmutableCheck.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Creates a builder for ImmutableConfig.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Creates a builder for ImmutableFullService.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Creates a builder for ImmutableMember.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Creates a builder for ImmutablePorts.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Creates a builder for ImmutableRegCheck.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Creates a builder for ImmutableRegistration.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceProxy.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Creates a builder for ImmutableTelemetry.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Creates a builder for ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
Creates a builder for ImmutableCatalogNode.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Creates a builder for ImmutableCatalogRegistration.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Creates a builder for ImmutableCatalogService.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceWeights.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
Creates a builder for ImmutableTaggedAddresses.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest
Creates a builder for ImmutableWriteRequest.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Creates a builder for ImmutableCoord.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
Creates a builder for ImmutableCoordinate.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
Creates a builder for ImmutableDatacenter.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Creates a builder for ImmutableEvent.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder for ImmutableHealthCheck.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder for ImmutableNode.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder for ImmutableService.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceCheck.
builder() - Static method in class
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceHealth.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableEventResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Creates a builder for ImmutableOperation.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Creates a builder for ImmutableTxError.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableTxResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Creates a builder for ImmutableValue.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
Creates a builder for ImmutableRaftConfiguration.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Creates a builder for ImmutableRaftServer.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery
Creates a builder for ImmutableDnsQuery.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Creates a builder for ImmutableFailover.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Creates a builder for ImmutablePreparedQuery.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId
Creates a builder for ImmutableQueryId.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Creates a builder for ImmutableQueryResult.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
Creates a builder for ImmutableQueryResults.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableRaftIndex
Creates a builder for ImmutableRaftIndex.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Creates a builder for ImmutableServiceQuery.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Creates a builder for ImmutableStoredQuery.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
Creates a builder for ImmutableTemplate.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Creates a builder for ImmutableSession.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse
Creates a builder for ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Creates a builder for ImmutableSessionInfo.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutableDeleteOptions.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutableEventOptions.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutablePutOptions.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutableQueryOptions.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutableRoleOptions.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.
builder() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Creates a builder for ImmutableTransactionOptions.
builder(Verb) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
Builder() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder


CacheConfig - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.config
CacheConfig.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.config
CacheConfig.RefreshErrorLogConsumer - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.config
CacheDescriptor - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
A CacheDescriptor describes an instance of a cache.
CacheDescriptor(String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.CacheDescriptor
CacheDescriptor(String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.CacheDescriptor
cachePollingError(CacheDescriptor, Throwable) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
cachePollingSuccess(CacheDescriptor, boolean, long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
cachePollingSuccess(CacheDescriptor, boolean, Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
cacheStart(CacheDescriptor) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
cacheStop(CacheDescriptor) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
Callback<T> - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.async
cas(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value cas to cas.
cas(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value cas to cas.
cas(Optional<Long>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value cas to cas.
cas(Optional<Long>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value cas to cas.
catalogClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Catalog HTTP client.
CatalogClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/catalog/ endpoints.
CatalogDeregistration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
CatalogDeregistration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogDeregistration
CatalogNode - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
CatalogNode() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogNode
CatalogRegistration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
CatalogRegistration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
CatalogService - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
CatalogService() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
check() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
check() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
check(String, State, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Checks in with Consul.
check(Optional<? extends Check>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value check to check.
check(Optional<? extends Registration.RegCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value check to check.
check(Check) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value check to check.
check(Registration.RegCheck) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value check to check.
Check - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Check() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
CHECK_AND_SET - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
CHECK_INDEX - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
CHECK_SESSION - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
checkId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogDeregistration
checkId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
checkId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value checkId to checkId.
checkId(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the checkId attribute.
checkId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value checkId to checkId.
checks(Iterable<? extends Registration.RegCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for checks list.
checks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Sets or replaces all elements for checks list.
checks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Sets or replaces all elements for checks list.
checks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for checks list.
checks(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for checks list.
checks(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for checks list.
checkTtl(String, State, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Prepends the default TTL prefix to the serviceId to produce a check id, then delegates to AgentClient.check(String, State, String).
checkWatch(int, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
CLIENT - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenType
ClientConfig - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.config
ClientConfig() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.ClientConfig
ClientConfig(CacheConfig) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.ClientConfig
ClientEventCallback - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring
ClientEventHandler - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring
ClientEventHandler(String, ClientEventCallback) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
cloneToken(String, Token) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
close() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
computeNextStage(Request, Response) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy.BlacklistingConsulFailoverStrategy
computeNextStage(Request, Response) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy.ConsulFailoverStrategy
Computes the next failover stage for the consul failover strategy.
config(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the config map.
config(Config) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Initializes the value for the config attribute.
Config - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Config() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Config
consistencyMode(ConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the value for the consistencyMode attribute.
consistencyMode(ConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Initializes the value for the consistencyMode attribute.
ConsistencyMode - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
CONSISTENT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
Consul - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
Client for interacting with the Consul HTTP API.
Consul(AgentClient, HealthClient, KeyValueClient, CatalogClient, StatusClient, SessionClient, EventClient, PreparedQueryClient, CoordinateClient, OperatorClient, ExecutorService, ConnectionPool, AclClient, SnapshotClient, OkHttpClient) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Package-private constructor.
Consul.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
Builder for Consul client objects.
Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
ConsulBookend - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend
ConsulBookendContext - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend
ConsulBookendInterceptor - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend
ConsulBookendInterceptor(ConsulBookend) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend.ConsulBookendInterceptor
ConsulCache<K,V> - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
A cache structure that can provide an up-to-date read-only map backed by consul data
ConsulCache(Function<V, K>, ConsulCache.CallbackConsumer<V>, CacheConfig, ClientEventHandler, CacheDescriptor) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
ConsulCache(Function<V, K>, ConsulCache.CallbackConsumer<V>, CacheConfig, ClientEventHandler, CacheDescriptor, ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
ConsulCache(Function<V, K>, ConsulCache.CallbackConsumer<V>, CacheConfig, ClientEventHandler, CacheDescriptor, ConsulCache.Scheduler) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
ConsulCache.CallbackConsumer<V> - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
passed in by creators to vary the content of the cached values
ConsulCache.Listener<K,V> - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
Implementers can register a listener to receive a new map when it changes
ConsulCache.Scheduler - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
ConsulCache.State - Enum Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
Represents the possible states of a ConsulCache.
ConsulException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.consul
Wraps an exception thrown whilst interacting with the Consul API.
ConsulException(int, Response<?>) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.ConsulException
ConsulException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.ConsulException
Constructs an instance of this class.
ConsulException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.ConsulException
Constructs an instance of this class.
ConsulException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.ConsulException
ConsulFailoverInterceptor - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover
ConsulFailoverInterceptor(Collection<HostAndPort>, long) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.ConsulFailoverInterceptor
Default constructor for a set of hosts and ports
ConsulFailoverInterceptor(ConsulFailoverStrategy) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.ConsulFailoverInterceptor
Allows customization of the interceptor chain
ConsulFailoverStrategy - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy
ConsulResponse<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model
ConsulResponse(T, long, boolean, BigInteger, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
ConsulResponse(T, long, boolean, BigInteger, Optional<ConsulResponse.CacheResponseInfo>) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
ConsulResponse.CacheResponseInfo - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.model
ConsulResponseCallback<T> - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.async
For API calls that support long-polling, this callback is used to handle the result on success or failure for an async HTTP call.
consume(BigInteger, ConsulResponseCallback<List<V>>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.CallbackConsumer
contentHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the value for the contentHash attribute.
coord(Coord) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate.Builder
Initializes the value for the coord attribute.
Coord - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Coord() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coord
Coordinate - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Coordinate() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coordinate
coordinateClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Coordinate HTTP client.
CoordinateClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/coordinate/ endpoints.
coordinates(Iterable<? extends Coordinate>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for coordinates list.
copyOf(ServiceHealthKey) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
Creates an immutable copy of a ServiceHealthKey value.
copyOf(AclResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a AclResponse value.
copyOf(AclToken) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Creates an immutable copy of a AclToken value.
copyOf(AclTokenId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId
Creates an immutable copy of a AclTokenId value.
copyOf(Policy) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Creates an immutable copy of a Policy value.
copyOf(PolicyListResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a PolicyListResponse value.
copyOf(PolicyResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a PolicyResponse value.
copyOf(Role) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Creates an immutable copy of a Role value.
copyOf(Role.RoleNodeIdentity) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
Creates an immutable copy of a Role.RoleNodeIdentity value.
copyOf(Role.RolePolicyLink) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Creates an immutable copy of a Role.RolePolicyLink value.
copyOf(Role.RoleServiceIdentity) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
Creates an immutable copy of a Role.RoleServiceIdentity value.
copyOf(RoleListResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a RoleListResponse value.
copyOf(RoleResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a RoleResponse value.
copyOf(Token) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Creates an immutable copy of a Token value.
copyOf(Token.NodeIdentity) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
Creates an immutable copy of a Token.NodeIdentity value.
copyOf(Token.PolicyLink) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Creates an immutable copy of a Token.PolicyLink value.
copyOf(Token.RoleLink) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Creates an immutable copy of a Token.RoleLink value.
copyOf(Token.ServiceIdentity) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
Creates an immutable copy of a Token.ServiceIdentity value.
copyOf(TokenListResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a TokenListResponse value.
copyOf(TokenResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a TokenResponse value.
copyOf(Agent) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Creates an immutable copy of a Agent value.
copyOf(Check) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Creates an immutable copy of a Check value.
copyOf(Config) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Creates an immutable copy of a Config value.
copyOf(FullService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Creates an immutable copy of a FullService value.
copyOf(Member) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Creates an immutable copy of a Member value.
copyOf(Ports) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Creates an immutable copy of a Ports value.
copyOf(Registration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Creates an immutable copy of a Registration value.
copyOf(Registration.RegCheck) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Creates an immutable copy of a Registration.RegCheck value.
copyOf(ServiceProxy) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Creates an immutable copy of a ServiceProxy value.
copyOf(ServiceProxyUpstream) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
Creates an immutable copy of a ServiceProxyUpstream value.
copyOf(Telemetry) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Creates an immutable copy of a Telemetry value.
copyOf(CatalogDeregistration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Creates an immutable copy of a CatalogDeregistration value.
copyOf(CatalogNode) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
Creates an immutable copy of a CatalogNode value.
copyOf(CatalogRegistration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Creates an immutable copy of a CatalogRegistration value.
copyOf(CatalogService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Creates an immutable copy of a CatalogService value.
copyOf(ServiceWeights) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
Creates an immutable copy of a ServiceWeights value.
copyOf(TaggedAddresses) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
Creates an immutable copy of a TaggedAddresses value.
copyOf(WriteRequest) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest
Creates an immutable copy of a WriteRequest value.
copyOf(Coord) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Creates an immutable copy of a Coord value.
copyOf(Coordinate) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
Creates an immutable copy of a Coordinate value.
copyOf(Datacenter) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
Creates an immutable copy of a Datacenter value.
copyOf(Event) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Creates an immutable copy of a Event value.
copyOf(EventResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a EventResponse value.
copyOf(HealthCheck) - Static method in class
Creates an immutable copy of a HealthCheck value.
copyOf(Node) - Static method in class
Creates an immutable copy of a Node value.
copyOf(Service) - Static method in class
Creates an immutable copy of a Service value.
copyOf(ServiceCheck) - Static method in class
Creates an immutable copy of a ServiceCheck value.
copyOf(ServiceHealth) - Static method in class
Creates an immutable copy of a ServiceHealth value.
copyOf(Operation) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Creates an immutable copy of a Operation value.
copyOf(TxError) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Creates an immutable copy of a TxError value.
copyOf(TxResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a TxResponse value.
copyOf(Value) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Creates an immutable copy of a Value value.
copyOf(RaftConfiguration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
Creates an immutable copy of a RaftConfiguration value.
copyOf(RaftServer) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Creates an immutable copy of a RaftServer value.
copyOf(DnsQuery) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery
Creates an immutable copy of a DnsQuery value.
copyOf(Failover) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Creates an immutable copy of a Failover value.
copyOf(PreparedQuery) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Creates an immutable copy of a PreparedQuery value.
copyOf(QueryId) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId
Creates an immutable copy of a QueryId value.
copyOf(QueryResult) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Creates an immutable copy of a QueryResult value.
copyOf(QueryResults) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
Creates an immutable copy of a QueryResults value.
copyOf(RaftIndex) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableRaftIndex
Creates an immutable copy of a RaftIndex value.
copyOf(ServiceQuery) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Creates an immutable copy of a ServiceQuery value.
copyOf(StoredQuery) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Creates an immutable copy of a StoredQuery value.
copyOf(Template) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
Creates an immutable copy of a Template value.
copyOf(Session) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Creates an immutable copy of a Session value.
copyOf(SessionCreatedResponse) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse
Creates an immutable copy of a SessionCreatedResponse value.
copyOf(SessionInfo) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Creates an immutable copy of a SessionInfo value.
copyOf(DeleteOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a DeleteOptions value.
copyOf(EventOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a EventOptions value.
copyOf(PutOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a PutOptions value.
copyOf(QueryOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a QueryOptions value.
copyOf(QueryParameterOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a QueryParameterOptions value.
copyOf(RoleOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a RoleOptions value.
copyOf(TokenQueryOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a TokenQueryOptions value.
copyOf(TransactionOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Creates an immutable copy of a TransactionOptions value.
createCachedConsistencyWithMaxAgeAndStale(Optional<Long>, Optional<Long>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
Creates a cached Consistency.
createDefault() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
createExternal(ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
createIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
createIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createIndex attribute.
createPolicy(Policy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
createPreparedQuery(PreparedQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Creates a prepared query.
createPreparedQuery(PreparedQuery, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Creates a prepared query.
createRole(Role) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
createSession(Session) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Create Session.
createSession(Session, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Create Session.
createTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
createTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
createTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
createTime(Date) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createTime attribute.
createTime(Date) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the createTime attribute.
createToken(Token) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient


datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RoleNodeIdentity
datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.NodeIdentity
datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogDeregistration
datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
datacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity.Builder
Initializes the value for the datacenter attribute.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity.Builder
Initializes the value for the datacenter attribute.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig.Builder
Initializes the value for the datacenter attribute.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter.Builder
Initializes the value for the datacenter attribute.
datacenter(String) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
datacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenter to datacenter.
Datacenter - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Datacenter() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Datacenter
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Policy
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RoleServiceIdentity
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.ServiceIdentity
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.Failover
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
datacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResult
datacenters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for datacenters list.
datacenters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for datacenters list.
datacenters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
datacenters(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the optional value datacenters to datacenters.
dc(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value dc to dc.
dc(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value dc to dc.
debugConfig(DebugConfig) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Initializes the value for the debugConfig attribute.
DebugConfig - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
DebugConfig contains the full runtime configuration but its format is subject to change without notice or deprecation.
DebugConfig() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.DebugConfig
DEFAULT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
DEFAULT_HTTP_HOST - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Default Consul HTTP API host.
DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Default Consul HTTP API port.
delegateCur(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the delegateCur attribute.
delegateMax(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the delegateMax attribute.
delegateMin(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the delegateMin attribute.
DELETE - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
DELETE_CHECK_AND_SET - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
DELETE_TREE - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
deleteKey(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Deletes a specified key.
deleteKey(String, DeleteOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Deletes a specified key.
deleteKeys(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Deletes a specified key and any below it.
DeleteOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
DeleteOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
deletePeer(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.OperatorClient
deletePeer(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.OperatorClient
deletePolicy(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
deletePreparedQuery(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Deletes a prepared query by its ID.
deletePreparedQuery(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Deletes a prepared query by its ID.
deleteRole(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
deleteToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
deleteValues(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient.Api
deregister(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
De-register a particular service from the Consul Agent.
deregister(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
De-register a particular service from the Consul Agent.
deregister(CatalogDeregistration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
De-registers a service or node.
deregister(CatalogDeregistration, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
De-registers a service or node.
deregisterCheck(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
De-registers a Health Check with the Agent
deregisterCriticalServiceAfter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value deregisterCriticalServiceAfter to deregisterCriticalServiceAfter.
deregisterCriticalServiceAfter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value deregisterCriticalServiceAfter to deregisterCriticalServiceAfter.
deregisterCriticalServiceAfter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value deregisterCriticalServiceAfter to deregisterCriticalServiceAfter.
deregisterCriticalServiceAfter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value deregisterCriticalServiceAfter to deregisterCriticalServiceAfter.
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Policy
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
description() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
description(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the description attribute.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
description(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value description to description.
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Base64EncodingDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.SecondsDeserializer
deserialize(JsonParser, DeserializationContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UnsignedLongDeserializer
destinationName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.Builder
Initializes the value for the destinationName attribute.
destinationServiceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Initializes the value for the destinationServiceId attribute.
destinationServiceName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Initializes the value for the destinationServiceName attribute.
destinationType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.Builder
Initializes the value for the destinationType attribute.
destroy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Destroys the Object internal state.
destroySession(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Destroys a session.
destroySession(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Destroys a session.
disableHostname(Boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Initializes the value for the disableHostname attribute.
dns(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Initializes the value for the dns attribute.
dns(Optional<? extends DnsQuery>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value dns to dns.
dns(Optional<? extends DnsQuery>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the optional value dns to dns.
dns(DnsQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value dns to dns.
dns(DnsQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the optional value dns to dns.
dns(DnsQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the dns attribute.
DnsQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
DnsQuery() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.DnsQuery
dogStatsdAddr(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Initializes the value for the dogStatsdAddr attribute.
dogStatsdTags(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Initializes the optional value dogStatsdTags to dogStatsdTags.
dogStatsdTags(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Initializes the optional value dogStatsdTags to dogStatsdTags.


electNewLeaderForService(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.LeaderElectionUtil
enable(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value enable to enable.
enable(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value enable to enable.
enableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value enableTagOverride to enableTagOverride.
enableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value enableTagOverride to enableTagOverride.
enableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value enableTagOverride to enableTagOverride.
enableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value enableTagOverride to enableTagOverride.
enableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value enableTagOverride to enableTagOverride.
enableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value enableTagOverride to enableTagOverride.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceHealthKey that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAclResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAclToken that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAclTokenId that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableNodeIdentity that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePolicy that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePolicyLink that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePolicyListResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePolicyResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRole that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRoleLink that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRoleListResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRolePolicyLink that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRoleResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceIdentity that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableToken that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTokenListResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTokenResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableAgent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCheck that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableConfig that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableFullService that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableMember that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePorts that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRegCheck that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRegistration that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceProxy that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTelemetry that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCatalogDeregistration that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCatalogNode that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCatalogRegistration that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCatalogService that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceWeights that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTaggedAddresses that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableWriteRequest that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCoord that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableCoordinate that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableDatacenter that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableEvent that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableHealthCheck that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableNode that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableService that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceCheck that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceHealth that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableEventResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableOperation that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTxError that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTxResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableValue that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRaftConfiguration that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRaftServer that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableDnsQuery that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableFailover that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePreparedQuery that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableQueryId that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableQueryResult that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableQueryResults that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableRaftIndex
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRaftIndex that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableServiceQuery that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableStoredQuery that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTemplate that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSession that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableSessionInfo that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableDeleteOptions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableEventOptions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutablePutOptions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableQueryOptions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableQueryParameterOptions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableRoleOptions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTokenQueryOptions that have equal attribute values.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
This instance is equal to all instances of ImmutableTransactionOptions that have equal attribute values.
error(double) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord.Builder
Initializes the value for the error attribute.
errors() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
errors() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.TxResponse
errors(Iterable<? extends TxError>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for errors list.
Event - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event
Event() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
eventClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Event HTTP client.
EventClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/event/ endpoints.
EventOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
EventOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions
EventResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model
EventResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.EventResponse
EventResponseCallback - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.async
For Event API calls that support long-polling, this callback is used to handle the result on success or failure for an async HTTP call.
events(Iterable<? extends Event>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for events list.
execute(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Executes a prepared query by its name or ID.
execute(String, QueryOptions, Callback<QueryResults>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Executes a prepared query by its name or ID.
expirationTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
expirationTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
expirationTime(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value expirationTime to expirationTime.
expirationTime(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value expirationTime to expirationTime.
expirationTTL() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
expirationTTL() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
expirationTTL(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value expirationTTL to expirationTTL.
expirationTTL(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value expirationTTL to expirationTTL.
extract(Call<T>, Integer...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Http
extractBasicResponse(Call<T>, Callback<T>, Integer...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Http
extractConsulResponse(Call<T>, Integer...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Http
extractConsulResponse(Call<T>, ConsulResponseCallback<T>, Integer...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Http


fail(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL service check to "critical" state.
fail(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL service check to "critical" state with a note.
FAIL - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
failCheck(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL check to "critical" state.
failCheck(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL check to "critical" state with a note.
failover(Optional<? extends Failover>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value failover to failover.
failover(Failover) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value failover to failover.
Failover - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Failover() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.Failover
failovers() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
failovers() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResult
failovers(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the optional value failovers to failovers.
failovers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the optional value failovers to failovers.
failuresBeforeCritical(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value failuresBeforeCritical to failuresBeforeCritical.
failuresBeforeCritical(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value failuresBeforeCritical to failuresBeforeCritical.
filter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value filter to filter.
filter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value filter to filter.
fireEvent(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Fires a Consul event.
fireEvent(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Fires a Consul event.
fireEvent(String, EventOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Fires a Consul event.
fireEvent(String, EventOptions, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Fires a Consul event.
flags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
flags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
flags(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value flags to flags.
flags(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the value for the flags attribute.
flags(Optional<Long>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value flags to flags.
forceLeave(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
GET /v1/agent/force-leave/{node}
forceLeave(String, QueryParameterOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
GET /v1/agent/force-leave/{node}
from(ServiceHealthKey) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceHealthKey instance.
from(AclResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided AclResponse instance.
from(AclToken) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided AclToken instance.
from(AclTokenId) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided AclTokenId instance.
from(BasePolicyResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse instance.
from(BasePolicyResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse instance.
from(BaseRoleResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse instance.
from(BaseRoleResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse instance.
from(BaseTokenResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse instance.
from(BaseTokenResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse instance.
from(Policy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Policy instance.
from(PolicyListResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.PolicyListResponse instance.
from(PolicyResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.PolicyResponse instance.
from(Role) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Role instance.
from(Role.RoleNodeIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RoleNodeIdentity instance.
from(Role.RolePolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RolePolicyLink instance.
from(Role.RoleServiceIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RoleServiceIdentity instance.
from(RoleListResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.RoleListResponse instance.
from(RoleResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.RoleResponse instance.
from(Token) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Token instance.
from(Token.NodeIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided NodeIdentity instance.
from(Token.PolicyLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PolicyLink instance.
from(Token.RoleLink) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RoleLink instance.
from(Token.ServiceIdentity) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceIdentity instance.
from(TokenListResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenListResponse instance.
from(TokenResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenResponse instance.
from(Agent) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Agent instance.
from(Check) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Check instance.
from(Config) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Config instance.
from(FullService) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided FullService instance.
from(Member) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Member instance.
from(Ports) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Ports instance.
from(Registration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Registration instance.
from(Registration.RegCheck) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RegCheck instance.
from(ServiceProxy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceProxy instance.
from(ServiceProxyUpstream) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceProxyUpstream instance.
from(Telemetry) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Telemetry instance.
from(CatalogDeregistration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CatalogDeregistration instance.
from(CatalogNode) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CatalogNode instance.
from(CatalogRegistration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CatalogRegistration instance.
from(CatalogService) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided CatalogService instance.
from(ServiceWeights) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceWeights instance.
from(TaggedAddresses) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided TaggedAddresses instance.
from(WriteRequest) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided WriteRequest instance.
from(Coord) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Coord instance.
from(Coordinate) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Coordinate instance.
from(Datacenter) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Datacenter instance.
from(Event) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Event instance.
from(EventResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided EventResponse instance.
from(HealthCheck) - Method in class
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided HealthCheck instance.
from(Node) - Method in class
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Node instance.
from(Service) - Method in class
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Service instance.
from(ServiceCheck) - Method in class
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceCheck instance.
from(ServiceHealth) - Method in class
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceHealth instance.
from(Operation) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Operation instance.
from(TxError) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided TxError instance.
from(TxResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided TxResponse instance.
from(Value) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Value instance.
from(RaftConfiguration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RaftConfiguration instance.
from(RaftServer) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RaftServer instance.
from(DnsQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided DnsQuery instance.
from(Failover) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Failover instance.
from(PreparedQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided PreparedQuery instance.
from(QueryId) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided QueryId instance.
from(QueryResult) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided QueryResult instance.
from(QueryResults) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided QueryResults instance.
from(RaftIndex) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableRaftIndex.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided RaftIndex instance.
from(ServiceQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided ServiceQuery instance.
from(StoredQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided StoredQuery instance.
from(Template) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Template instance.
from(Session) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided Session instance.
from(SessionCreatedResponse) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided SessionCreatedResponse instance.
from(SessionInfo) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided SessionInfo instance.
from(DeleteOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions instance.
from(EventOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder instance.
from(ParamAdder...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.Options
from(PutOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions instance.
from(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions instance.
from(QueryParameterOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryParameterOptions instance.
from(RoleOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.RoleOptions instance.
from(TokenQueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions instance.
from(TransactionOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Fill a builder with attribute values from the provided org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TransactionOptions instance.
fromName(String) - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
Returns the appropriate State given the name.
fromServiceHealth(ServiceHealth) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthKey
FullService - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
FullService() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService


get(String, Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend.ConsulBookendContext
GET - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
GET_TREE - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
getAcquire() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
getAcquire() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
getAdditionalHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
Get the Additional HTTP headers to add to request.
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getAddress() - Method in class
getAddress() - Method in class
getAddress() - Method in class
getAddress() - Method in class
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coord
getAdjustment() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
getAgeInSeconds() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse.CacheResponseInfo
This value can be null if value is not in cache
getAgent() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves the Agent's configuration and member information.
getAllServiceInstances(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for all nodes.
getAllServiceInstances(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for all nodes in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getAllServiceInstances(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<List<ServiceHealth>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Asynchronously retrieves the healthchecks for all nodes in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getArgs() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getArgs() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getArgs() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getArgs() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getAuthMethod() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
getAuthMethod() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
getAuthMethodNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
getAuthMethodNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
getBehavior() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
getBehavior() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getBehavior() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.Session
getBehavior() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getCacheConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.ClientConfig
getCacheReponseInfo() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
getCacheResponseInfo() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
getCas() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
getCas() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
getCas() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
getCas() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
getCause() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UncheckedGeneralSecurityException
getCause() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UncheckedMalformedURLException
getCheck() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getCheck() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getCheckId() - Method in class
getCheckId() - Method in class
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all checks registered with the Agent.
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getChecks() - Method in class
getChecks() - Method in class
getChecks() - Method in class
getChecks() - Method in class
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResult
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.Session
getChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getChecks(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all checks registered with the Agent.
getChecksByState(State) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for a state.
getChecksByState(State, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for a state in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getChecksByState(State, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<List<HealthCheck>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Asynchronously retrieves the healthchecks for a state in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getClientConnectTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig
getClientReadTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig
getClientWriteTimeoutMillis() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig
getCode() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.consul.ConsulException
Get the HTTP status code that caused this exception, if any.
getConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
getConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Agent
getConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
getConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
getConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxy
getConsistencyMode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getConsistencyMode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
getConsistencyMode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getConsistencyMode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TransactionOptions
getConsulResponseWithValue(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a ConsulResponse with the Value for a specific key from the key/value store
getConsulResponseWithValue(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Returns a ConsulResponse for a specific key from the kv store.
getConsulResponseWithValues(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a ConsulResponse with a list of Value objects along with consul response headers for a specific key from the key/value store.
getConsulResponseWithValues(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a ConsulResponse with a list of Value objects along with consul response headers for a specific key from the key/value store.
getContentHash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getContentHash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getCoord() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coordinate
getCoord() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Datacenter
getCoordinates() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
getCreateIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getCreateIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getCreateIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getCreateIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Config
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Datacenter
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
getDatacenter() - Method in class
getDatacenter() - Method in class
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getDatacenter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TransactionOptions
getDatacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves all datacenters.
getDatacenters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CoordinateClient
getDatacenters(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Get the list of datacenters with query options
getDc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
getDc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
getDebugConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Agent
getDebugConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
getDefaultTrustManager() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.TrustManagerUtils
getDelegateCur() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getDelegateCur() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getDelegateMax() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getDelegateMax() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getDelegateMin() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getDelegateMin() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getDestinationName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
getDestinationName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxyUpstream
getDestinationServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
getDestinationServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxy
getDestinationServiceName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
getDestinationServiceName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxy
getDestinationType() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
getDestinationType() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxyUpstream
getDisableHostname() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
getDisableHostname() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Telemetry
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Ports
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.PreparedQuery
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResult
getDns() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.StoredQuery
getDogStatsdAddr() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
getDogStatsdAddr() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Telemetry
getDogStatsdTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
getDogStatsdTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Telemetry
getEnable() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getEnable() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getEnableTagOverride() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getEnableTagOverride() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getEnableTagOverride() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getEnableTagOverride() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getEnableTagOverride() - Method in class
getEnableTagOverride() - Method in class
getEndpoint() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.CacheDescriptor
getError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coord
getError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
getEventHandler() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
getEvents() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.EventResponse
getEvents() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
getFailover() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
getFailover() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ServiceQuery
getFailuresBeforeCritical() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getFailuresBeforeCritical() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getFlags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getFlags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getGrpc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getGrpc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getGrpc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getGrpc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getGrpcUseTls() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getGrpcUseTls() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getGrpcUseTls() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getGrpcUseTls() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getHash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getHash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getHealthyServiceInstances(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for all healthy service instances.
getHealthyServiceInstances(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for all healthy service instances in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getHealthyServiceInstances(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<List<ServiceHealth>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Asynchronously retrieves the healthchecks for all healthy service instances in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getHeight() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coord
getHeight() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
getHost() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
getHost() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthKey
getHttp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getHttp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getHttp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
getHttp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getHttp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Ports
getHttp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryId
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.StoredQuery
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionCreatedResponse
getId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
getIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.EventResponse
getIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
getIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getInterval() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getInterval() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getInterval() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getInterval() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getKey() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.CacheDescriptor
getKey() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getKey() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getKeys(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of matching keys for the given key.
getKeys(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of matching keys for the given key, limiting the prefix of keys returned, only up to the given separator.
getKeys(String, String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of matching keys for the given key.
getKeys(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient.Api
getKeys(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of matching keys for the given key.
getKind() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getKind() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getLan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
getLan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.TaggedAddresses
getLastContact() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
getLeader() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.StatusClient
Retrieves the host/port of the Consul leader.
getLeader(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.StatusClient
Retrieves the host/port of the Consul leader.
getLeaderInfoForService(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.LeaderElectionUtil
getListeners() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
getLocalBindPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
getLocalBindPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxyUpstream
getLocalServiceAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
getLocalServiceAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxy
getLocalServicePort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
getLocalServicePort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxy
getLockDelay() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
getLockDelay() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getLockDelay() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.Session
getLockDelay() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getLockIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getLockIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getLTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getLTime() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getMap() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
getMapWithMetadata() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
getMaximumBackOffDelay() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Gets the maximum back-off delay used in caches.
getMember() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Agent
getMember() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
getMembers() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all members that the Agent can see in the gossip pool.
getMembers(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all members that the Agent can see in the gossip pool.
getMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Agent
getMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
getMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getMeta() - Method in class
getMeta() - Method in class
getMinimumBackOffDelay() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Gets the minimum back-off delay used in caches.
getMinimumDurationBetweenRequests() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Gets the minimum time between two requests for caches.
getMinimumDurationDelayOnEmptyResult() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Gets the minimum time between two requests for caches.
getModifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getModifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.PreparedQuery
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.StoredQuery
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.Session
getName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getName() - Method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
Retrieve the name value for the Consul check API endpoints.
getNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
getNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
getNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.RoleOptions
getNamespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
getNear() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getNear() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getNearestN() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.Failover
getNearestN() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
getNetworkTimeoutConfig() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogNode
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coordinate
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResult
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.Session
getNode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves a single node.
getNode(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves a single node for a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getNode(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<CatalogNode>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Asynchronously retrieves the single node for a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getNodeChecks(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for a node.
getNodeChecks(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for a node in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getNodeFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getNodeFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getNodeFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions
getNodeFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
getNodeMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getNodeMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getNodeMeta() - Method in class
getNodeMeta() - Method in class
getNodeMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getNodeMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getNodeMetaQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getNodeMetaQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getNodeName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Config
getNodeName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
getNodes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves all nodes.
getNodes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CoordinateClient
getNodes(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CoordinateClient
getNodes(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves all nodes for a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getNodes(QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<List<Node>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Asynchronously retrieves the nodes for a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getNote() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getNote() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getNotes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getNotes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getNotes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getNotes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getNotes() - Method in class
getNotes() - Method in class
getOnlyPassing() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
getOnlyPassing() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ServiceQuery
getOutput() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getOutput() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getOutput() - Method in class
getOutput() - Method in class
getPassing() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
getPassing() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ServiceWeights
getPath() - Method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
Retrieve the path value for the Consul check API endpoints.
getPayload() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getPayload() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getPeers() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.StatusClient
Retrieves a list of host/ports for raft peers.
getPeers(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.StatusClient
Retrieves a list of host/ports for raft peers.
getPolicy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
getPolicy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
getPolicy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.RoleOptions
getPolicy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthKey
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getPort() - Method in class
getPort() - Method in class
getPreparedQueries() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Retrieves the list of prepared queries.
getPreparedQueries(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Retrieves the list of prepared queries.
getPreparedQuery(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Retrieves a prepared query by its ID.
getPreparedQuery(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.PreparedQueryClient
Retrieves a prepared query by its ID.
getProtocolCur() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getProtocolCur() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getProtocolMax() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getProtocolMax() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getProtocolMin() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getProtocolMin() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getProxy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getProxy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getPrune() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
getPrune() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryParameterOptions
getRaftConfiguration() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.OperatorClient
getRaftConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.OperatorClient
getReason() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getReason() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getRecurse() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
getRecurse() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
getRefreshErrorLoggingConsumer() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Gets the function that will be called in case of error.
getRegExp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
getRegExp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.Template
getRelease() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
getRelease() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
getReplaceExistingChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
getReplaceExistingChecks() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryParameterOptions
getResponse() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
getRevision() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Config
getRevision() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
getRole() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
getRole() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
getRpc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
getRpc() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Ports
getSegment() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getSegment() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getSerfLan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
getSerfLan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Ports
getSerfWan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
getSerfWan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Ports
getServer() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Config
getServer() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
getServer() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
getServer() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Ports
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.PreparedQuery
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResult
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ServiceQuery
getService() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.StoredQuery
getService(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves the single service.
getService(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all information about a service.
getService(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves a single service for a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getService(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<List<CatalogService>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Asynchronously retrieves the single service for a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getService(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<FullService>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all information about a service.
getServiceAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServiceAddress() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getServiceChecks(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for a service.
getServiceChecks(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Retrieves the healthchecks for a service in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getServiceChecks(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<List<HealthCheck>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.HealthClient
Asynchronously retrieves the healthchecks for a service in a given datacenter with QueryOptions.
getServiceEnableTagOverride() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServiceEnableTagOverride() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getServiceFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getServiceFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getServiceFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions
getServiceFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
getServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
getServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthKey
getServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServiceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getServiceId() - Method in class
getServiceId() - Method in class
getServiceMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServiceMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getServiceName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServiceName() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getServiceName() - Method in class
getServiceName() - Method in class
getServicePort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServicePort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getServices() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all services registered with the Agent.
getServices() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves all services for a given datacenter.
getServices() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogNode
getServices() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
getServices(ConsulResponseCallback<Map<String, List<String>>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Asynchronously retrieves the services for a given datacenter.
getServices(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Retrieves all services registered with the Agent.
getServices(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Retrieves all services for a given datacenter.
getServices(QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<Map<String, List<String>>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Asynchronously retrieves the services for a given datacenter.
getServiceTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getServiceTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getServiceTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServiceTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getServiceTags() - Method in class
getServiceTags() - Method in class
getServiceWeights() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getServiceWeights() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getServiceWeights() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogService
getServiceWeights() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
getSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
getSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
getSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.PreparedQuery
getSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.StoredQuery
getSession(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a session string for a specific key from the key/value store.
getSessionInfo(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Retrieves session info.
getSessionInfo(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Retrieves session info.
getStaleRaftConfiguration() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.OperatorClient
getStaleRaftConfiguration(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.OperatorClient
getState() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
getStatsdAddr() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
getStatsdAddr() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Telemetry
getStatsiteAddr() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
getStatsiteAddr() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Telemetry
getStatsitePrefix() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
getStatsitePrefix() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Telemetry
getStatus() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getStatus() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getStatus() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getStatus() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getStatus() - Method in class
getStatus() - Method in class
getSuccessBeforePassing() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getSuccessBeforePassing() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getTag() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getTag() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getTagFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getTagFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getTagFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions
getTagFilter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
getTaggedAddresses() - Method in class
getTaggedAddresses() - Method in class
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
getTags() - Method in class
getTags() - Method in class
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
getTags() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ServiceQuery
getTagsQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getTagsQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getTcp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getTcp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getTcp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getTcp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getTemplate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
getTemplate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.PreparedQuery
getTimeout() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getTimeout() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getTimeoutAutoAdjustmentMargin() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Gets the margin of the read timeout for caches.
getTlsSkipVerify() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getTlsSkipVerify() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.PreparedQuery
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.StoredQuery
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
getToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.DnsQuery
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.Session
getTtl() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
getType() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
getType() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.Template
getUpstreams() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
getUpstreams() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxy
getValue() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getValue() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getValue(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a Value for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValue(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient.Api
getValue(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a Value for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValue(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<Optional<Value>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Asynchronously retrieves a Value for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValueAsBytes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getValueAsBytes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
getValueAsString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getValueAsString(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a string value for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValueAsString(String, Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a string value for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValueAsString(Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
getValues(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of Value objects for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValues(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of Value objects for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValues(String, QueryOptions, ConsulResponseCallback<List<Value>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Asynchronously retrieves a list of Value objects for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValuesAsString(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of string values for a specific key from the key/value store.
getValuesAsString(String, Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Retrieves a list of string values for a specific key from the key/value store.
getVec() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.Coord
getVec() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
getVersion() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Config
getVersion() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
getVersion() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.Event
getVersion() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
getWait() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getWait() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getWan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
getWan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.TaggedAddresses
getWan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
getWan() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
getWarning() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
getWarning() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ServiceWeights
getWatchDuration() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Gets the default watch duration for caches.
getWeights() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.FullService
getWeights() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
getWeights() - Method in class
getWeights() - Method in class
grpc(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpc to grpc.
grpc(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpc to grpc.
grpc(String, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
grpc(String, long, boolean) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
grpc(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpc to grpc.
grpc(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpc to grpc.
grpcUseTls(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpcUseTls to grpcUseTls.
grpcUseTls(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpcUseTls to grpcUseTls.
grpcUseTls(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpcUseTls to grpcUseTls.
grpcUseTls(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value grpcUseTls to grpcUseTls.


handle(Call<Void>, Integer...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Http
hasCode() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.consul.ConsulException
Check whether this exception is known to have been caused by an HTTP error.
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
hash() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
hash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the hash attribute.
hash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the hash attribute.
hash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the hash attribute.
hash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the hash attribute.
hash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the hash attribute.
hash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the hash attribute.
hash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value hash to hash.
hash(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value hash to hash.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
Computes a hash code from attributes: serviceId, host, port.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: createIndex, modifyIndex, id, name, type, rules.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, type, rules.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId
Computes a hash code from attributes: id.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, datacenter.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, description, name, rules, datacenters.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, datacenters, hash, createIndex, modifyIndex.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, datacenters, hash, createIndex, modifyIndex.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, id, description, policies, serviceIdentities, nodeIdentities, namespace.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, description, policies, serviceIdentities, nodeIdentities, createIndex, modifyIndex, hash.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, datacenter.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, description, policies, serviceIdentities, nodeIdentities, createIndex, modifyIndex, hash.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, datacenters.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, datacenters.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, secretId, description, policies, roles, serviceIdentities, nodeIdentities, local, expirationTime, expirationTTL, namespace.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: accessorId, description, policies, createIndex, modifyIndex, local, createTime, hash.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: accessorId, description, policies, createIndex, modifyIndex, local, createTime, hash, secretId.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Computes a hash code from attributes: config, debugConfig, member, meta.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, notes, output, args, interval, ttl, http, tcp, grpc, grpcUseTls, serviceId, serviceTags, deregisterCriticalServiceAfter.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Computes a hash code from attributes: datacenter, nodeName, revision, server, version.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Computes a hash code from attributes: kind, id, service, tags, meta, port, address, weights, enableTagOverride, contentHash, proxy.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, address, port, tags, status, protocolMin, protocolMax, protocolCur, delegateMin, delegateMax, delegateCur.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Computes a hash code from attributes: dns, http, rpc, serfLan, serfWan, server.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, args, interval, ttl, http, tcp, grpc, grpcUseTls, timeout, notes, deregisterCriticalServiceAfter, tlsSkipVerify, status, successBeforePassing, failuresBeforeCritical.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Computes a hash code from attributes: name, id, address, port, check, checks, tags, meta, enableTagOverride, serviceWeights.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Computes a hash code from attributes: destinationServiceName, destinationServiceId, localServiceAddress, localServicePort, config, upstreams.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
Computes a hash code from attributes: destinationType, destinationName, localBindPort.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Computes a hash code from attributes: statsiteAddr, statsdAddr, statsitePrefix, disableHostname, dogStatsdAddr, dogStatsdTags.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Computes a hash code from attributes: datacenter, node, checkId, serviceId, writeRequest.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, services.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, datacenter, node, address, nodeMeta, taggedAddresses, service, check, writeRequest, skipNodeUpdate.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, address, datacenter, serviceName, serviceId, serviceAddress, serviceEnableTagOverride, servicePort, serviceTags, serviceMeta, serviceWeights, nodeMeta.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
Computes a hash code from attributes: passing, warning.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
Computes a hash code from attributes: wan, lan.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest
Computes a hash code from attributes: token.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Computes a hash code from attributes: adjustment, error, height, vec.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, coord.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
Computes a hash code from attributes: datacenter, coordinates.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, payload, nodeFilter, serviceFilter, tagFilter, version, lTime.
hashCode() - Method in class
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, checkId, name, status, notes, output, serviceId, serviceName, serviceTags.
hashCode() - Method in class
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, address, datacenter, taggedAddresses, nodeMeta.
hashCode() - Method in class
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, service, enableTagOverride, tags, address, meta, port, weights.
hashCode() - Method in class
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, service, checks.
hashCode() - Method in class
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, service, checks.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: events, index.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Computes a hash code from attributes: verb, key, value, flags, index, session.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Computes a hash code from attributes: opIndex, what.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: results, errors.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Computes a hash code from attributes: createIndex, modifyIndex, lockIndex, key, flags, value, session.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
Computes a hash code from attributes: servers, index.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, node, address, leader, voter.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery
Computes a hash code from attributes: ttl.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Computes a hash code from attributes: nearestN, datacenters.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Computes a hash code from attributes: template, name, session, token, service, dns.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId
Computes a hash code from attributes: id.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Computes a hash code from attributes: node, service, checks, dns, datacenters, failovers.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
Computes a hash code from attributes: service, nodes.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableRaftIndex
Returns a constant hash code value.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Computes a hash code from attributes: service, onlyPassing, tags, failover.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Computes a hash code from attributes: id, name, session, token, service, dns.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
Computes a hash code from attributes: type, regExp.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Computes a hash code from attributes: lockDelay, name, node, checks, behavior, ttl.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse
Computes a hash code from attributes: id.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Computes a hash code from attributes: createIndex, lockDelay, name, node, checks, behavior, ttl, id.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQueryParameters, toHeaders, cas, recurse, datacenter, isRecurse.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQueryParameters, toHeaders, datacenter, nodeFilter, serviceFilter, tagFilter.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQueryParameters, toHeaders, cas, acquire, release, dc, token.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQueryParameters, wait, token, hash, index, near, datacenter, filter, namespace, wan, segment, note, enable, reason, nodeMeta, tag, consistencyMode, isBlocking, hasToken, nodeMetaQuery, tagsQuery.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQuery, toHeaders, replaceExistingChecks, prune.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQueryParameters, toHeaders, policy, namespace.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQueryParameters, toHeaders, policy, role, authMethod, authMethodNamespace, namespace.
hashCode() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Computes a hash code from attributes: toQueryParameters, datacenter, consistencyMode.
hasToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
hasToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
HealthCheck - Class in
HealthCheck() - Constructor for class
HealthCheckCache - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
healthClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Health HTTP client.
HealthClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/health/ endpoints.
height(double) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord.Builder
Initializes the value for the height attribute.
host(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey.Builder
Initializes the value for the host attribute.
http - Variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
http(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Initializes the value for the http attribute.
http(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value http to http.
http(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value http to http.
http(String, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
http(String, long, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
http(String, long, long, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
http(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value http to http.
http(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value http to http.
Http - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
Http(ClientEventHandler) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Http
httpRequestFailure(Request, Throwable) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
httpRequestInvalid(Request, Throwable) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
httpRequestSuccess(Request) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler


id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclToken
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclTokenId
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Policy
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RolePolicyLink
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.PolicyLink
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.RoleLink
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
id() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftServer
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the value for the id attribute.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
id(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value id to id.
ImmutableAclResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of AclResponse.
ImmutableAclResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableAclResponse.
ImmutableAclToken - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of AclToken.
ImmutableAclToken.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableAclToken.
ImmutableAclTokenId - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of AclTokenId.
ImmutableAclTokenId.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableAclTokenId.
ImmutableAgent - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Agent.
ImmutableAgent.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableAgent.
ImmutableCatalogDeregistration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Immutable implementation of CatalogDeregistration.
ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Builds instances of type ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.
ImmutableCatalogNode - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Immutable implementation of CatalogNode.
ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Builds instances of type ImmutableCatalogNode.
ImmutableCatalogRegistration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Immutable implementation of CatalogRegistration.
ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Builds instances of type ImmutableCatalogRegistration.
ImmutableCatalogService - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Immutable implementation of CatalogService.
ImmutableCatalogService.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Builds instances of type ImmutableCatalogService.
ImmutableCheck - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Check.
ImmutableCheck.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableCheck.
ImmutableConfig - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Config.
ImmutableConfig.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableConfig.
ImmutableCoord - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Immutable implementation of Coord.
ImmutableCoord.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Builds instances of type ImmutableCoord.
ImmutableCoordinate - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Immutable implementation of Coordinate.
ImmutableCoordinate.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Builds instances of type ImmutableCoordinate.
ImmutableDatacenter - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Immutable implementation of Datacenter.
ImmutableDatacenter.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
Builds instances of type ImmutableDatacenter.
ImmutableDeleteOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of DeleteOptions.
ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutableDeleteOptions.
ImmutableDnsQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of DnsQuery.
ImmutableDnsQuery.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableDnsQuery.
ImmutableEvent - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event
Immutable implementation of Event.
ImmutableEvent.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event
Builds instances of type ImmutableEvent.
ImmutableEventOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of EventOptions.
ImmutableEventOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutableEventOptions.
ImmutableEventResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model
Immutable implementation of EventResponse.
ImmutableEventResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model
Builds instances of type ImmutableEventResponse.
ImmutableFailover - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of Failover.
ImmutableFailover.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableFailover.
ImmutableFullService - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of FullService.
ImmutableFullService.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableFullService.
ImmutableHealthCheck - Class in
Immutable implementation of HealthCheck.
ImmutableHealthCheck.Builder - Class in
Builds instances of type ImmutableHealthCheck.
ImmutableMember - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Member.
ImmutableMember.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableMember.
ImmutableNode - Class in
Immutable implementation of Node.
ImmutableNode.Builder - Class in
Builds instances of type ImmutableNode.
ImmutableNodeIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Token.NodeIdentity.
ImmutableNodeIdentity.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableNodeIdentity.
ImmutableOperation - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Immutable implementation of Operation.
ImmutableOperation.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Builds instances of type ImmutableOperation.
ImmutablePolicy - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Policy.
ImmutablePolicy.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutablePolicy.
ImmutablePolicyLink - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Token.PolicyLink.
ImmutablePolicyLink.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutablePolicyLink.
ImmutablePolicyListResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of PolicyListResponse.
ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutablePolicyListResponse.
ImmutablePolicyResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of PolicyResponse.
ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutablePolicyResponse.
ImmutablePorts - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Ports.
ImmutablePorts.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutablePorts.
ImmutablePreparedQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of PreparedQuery.
ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutablePreparedQuery.
ImmutablePutOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of PutOptions.
ImmutablePutOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutablePutOptions.
ImmutableQueryId - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of QueryId.
ImmutableQueryId.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableQueryId.
ImmutableQueryOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of QueryOptions.
ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutableQueryOptions.
ImmutableQueryParameterOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of QueryParameterOptions.
ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.
ImmutableQueryResult - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of QueryResult.
ImmutableQueryResult.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableQueryResult.
ImmutableQueryResults - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of QueryResults.
ImmutableQueryResults.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableQueryResults.
ImmutableRaftConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator
Immutable implementation of RaftConfiguration.
ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator
Builds instances of type ImmutableRaftConfiguration.
ImmutableRaftIndex - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of RaftIndex.
ImmutableRaftIndex.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableRaftIndex.
ImmutableRaftServer - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator
Immutable implementation of RaftServer.
ImmutableRaftServer.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator
Builds instances of type ImmutableRaftServer.
ImmutableRegCheck - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Registration.RegCheck.
ImmutableRegCheck.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableRegCheck.
ImmutableRegistration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Registration.
ImmutableRegistration.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableRegistration.
ImmutableRole - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Role.
ImmutableRole.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableRole.
ImmutableRoleLink - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Token.RoleLink.
ImmutableRoleLink.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableRoleLink.
ImmutableRoleListResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of RoleListResponse.
ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableRoleListResponse.
ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Role.RoleNodeIdentity.
ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity.
ImmutableRoleOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of RoleOptions.
ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutableRoleOptions.
ImmutableRolePolicyLink - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Role.RolePolicyLink.
ImmutableRolePolicyLink.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableRolePolicyLink.
ImmutableRoleResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of RoleResponse.
ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableRoleResponse.
ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Role.RoleServiceIdentity.
ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.
ImmutableService - Class in
Immutable implementation of Service.
ImmutableService.Builder - Class in
Builds instances of type ImmutableService.
ImmutableServiceCheck - Class in
Immutable implementation of ServiceCheck.
ImmutableServiceCheck.Builder - Class in
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceCheck.
ImmutableServiceHealth - Class in
Immutable implementation of ServiceHealth.
ImmutableServiceHealth.Builder - Class in
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceHealth.
ImmutableServiceHealthKey - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
Immutable implementation of ServiceHealthKey.
ImmutableServiceHealthKey.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceHealthKey.
ImmutableServiceIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Token.ServiceIdentity.
ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceIdentity.
ImmutableServiceProxy - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of ServiceProxy.
ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceProxy.
ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of ServiceProxyUpstream.
ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.
ImmutableServiceQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of ServiceQuery.
ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceQuery.
ImmutableServiceWeights - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Immutable implementation of ServiceWeights.
ImmutableServiceWeights.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Builds instances of type ImmutableServiceWeights.
ImmutableSession - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
Immutable implementation of Session.
ImmutableSession.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
Builds instances of type ImmutableSession.
ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
Immutable implementation of SessionCreatedResponse.
ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
Builds instances of type ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse.
ImmutableSessionInfo - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
Immutable implementation of SessionInfo.
ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
Builds instances of type ImmutableSessionInfo.
ImmutableStoredQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of StoredQuery.
ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableStoredQuery.
ImmutableTaggedAddresses - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Immutable implementation of TaggedAddresses.
ImmutableTaggedAddresses.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Builds instances of type ImmutableTaggedAddresses.
ImmutableTelemetry - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Immutable implementation of Telemetry.
ImmutableTelemetry.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Builds instances of type ImmutableTelemetry.
ImmutableTemplate - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Immutable implementation of Template.
ImmutableTemplate.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Builds instances of type ImmutableTemplate.
ImmutableToken - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of Token.
ImmutableToken.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableToken.
ImmutableTokenListResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of TokenListResponse.
ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableTokenListResponse.
ImmutableTokenQueryOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of TokenQueryOptions.
ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.
ImmutableTokenResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Immutable implementation of TokenResponse.
ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Builds instances of type ImmutableTokenResponse.
ImmutableTransactionOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Immutable implementation of TransactionOptions.
ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Builds instances of type ImmutableTransactionOptions.
ImmutableTxError - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Immutable implementation of TxError.
ImmutableTxError.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Builds instances of type ImmutableTxError.
ImmutableTxResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Immutable implementation of TxResponse.
ImmutableTxResponse.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Builds instances of type ImmutableTxResponse.
ImmutableValue - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Immutable implementation of Value.
ImmutableValue.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Builds instances of type ImmutableValue.
ImmutableWriteRequest - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Immutable implementation of WriteRequest.
ImmutableWriteRequest.Builder - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
Builds instances of type ImmutableWriteRequest.
index() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
index() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
index() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
index() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftConfiguration
index(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the index attribute.
index(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value index to index.
index(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder
Initializes the value for the index attribute.
index(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value index to index.
index(Optional<? extends BigInteger>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value index to index.
index(Optional<? extends BigInteger>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value index to index.
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.TimeoutInterceptor
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend.ConsulBookendInterceptor
intercept(Interceptor.Chain) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.ConsulFailoverInterceptor
interval(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value interval to interval.
interval(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value interval to interval.
interval(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value interval to interval.
interval(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value interval to interval.
isBlocking() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
isBlocking() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
isCacheHit() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse.CacheResponseInfo
isDestroyed() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Check whether the internal state has been shut down.
isKnownLeader() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
isRecurse() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
isRecurse() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
isRegistered(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Indicates whether a particular service is registered with the local Consul agent.
isRequestViable(Request) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy.BlacklistingConsulFailoverStrategy
isRequestViable(Request) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy.ConsulFailoverStrategy
Determines if there is a viable candidate for the next request.
isTimeoutAutoAdjustmentEnabled() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig
Is the automatic adjustment of read timeout enabled?


Jackson - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
join(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
GET /v1/agent/join/{address}
join(String, boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
GET /v1/agent/join/{address}?wan=wan
join(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
GET /v1/agent/join/{address}?queryOptions


key() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
key() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
key(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value key to key.
key(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the value for the key attribute.
key(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value key to key.
keyValueClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Key/Value HTTP client.
KeyValueClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/kv/ endpoints.
KeyValueClient.Api - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul
Retrofit API interface.
kind(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value kind to kind.
kind(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value kind to kind.
KVCache - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache


lan(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses.Builder
Initializes the optional value lan to lan.
lan(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses.Builder
Initializes the optional value lan to lan.
LATENT - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.State
leader() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
leader() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftServer
leader(Boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer.Builder
Initializes the value for the leader attribute.
LeaderElectionUtil - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
LeaderElectionUtil(Consul) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.LeaderElectionUtil
listEvents() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Lists events for the Consul agent.
listEvents(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Lists events for the Consul agent.
listEvents(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Lists events for the Consul agent.
listEvents(String, QueryOptions, EventResponseCallback) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Asynchronously lists events for the Consul agent.
listEvents(EventResponseCallback) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Asynchronously lists events for the Consul agent.
listEvents(QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Lists events for the Consul agent.
listEvents(QueryOptions, EventResponseCallback) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.EventClient
Asynchronously lists events for the Consul agent.
listPolicies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
listRoles() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
listRoles(RoleOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
listSessions() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Lists all sessions.
listSessions(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Lists all sessions.
listTokens() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
listTokens(TokenQueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
local() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
local() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
local() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
local() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
local() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
local(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value local to local.
local(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the local attribute.
local(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the local attribute.
local(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value local to local.
localBindPort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream.Builder
Initializes the value for the localBindPort attribute.
localServiceAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Initializes the value for the localServiceAddress attribute.
localServicePort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Initializes the value for the localServicePort attribute.
LOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
lockDelay(Long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the value for the lockDelay attribute.
lockDelay(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value lockDelay to lockDelay.
lockDelay(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value lockDelay to lockDelay.
lockIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the value for the lockIndex attribute.
lTime(Long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the lTime attribute.


MANAGEMENT - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenType
MAPPER - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Jackson
markRequestFailed(Request) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy.BlacklistingConsulFailoverStrategy
markRequestFailed(Request) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy.ConsulFailoverStrategy
Marks the specified request as a failed URL (in case of exceptions and other events that could cause us to never get a response).
member(Member) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Initializes the value for the member attribute.
Member - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Member() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Member
meta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the meta map.
meta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the meta map.
meta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the meta map.
meta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the meta map.
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
modifyIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
modifyIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.
modifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.
modifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.
modifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.
modifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.
modifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.
modifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.
modifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the modifyIndex attribute.


name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclToken
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BasePolicyResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Policy
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RoleNodeIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RolePolicyLink
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RoleServiceIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.NodeIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.PolicyLink
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.RoleLink
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.ServiceIdentity
name() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
ConsistencyMode used t be an enum, implement it.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the name attribute.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
name(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the optional value name to name.
namespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
namespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
namespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
namespace() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
namespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
namespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value namespace to namespace.
near(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value near to near.
near(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value near to near.
nearestN(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover.Builder
Initializes the optional value nearestN to nearestN.
nearestN(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover.Builder
Initializes the optional value nearestN to nearestN.
newCache(CatalogClient) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.NodesCatalogCache
newCache(CatalogClient, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceCatalogCache
newCache(CatalogClient, String, QueryOptions, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceCatalogCache
newCache(CatalogClient, String, QueryOptions, int, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceCatalogCache
newCache(CatalogClient, QueryOptions, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.NodesCatalogCache
newCache(CatalogClient, QueryOptions, int, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.NodesCatalogCache
newCache(HealthClient, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthCache
newCache(HealthClient, String, boolean, int, QueryOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthCache
newCache(HealthClient, String, boolean, int, QueryOptions, Function<ServiceHealth, ServiceHealthKey>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthCache
newCache(HealthClient, String, boolean, int, QueryOptions, Function<ServiceHealth, ServiceHealthKey>, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthCache
Factory method to construct a string/ServiceHealth map for a particular service.
newCache(HealthClient, String, boolean, QueryOptions, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthCache
newCache(HealthClient, State) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.HealthCheckCache
newCache(HealthClient, State, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.HealthCheckCache
newCache(HealthClient, State, int, QueryOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.HealthCheckCache
newCache(HealthClient, State, int, QueryOptions, Function<HealthCheck, String>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.HealthCheckCache
newCache(HealthClient, State, int, QueryOptions, Function<HealthCheck, String>, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.HealthCheckCache
Factory method to construct a string/HealthCheck map for a particular State.
newCache(KeyValueClient, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.KVCache
Factory method to construct a String/Value map with a 10-second block interval
newCache(KeyValueClient, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.KVCache
Factory method to construct a String/Value map.
newCache(KeyValueClient, String, int, QueryOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.KVCache
newCache(KeyValueClient, String, int, QueryOptions, ScheduledExecutorService) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.KVCache
newClient() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Used to create a default Consul client.
newUrl(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Urls
newUrl(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Urls
newUrl(String, String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Urls
node() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogDeregistration
node() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
node() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
node() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
node() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
node() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftServer
node(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value node to node.
node(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value node to node.
node(Node) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(Node) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(Node) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
node(Node) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the value for the node attribute.
Node - Class in
Node() - Constructor for class
nodeFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value nodeFilter to nodeFilter.
nodeFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value nodeFilter to nodeFilter.
nodeFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value nodeFilter to nodeFilter.
nodeFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value nodeFilter to nodeFilter.
nodeIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
nodeIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
nodeIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
nodeIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
nodeIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
nodeIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
nodeIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
nodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for nodeIdentities list.
nodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for nodeIdentities list.
nodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for nodeIdentities list.
nodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Token.NodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for nodeIdentities list.
NodeIdentity() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.NodeIdentity
nodeMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
nodeMeta() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
nodeMeta(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for nodeMeta list.
nodeMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the nodeMeta map.
nodeMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the nodeMeta map.
nodeMeta(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value nodeMeta to nodeMeta.
nodeMeta(Optional<? extends Map<String, String>>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value nodeMeta to nodeMeta.
nodeName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig.Builder
Initializes the value for the nodeName attribute.
nodes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
nodes() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResults
nodes(Iterable<? extends ServiceHealth>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for nodes list.
NodesCatalogCache - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
NoOpClientEventCallback - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring
A "no-op" implementation of ClientEventCallback.
NoOpClientEventCallback() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.NoOpClientEventCallback
NOT_FOUND_404 - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
note(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value note to note.
note(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value note to note.
notes(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value notes to notes.
notes(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value notes to notes.
notes(String) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value notes to notes.
notes(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value notes to notes.
notes(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value notes to notes.
notes(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value notes to notes.
notify(Map<K, V>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.Listener
NotRegisteredException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.consul
Thrown when a previously registered service attempts to check in.
NotRegisteredException(String) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.NotRegisteredException
NotRegisteredException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.NotRegisteredException


of(Iterable<? extends Event>, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Construct a new immutable EventResponse instance.
of(String, String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthKey
of(List<Event>, BigInteger) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Construct a new immutable EventResponse instance.
onCachePollingError(String, CacheDescriptor, Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventCallback
onCachePollingSuccess(String, CacheDescriptor, boolean, Duration) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventCallback
onCacheStart(String, CacheDescriptor) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventCallback
onCacheStop(String, CacheDescriptor) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventCallback
onComplete(ConsulResponse<T>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.async.ConsulResponseCallback
Callback for a successful ConsulResponse.
onComplete(EventResponse) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.async.EventResponseCallback
Callback for a successful EventResponse.
onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.async.Callback
onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.async.ConsulResponseCallback
Callback for an unsuccessful request.
onFailure(Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.async.EventResponseCallback
Callback for an unsuccessful request.
onHttpRequestFailure(String, String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventCallback
onHttpRequestInvalid(String, String, String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventCallback
onHttpRequestSuccess(String, String, String) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventCallback
onlyPassing(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value onlyPassing to onlyPassing.
onlyPassing(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value onlyPassing to onlyPassing.
onResponse(T) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.async.Callback
Operation - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Operation() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
operatorClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Operator HTTP client.
OperatorClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
opIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
opIndex() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.TxError
opIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError.Builder
Initializes the optional value opIndex to opIndex.
opIndex(Optional<? extends BigInteger>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError.Builder
Initializes the optional value opIndex to opIndex.
Options - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
ordinal() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
org.kiwiproject.consul - package org.kiwiproject.consul
org.kiwiproject.consul.async - package org.kiwiproject.consul.async
org.kiwiproject.consul.cache - package org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
org.kiwiproject.consul.config - package org.kiwiproject.consul.config
org.kiwiproject.consul.model - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event - package
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session - package org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring - package org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring
org.kiwiproject.consul.option - package org.kiwiproject.consul.option
org.kiwiproject.consul.util - package org.kiwiproject.consul.util
org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend - package org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend
org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover - package org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover
org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy - package org.kiwiproject.consul.util.failover.strategy
output(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value output to output.
output(String) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value output to output.
output(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value output to output.
output(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value output to output.


ParamAdder - Interface in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
pass(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL service check to "passing" state
pass(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL service check to "passing" state with a note
PASS - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
passCheck(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL check to "passing" state
passCheck(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL check to "passing" state with a note
passing(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights.Builder
Initializes the value for the passing attribute.
payload(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value payload to payload.
payload(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value payload to payload.
performTransaction(RequestBody, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient.Api
performTransaction(Operation...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Performs a Consul transaction.
performTransaction(TransactionOptions, Operation...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Performs a Consul transaction.
ping() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Pings the Consul Agent.
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseTokenResponse
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
policies() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
policies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for policies list.
policies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for policies list.
policies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for policies list.
policies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for policies list.
policies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for policies list.
policies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for policies list.
policy(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value policy to policy.
policy(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value policy to policy.
policy(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value policy to policy.
policy(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value policy to policy.
Policy - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Policy() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Policy
PolicyLink() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.PolicyLink
PolicyListResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
PolicyListResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.PolicyListResponse
PolicyResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
PolicyResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.PolicyResponse
port(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the value for the port attribute.
port(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the port attribute.
port(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value port to port.
port(int) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the port attribute.
port(Integer) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey.Builder
Initializes the value for the port attribute.
port(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value port to port.
Ports - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Ports() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Ports
post(int, ConsulBookendContext) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend.ConsulBookend
pre(String, ConsulBookendContext) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend.ConsulBookend
PreparedQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
PreparedQuery() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.PreparedQuery
preparedQueryClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Prepared Query HTTP client.
PreparedQueryClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
protocolCur(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the protocolCur attribute.
protocolMax(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the protocolMax attribute.
protocolMin(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the protocolMin attribute.
proxy(Optional<? extends ServiceProxy>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value proxy to proxy.
proxy(ServiceProxy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value proxy to proxy.
prune(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value prune to prune.
prune(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value prune to prune.
put(String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.bookend.ConsulBookendContext
putAllConfig(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to config map.
putAllMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to meta map.
putAllMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to meta map.
putAllMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to meta map.
putAllMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to meta map.
putAllNodeMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to nodeMeta map.
putAllNodeMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to nodeMeta map.
putAllServiceMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to serviceMeta map.
putAllServices(Map<String, ? extends Service>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to services map.
putAllTags(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to tags map.
putAllToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to toHeaders map.
putAllToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to toHeaders map.
putAllToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to toHeaders map.
putAllToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to toHeaders map.
putAllToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to toHeaders map.
putAllToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to toHeaders map.
putAllToQuery(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Put all mappings from the specified map as entries to toQuery map.
putConfig(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Put one entry to the config map.
putConfig(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Put one entry to the config map.
putMeta(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Put one entry to the meta map.
putMeta(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Put one entry to the meta map.
putMeta(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Put one entry to the meta map.
putMeta(String, String) - Method in class
Put one entry to the meta map.
putMeta(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent.Builder
Put one entry to the meta map.
putMeta(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Put one entry to the meta map.
putMeta(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Put one entry to the meta map.
putMeta(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class
Put one entry to the meta map.
putNodeMeta(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Put one entry to the nodeMeta map.
putNodeMeta(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Put one entry to the nodeMeta map.
putNodeMeta(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Put one entry to the nodeMeta map.
putNodeMeta(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Put one entry to the nodeMeta map.
PutOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
PutOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
putServiceMeta(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Put one entry to the serviceMeta map.
putServiceMeta(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Put one entry to the serviceMeta map.
putServices(String, Service) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder
Put one entry to the services map.
putServices(Map.Entry<String, ? extends Service>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder
Put one entry to the services map.
putTags(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Put one entry to the tags map.
putTags(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Put one entry to the tags map.
putToHeaders(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToHeaders(Map.Entry<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toHeaders map.
putToQuery(String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toQuery map.
putToQuery(Map.Entry<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Put one entry to the toQuery map.
putValue(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a null value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, byte[], long, PutOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, String, long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, String, long, Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, String, long, PutOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, String, long, PutOptions, Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, String, Charset) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Puts a value into the key/value store.
putValue(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient.Api
putValue(String, RequestBody, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient.Api


QueryId - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
QueryId() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryId
QueryOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Container for common query options used by the Consul API.
QueryOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
QueryParameterOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Container for common query options used by the Consul API.
QueryParameterOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryParameterOptions
QueryResult - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
QueryResult() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResult
QueryResults - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
QueryResults() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResults


RaftConfiguration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator
RaftConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftConfiguration
RaftIndex - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
RaftIndex() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.RaftIndex
RaftServer - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator
RaftServer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftServer
readPolicy(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
readPolicyByName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
readRole(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
readRoleByName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
readSelfToken() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
readToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
reason(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value reason to reason.
reason(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value reason to reason.
recurse(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value recurse to recurse.
recurse(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value recurse to recurse.
RECURSE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
RegCheck() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
regExp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate.Builder
Initializes the optional value regExp to regExp.
regExp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate.Builder
Initializes the optional value regExp to regExp.
register(int, long, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul with a ttl check.
register(int, HostAndPort, long, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul with a TCP based check
register(int, String, long, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul with a script based check.
register(int, URL, long, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul with an HTTP based check
register(int, List<String>, long, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul with a script based check.
register(int, List<Registration.RegCheck>, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul with multiple checks
register(int, Registration.RegCheck, String, String, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul with an existing Registration.RegCheck
register(Registration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
register(Registration, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
register(Registration, QueryOptions, QueryParameterOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers the client as a service with Consul.
register(CatalogRegistration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Registers a service or node.
register(CatalogRegistration, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.CatalogClient
Registers a service or node.
registerCheck(String, String, long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, long, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, HostAndPort, long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a TCP Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, HostAndPort, long, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a TCP Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, String, long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a script Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, String, long, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a script Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, URL, long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers an HTTP Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, URL, long, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers an HTTP Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(String, String, List<String>, long, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a script Health Check with the Agent.
registerCheck(Check) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Registers a Health Check with the Agent.
Registration - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Registration() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration
Registration.RegCheck - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
release(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value release to release.
release(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value release to release.
releaseLock(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.KeyValueClient
Releases the lock for a given service and session.
releaseLockForService(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.LeaderElectionUtil
removeListener(ConsulCache.Listener<K, V>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
renewSession(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
renewSession(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SessionClient
Renews a session.
replaceExistingChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value replaceExistingChecks to replaceExistingChecks.
replaceExistingChecks(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value replaceExistingChecks to replaceExistingChecks.
restore(File, QueryOptions, Callback<Void>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SnapshotClient
Restores a snapshot stored in a file.
results() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
results() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.TxResponse
results(Iterable<? extends Map<String, Value>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for results list.
revision(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig.Builder
Initializes the value for the revision attribute.
role(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value role to role.
role(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value role to role.
Role - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Role() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
Role.RoleNodeIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Role.RolePolicyLink - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Role.RoleServiceIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
RoleLink() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.RoleLink
RoleListResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
RoleListResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.RoleListResponse
RoleNodeIdentity() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RoleNodeIdentity
RoleOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Container for common query options used by the Consul API.
RoleOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.RoleOptions
RolePolicyLink() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RolePolicyLink
RoleResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
RoleResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.RoleResponse
roles() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
roles() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
roles(Iterable<? extends Token.RoleLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for roles list.
RoleServiceIdentity() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role.RoleServiceIdentity
rpc(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Initializes the value for the rpc attribute.
rules() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclResponse
rules() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclToken
rules() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
rules() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
rules() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
rules() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Policy
rules(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value rules to rules.
rules(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value rules to rules.
rules(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value rules to rules.
rules(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value rules to rules.
rules(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value rules to rules.
rules(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy.Builder
Initializes the optional value rules to rules.


save(File, QueryOptions, Callback<BigInteger>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.SnapshotClient
Requests a new snapshot and save it in a file.
Scheduler(ScheduledExecutorService) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.Scheduler
SecondsDeserializer - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
Deserializes Consul time values with "s" suffix to Long objects.
SecondsDeserializer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.SecondsDeserializer
SecondsSerializer - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
Serializes a time field (e.g.
SecondsSerializer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.SecondsSerializer
secretId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
secretId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
secretId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
secretId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenResponse
secretId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value secretId to secretId.
secretId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse.Builder
Initializes the value for the secretId attribute.
secretId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value secretId to secretId.
segment(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value segment to segment.
segment(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value segment to segment.
serfLan(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Initializes the value for the serfLan attribute.
serfWan(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Initializes the value for the serfWan attribute.
serialize(Long, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.SecondsSerializer
serialize(Optional<String>, JsonGenerator, SerializerProvider) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Base64EncodingSerializer
server(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig.Builder
Initializes the value for the server attribute.
server(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts.Builder
Initializes the value for the server attribute.
servers() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
servers() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftConfiguration
servers(Iterable<? extends RaftServer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for servers list.
service() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
service() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
service() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
service() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.QueryResults
service(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults.Builder
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(Optional<? extends Service>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value service to service.
service(Service) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value service to service.
service(Service) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(Service) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(Service) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult.Builder
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(ServiceQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
service(ServiceQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the service attribute.
Service - Class in
Service() - Constructor for class
serviceAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the value for the serviceAddress attribute.
ServiceCatalogCache - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
ServiceCheck - Class in
ServiceCheck() - Constructor for class
serviceEnableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceEnableTagOverride to serviceEnableTagOverride.
serviceEnableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceEnableTagOverride to serviceEnableTagOverride.
serviceFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceFilter to serviceFilter.
serviceFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceFilter to serviceFilter.
serviceFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceFilter to serviceFilter.
serviceFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceFilter to serviceFilter.
ServiceHealth - Class in
ServiceHealth() - Constructor for class
ServiceHealthCache - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
ServiceHealthKey - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
Provides a unique key for a ServiceHealth entry in a ServiceHealthCache
ServiceHealthKey() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ServiceHealthKey
serviceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogDeregistration
serviceId() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
serviceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey.Builder
Initializes the value for the serviceId attribute.
serviceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceId to serviceId.
serviceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceId to serviceId.
serviceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the value for the serviceId attribute.
serviceId(String) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value serviceId to serviceId.
serviceId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceId to serviceId.
serviceId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceId to serviceId.
serviceId(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value serviceId to serviceId.
serviceIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.BaseRoleResponse
serviceIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
serviceIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
serviceIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
serviceIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
serviceIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Role
serviceIdentities() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
serviceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for serviceIdentities list.
serviceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for serviceIdentities list.
serviceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for serviceIdentities list.
serviceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Token.ServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for serviceIdentities list.
ServiceIdentity() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token.ServiceIdentity
serviceMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the serviceMeta map.
serviceName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the value for the serviceName attribute.
serviceName(String) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value serviceName to serviceName.
serviceName(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value serviceName to serviceName.
servicePort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the value for the servicePort attribute.
ServiceProxy - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
ServiceProxy() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxy
ServiceProxyUpstream - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
ServiceProxyUpstream() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ServiceProxyUpstream
ServiceQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
ServiceQuery() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ServiceQuery
services(Map<String, ? extends Service>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the services map.
serviceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for serviceTags list.
serviceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for serviceTags list.
serviceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
Sets or replaces all elements for serviceTags list.
serviceWeights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceWeights to serviceWeights.
serviceWeights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceWeights to serviceWeights.
serviceWeights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceWeights to serviceWeights.
serviceWeights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService.Builder
Initializes the optional value serviceWeights to serviceWeights.
ServiceWeights - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
ServiceWeights() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ServiceWeights
session() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
session() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
session(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value session to session.
session(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the optional value session to session.
session(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value session to session.
session(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the session attribute.
session(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value session to session.
session(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the optional value session to session.
session(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value session to session.
Session - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
Session() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.Session
sessionClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the SessionInfo HTTP client.
SessionClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/session/ endpoints.
SessionCreatedResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
SessionCreatedResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionCreatedResponse
SessionInfo - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session
SessionInfo() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.SessionInfo
SET - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
skipNodeUpdate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
skipNodeUpdate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
skipNodeUpdate(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value skipNodeUpdate to skipNodeUpdate.
skipNodeUpdate(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value skipNodeUpdate to skipNodeUpdate.
snapshotClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Snapshot HTTP client.
SnapshotClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
HTTP Client for /v1/snapshot/ endpoints.
STALE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
start() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
STARTED - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.State
STARTING - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.State
State - Enum Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model
Represents the possible Check states.
statsdAddr(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Initializes the value for the statsdAddr attribute.
statsiteAddr(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Initializes the value for the statsiteAddr attribute.
statsitePrefix(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry.Builder
Initializes the value for the statsitePrefix attribute.
status(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Initializes the value for the status attribute.
status(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value status to status.
status(String) - Method in class
Initializes the value for the status attribute.
status(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value status to status.
statusClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul
Get the Status HTTP client.
StatusClient - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul
stop() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
stop() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.monitoring.ClientEventHandler
STOPPED - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.State
StoredQuery - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
StoredQuery() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.StoredQuery
Strings - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
successBeforePassing(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value successBeforePassing to successBeforePassing.
successBeforePassing(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value successBeforePassing to successBeforePassing.


tag(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for tag list.
tagFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value tagFilter to tagFilter.
tagFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value tagFilter to tagFilter.
tagFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the optional value tagFilter to tagFilter.
tagFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value tagFilter to tagFilter.
taggedAddresses() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
taggedAddresses() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
taggedAddresses(Optional<? extends TaggedAddresses>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value taggedAddresses to taggedAddresses.
taggedAddresses(Optional<? extends TaggedAddresses>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value taggedAddresses to taggedAddresses.
taggedAddresses(TaggedAddresses) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value taggedAddresses to taggedAddresses.
taggedAddresses(TaggedAddresses) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value taggedAddresses to taggedAddresses.
TaggedAddresses - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
TaggedAddresses() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.TaggedAddresses
tags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for tags list.
tags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for tags list.
tags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
Sets or replaces all elements for tags list.
tags(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value tags to tags.
tags(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the tags map.
tags(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value tags to tags.
tcp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value tcp to tcp.
tcp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value tcp to tcp.
tcp(String, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
tcp(String, long, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
tcp(String, long, long, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
tcp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value tcp to tcp.
tcp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value tcp to tcp.
Telemetry - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent
Telemetry() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Telemetry
template(Optional<? extends Template>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value template to template.
template(Template) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value template to template.
Template - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query
Template() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.Template
timeout(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value timeout to timeout.
timeout(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value timeout to timeout.
TimeoutInterceptor - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.cache
TimeoutInterceptor(CacheConfig) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.TimeoutInterceptor
tlsSkipVerify(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value tlsSkipVerify to tlsSkipVerify.
tlsSkipVerify(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value tlsSkipVerify to tlsSkipVerify.
toDisplay() - Method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenType
toggleMaintenanceMode(String, boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Toggles maintenance mode for a service ID.
toggleMaintenanceMode(String, boolean, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Toggles maintenance mode for a service ID.
toggleMaintenanceMode(String, QueryOptions) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Toggles maintenance mode for a service ID.
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
toHeaders() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
toHeaders() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TransactionOptions
toHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the toHeaders map.
toHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the toHeaders map.
toHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the toHeaders map.
toHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the toHeaders map.
toHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the toHeaders map.
toHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the toHeaders map.
token() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest
token() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.WriteRequest
token(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest.Builder
Initializes the value for the token attribute.
token(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value token to token.
token(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the token attribute.
token(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value token to token.
token(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value token to token.
token(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery.Builder
Initializes the optional value token to token.
token(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value token to token.
token(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value token to token.
Token - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Token() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.Token
Token.NodeIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Token.PolicyLink - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Token.RoleLink - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Token.ServiceIdentity - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
TokenListResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
TokenListResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenListResponse
TokenQueryOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Container for token query options used by the Consul ACL API.
TokenQueryOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
TokenResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
TokenResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenResponse
TokenType - Enum Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.
for removal without replacement, since this was part of the legacy ACL system. For more details see comments in Investigate: TokenType enum is not used
toParam() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.DeleteOptions
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.EventOptions
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
toQuery() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.PutOptions
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryOptions
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.RoleOptions
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TokenQueryOptions
toQuery() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TransactionOptions
toQuery(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all mappings from the specified map as entries for the toQuery map.
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
toQueryParameters() - Method in interface org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ParamAdder
toQueryParameters() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.QueryParameterOptions
toQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for toQueryParameters list.
toQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for toQueryParameters list.
toQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for toQueryParameters list.
toQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for toQueryParameters list.
toQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for toQueryParameters list.
toQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for toQueryParameters list.
toQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for toQueryParameters list.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.CacheDescriptor
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
Prints the immutable value ServiceHealthKey with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Prints the immutable value AclResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Prints the immutable value AclToken with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId
Prints the immutable value AclTokenId with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
Prints the immutable value NodeIdentity with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Prints the immutable value Policy with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Prints the immutable value PolicyLink with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Prints the immutable value PolicyListResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Prints the immutable value PolicyResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Prints the immutable value Role with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Prints the immutable value RoleLink with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Prints the immutable value RoleListResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
Prints the immutable value RoleNodeIdentity with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Prints the immutable value RolePolicyLink with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Prints the immutable value RoleResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
Prints the immutable value RoleServiceIdentity with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
Prints the immutable value ServiceIdentity with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Prints the immutable value Token with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Prints the immutable value TokenListResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Prints the immutable value TokenResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Prints the immutable value Agent with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Prints the immutable value Check with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Prints the immutable value Config with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Prints the immutable value FullService with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Prints the immutable value Member with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Prints the immutable value Ports with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Prints the immutable value RegCheck with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Prints the immutable value Registration with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Prints the immutable value ServiceProxy with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
Prints the immutable value ServiceProxyUpstream with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Prints the immutable value Telemetry with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Prints the immutable value CatalogDeregistration with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
Prints the immutable value CatalogNode with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Prints the immutable value CatalogRegistration with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Prints the immutable value CatalogService with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
Prints the immutable value ServiceWeights with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
Prints the immutable value TaggedAddresses with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest
Prints the immutable value WriteRequest with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ConsulResponse
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Prints the immutable value Coord with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
Prints the immutable value Coordinate with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
Prints the immutable value Datacenter with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Prints the immutable value Event with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class
Prints the immutable value HealthCheck with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class
Prints the immutable value Node with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class
Prints the immutable value Service with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class
Prints the immutable value ServiceCheck with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class
Prints the immutable value ServiceHealth with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Prints the immutable value EventResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Prints the immutable value Operation with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Prints the immutable value TxError with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Prints the immutable value TxResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Prints the immutable value Value with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
Prints the immutable value RaftConfiguration with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Prints the immutable value RaftServer with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery
Prints the immutable value DnsQuery with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Prints the immutable value Failover with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Prints the immutable value PreparedQuery with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId
Prints the immutable value QueryId with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Prints the immutable value QueryResult with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
Prints the immutable value QueryResults with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableRaftIndex
Prints the immutable value RaftIndex.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Prints the immutable value ServiceQuery with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Prints the immutable value StoredQuery with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
Prints the immutable value Template with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Prints the immutable value Session with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse
Prints the immutable value SessionCreatedResponse with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Prints the immutable value SessionInfo with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Prints the immutable value DeleteOptions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Prints the immutable value EventOptions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Prints the immutable value PutOptions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Prints the immutable value QueryOptions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Prints the immutable value QueryParameterOptions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Prints the immutable value RoleOptions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Prints the immutable value TokenQueryOptions with attribute values.
toString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Prints the immutable value TransactionOptions with attribute values.
toValue() - Method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
TransactionOptions - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.option
Container for common transaction options used by the Consul API.
TransactionOptions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.TransactionOptions
trimLeadingSlash(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.Strings
TrustManagerUtils - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
ttl(long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
ttl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
ttl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
ttl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery.Builder
Initializes the value for the ttl attribute.
ttl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
ttl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
ttl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
ttl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
ttl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
ttl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo.Builder
Initializes the optional value ttl to ttl.
TxError - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
TxError() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.TxError
TxResponse - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
TxResponse() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.TxResponse
type() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclResponse
type() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.AclToken
type() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
type() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
type(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value type to type.
type(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value type to type.
type(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate.Builder
Initializes the value for the type attribute.
type(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse.Builder
Initializes the optional value type to type.
type(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken.Builder
Initializes the optional value type to type.


UncheckedGeneralSecurityException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
Wraps a GeneralSecurityException with an unchecked exception.
UncheckedGeneralSecurityException(String, GeneralSecurityException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UncheckedGeneralSecurityException
UncheckedGeneralSecurityException(GeneralSecurityException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UncheckedGeneralSecurityException
UncheckedMalformedURLException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
Wraps a MalformedURLException with an unchecked exception.
UncheckedMalformedURLException(String, MalformedURLException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UncheckedMalformedURLException
UncheckedMalformedURLException(MalformedURLException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UncheckedMalformedURLException
UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
UNLOCK - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
UnsignedLongDeserializer - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util
UnsignedLongDeserializer() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.util.UnsignedLongDeserializer
updatePolicy(String, Policy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
updateRole(String, Role) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
updateToken(String, Token) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AclClient
upstreams(Iterable<? extends ServiceProxyUpstream>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy.Builder
Sets or replaces all elements for upstreams list.
Urls - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.util


validate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Check
validate() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.Registration.RegCheck
value() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
value() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
value(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value value to value.
value(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the optional value value to value.
value(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the optional value value to value.
value(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue.Builder
Initializes the optional value value to value.
Value - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
Value() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Value
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.TokenType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Verb
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ConsistencyMode
vec(double...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord.Builder
Initializes the value for the vec attribute.
verb() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
verb() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.Operation
verb(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation.Builder
Initializes the value for the verb attribute.
Verb - Enum Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv
version(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent.Builder
Initializes the value for the version attribute.
version(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig.Builder
Initializes the value for the version attribute.
voter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
voter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.RaftServer
voter(Boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer.Builder
Initializes the value for the voter attribute.


wait(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value wait to wait.
wait(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value wait to wait.
wan(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value wan to wan.
wan(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses.Builder
Initializes the value for the wan attribute.
wan(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions.Builder
Initializes the optional value wan to wan.
warn(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL service check to "warning" state.
warn(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL service check to "warning" state with a note.
WARN - Enum constant in enum class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.State
warnCheck(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL check to "warning" state.
warnCheck(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.AgentClient
Sets a TTL check to "warning" state with a note.
warning(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights.Builder
Initializes the value for the warning attribute.
watchParams(BigInteger, int, QueryOptions) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ConsulCache
weights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value weights to weights.
weights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value weights to weights.
weights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService.Builder
Initializes the optional value weights to weights.
weights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class
Initializes the optional value weights to weights.
what() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
what() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.TxError
what(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError.Builder
Initializes the optional value what to what.
what(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError.Builder
Initializes the optional value what to what.
withAccessorId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the accessorId attribute.
withAccessorId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the accessorId attribute.
withAclToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the ACL token to be used with Consul
withAcquire(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional acquire attribute.
withAcquire(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the acquire attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the address attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the address attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional address attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the address attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the address attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the address attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the address attribute.
withAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the address attribute.
withAddress(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the address attribute.
withAdjustment(double) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the adjustment attribute.
withArgs(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional args attribute.
withArgs(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional args attribute.
withArgs(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the args attribute.
withArgs(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the args attribute.
withAuthMethod(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional authMethod attribute.
withAuthMethod(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the authMethod attribute.
withAuthMethodNamespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional authMethodNamespace attribute.
withAuthMethodNamespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the authMethodNamespace attribute.
withBackOffDelay(Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Sets the back-off delay used in caches.
withBackOffDelay(Duration, Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Sets a random delay between the minDelay and maxDelay (inclusive) to occur between retries.
withBasicAuth(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the username and password to be used for basic authentication
withBehavior(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional behavior attribute.
withBehavior(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the behavior attribute.
withBehavior(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the behavior attribute.
withCas(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional cas attribute.
withCas(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional cas attribute.
withCas(Optional<Long>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the cas attribute.
withCas(Optional<Long>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the cas attribute.
withCheck(Optional<? extends Check>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the check attribute.
withCheck(Optional<? extends Registration.RegCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the check attribute.
withCheck(Check) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional check attribute.
withCheck(Registration.RegCheck) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional check attribute.
withCheckId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional checkId attribute.
withCheckId(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the checkId attribute.
withCheckId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the checkId attribute.
withChecks(Iterable<? extends Registration.RegCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(Iterable<? extends HealthCheck>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(Registration.RegCheck...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(HealthCheck...) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(HealthCheck...) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withChecks(HealthCheck...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of checks.
withClientConfiguration(ClientConfig) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the configuration for the clients.
withClientEventCallback(ClientEventCallback) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the event callback for the clients.
withConfig(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the config map with the specified map.
withConfig(Config) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the config attribute.
withConnectionPool(ConnectionPool) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the ConnectionPool to be used by OkHttp Client
withConnectTimeout(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder
withConnectTimeout(IntSupplier) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder
withConnectTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Connect timeout for OkHttpClient
withConsistencyMode(ConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the consistencyMode attribute.
withConsistencyMode(ConsistencyMode) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the consistencyMode attribute.
withConsulBookend(ConsulBookend) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Attaches a ConsulBookend to each Consul request.
withContentHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the contentHash attribute.
withCoord(Coord) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the coord attribute.
withCoordinates(Iterable<? extends Coordinate>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of coordinates.
withCoordinates(Coordinate...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of coordinates.
withCreateIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createIndex attribute.
withCreateTime(Date) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createTime attribute.
withCreateTime(Date) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the createTime attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableDatacenter
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenter attribute.
withDatacenters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of datacenters.
withDatacenters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of datacenters.
withDatacenters(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of datacenters.
withDatacenters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of datacenters.
withDatacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenters attribute.
withDatacenters(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the datacenters attribute.
withDc(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional dc attribute.
withDc(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the dc attribute.
withDebugConfig(DebugConfig) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the debugConfig attribute.
withDelegateCur(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the delegateCur attribute.
withDelegateMax(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the delegateMax attribute.
withDelegateMin(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the delegateMin attribute.
withDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional deregisterCriticalServiceAfter attribute.
withDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional deregisterCriticalServiceAfter attribute.
withDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the deregisterCriticalServiceAfter attribute.
withDeregisterCriticalServiceAfter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the deregisterCriticalServiceAfter attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDescription(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the description attribute.
withDestinationName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the destinationName attribute.
withDestinationServiceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the destinationServiceId attribute.
withDestinationServiceName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the destinationServiceName attribute.
withDestinationType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the destinationType attribute.
withDisableHostname(Boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the disableHostname attribute.
withDns(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the dns attribute.
withDns(Optional<? extends DnsQuery>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the dns attribute.
withDns(Optional<? extends DnsQuery>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the dns attribute.
withDns(DnsQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional dns attribute.
withDns(DnsQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional dns attribute.
withDns(DnsQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the dns attribute.
withDogStatsdAddr(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the dogStatsdAddr attribute.
withDogStatsdTags(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional dogStatsdTags attribute.
withDogStatsdTags(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the dogStatsdTags attribute.
withEnable(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional enable attribute.
withEnable(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the enable attribute.
withEnableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional enableTagOverride attribute.
withEnableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional enableTagOverride attribute.
withEnableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional enableTagOverride attribute.
withEnableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the enableTagOverride attribute.
withEnableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the enableTagOverride attribute.
withEnableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the enableTagOverride attribute.
withError(double) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the error attribute.
withErrors(Iterable<? extends TxError>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of errors.
withErrors(TxError...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of errors.
withEvents(Iterable<? extends Event>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withEvents(Event...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of events.
withExecutorService(ExecutorService) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the ExecutorService to be used by the internal task dispatcher.
withExpirationTime(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional expirationTime attribute.
withExpirationTime(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the expirationTime attribute.
withExpirationTTL(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional expirationTTL attribute.
withExpirationTTL(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the expirationTTL attribute.
withFailover(Optional<? extends Failover>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the failover attribute.
withFailover(Failover) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional failover attribute.
withFailoverInterceptor(ConsulFailoverStrategy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Constructs a failover interceptor with the given ConsulFailoverStrategy.
withFailovers(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional failovers attribute.
withFailovers(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the failovers attribute.
withFailuresBeforeCritical(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional failuresBeforeCritical attribute.
withFailuresBeforeCritical(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the failuresBeforeCritical attribute.
withFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional filter attribute.
withFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the filter attribute.
withFlags(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional flags attribute.
withFlags(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the flags attribute.
withFlags(Optional<Long>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the flags attribute.
withGrpc(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional grpc attribute.
withGrpc(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional grpc attribute.
withGrpc(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the grpc attribute.
withGrpc(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the grpc attribute.
withGrpcUseTls(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional grpcUseTls attribute.
withGrpcUseTls(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional grpcUseTls attribute.
withGrpcUseTls(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the grpcUseTls attribute.
withGrpcUseTls(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the grpcUseTls attribute.
withHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hash attribute.
withHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hash attribute.
withHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hash attribute.
withHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hash attribute.
withHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hash attribute.
withHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the hash attribute.
withHash(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional hash attribute.
withHash(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the hash attribute.
withHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets headers to be included with each Consul request.
withHeight(double) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the height attribute.
withHost(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the host attribute.
withHostAndPort(HostAndPort) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the URL from a HostAndPort object.
withHostnameVerifier(HostnameVerifier) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the HostnameVerifier for the client.
withHttp(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the http attribute.
withHttp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional http attribute.
withHttp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional http attribute.
withHttp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the http attribute.
withHttp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the http attribute.
withHttps(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Use HTTPS connections for all requests.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclTokenId
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryId
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionCreatedResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the id attribute.
withIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.ImmutableEventResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the index attribute.
withIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional index attribute.
withIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the index attribute.
withIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional index attribute.
withIndex(Optional<? extends BigInteger>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the index attribute.
withIndex(Optional<? extends BigInteger>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the index attribute.
withInterval(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional interval attribute.
withInterval(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional interval attribute.
withInterval(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the interval attribute.
withInterval(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the interval attribute.
withKey(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional key attribute.
withKey(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the key attribute.
withKey(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the key attribute.
withKind(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional kind attribute.
withKind(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the kind attribute.
withLan(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional lan attribute.
withLan(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the lan attribute.
withLeader(Boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the leader attribute.
withLocal(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional local attribute.
withLocal(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the local attribute.
withLocal(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the local attribute.
withLocal(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the local attribute.
withLocalBindPort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxyUpstream
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the localBindPort attribute.
withLocalServiceAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the localServiceAddress attribute.
withLocalServicePort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the localServicePort attribute.
withLockDelay(Long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the lockDelay attribute.
withLockDelay(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional lockDelay attribute.
withLockDelay(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the lockDelay attribute.
withLockIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the lockIndex attribute.
withLTime(Long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the lTime attribute.
withMember(Member) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the member attribute.
withMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableAgent
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the meta map with the specified map.
withMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the meta map with the specified map.
withMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the meta map with the specified map.
withMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the meta map with the specified map.
withMinDelayBetweenRequests(Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Sets the minimum time between two requests for caches.
withMinDelayOnEmptyResult(Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Sets the minimum time between two requests for caches when an empty result is returned.
withModifyIndex(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withModifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withModifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withModifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withModifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withModifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withModifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withModifyIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the modifyIndex attribute.
withMultipleHostAndPort(Collection<HostAndPort>, long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the list of hosts to contact if the current request target is unavailable.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableNodeIdentity
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleNodeIdentity
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleServiceIdentity
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableServiceIdentity
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRolePolicyLink
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withName(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the name attribute.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional namespace attribute.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional namespace attribute.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional namespace attribute.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional namespace attribute.
withNamespace(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional namespace attribute.
withNamespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the namespace attribute.
withNamespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the namespace attribute.
withNamespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the namespace attribute.
withNamespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the namespace attribute.
withNamespace(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the namespace attribute.
withNear(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional near attribute.
withNear(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the near attribute.
withNearestN(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional nearestN attribute.
withNearestN(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableFailover
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the nearestN attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoordinate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional node attribute.
withNode(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the node attribute.
withNode(Node) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(Node) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(Node) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNode(Node) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the node attribute.
withNodeFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional nodeFilter attribute.
withNodeFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional nodeFilter attribute.
withNodeFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the nodeFilter attribute.
withNodeFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the nodeFilter attribute.
withNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleNodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeIdentities(Iterable<? extends Token.NodeIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeIdentities(Role.RoleNodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeIdentities(Token.NodeIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeIdentities.
withNodeMeta(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeMeta.
withNodeMeta(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodeMeta.
withNodeMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the nodeMeta map with the specified map.
withNodeMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the nodeMeta map with the specified map.
withNodeMeta(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional nodeMeta attribute.
withNodeMeta(Optional<? extends Map<String, String>>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the nodeMeta attribute.
withNodeName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the nodeName attribute.
withNodes(Iterable<? extends ServiceHealth>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodes.
withNodes(ServiceHealth...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of nodes.
withNote(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional note attribute.
withNote(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the note attribute.
withNotes(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional notes attribute.
withNotes(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional notes attribute.
withNotes(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional notes attribute.
withNotes(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the notes attribute.
withNotes(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the notes attribute.
withNotes(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the notes attribute.
withOnlyPassing(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional onlyPassing attribute.
withOnlyPassing(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the onlyPassing attribute.
withOpIndex(BigInteger) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional opIndex attribute.
withOpIndex(Optional<? extends BigInteger>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the opIndex attribute.
withOutput(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional output attribute.
withOutput(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional output attribute.
withOutput(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the output attribute.
withOutput(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the output attribute.
withPassing(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the passing attribute.
withPayload(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional payload attribute.
withPayload(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the payload attribute.
withPing(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Instructs the builder that the AgentClient should attempt a ping before returning the Consul instance
withPolicies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Iterable<? extends Role.RolePolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Iterable<? extends Token.PolicyLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Role.RolePolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Token.PolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Token.PolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicies(Token.PolicyLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of policies.
withPolicy(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional policy attribute.
withPolicy(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional policy attribute.
withPolicy(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the policy attribute.
withPolicy(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the policy attribute.
withPort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the port attribute.
withPort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the port attribute.
withPort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional port attribute.
withPort(int) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the port attribute.
withPort(Integer) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the port attribute.
withPort(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the port attribute.
withProtocolCur(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the protocolCur attribute.
withProtocolMax(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the protocolMax attribute.
withProtocolMin(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the protocolMin attribute.
withProxy(Proxy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the Proxy for the client.
withProxy(Optional<? extends ServiceProxy>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the proxy attribute.
withProxy(ServiceProxy) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional proxy attribute.
withPrune(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional prune attribute.
withPrune(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the prune attribute.
withReadTimeout(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder
withReadTimeout(IntSupplier) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder
withReadTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Read timeout for OkHttpClient
withReason(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional reason attribute.
withReason(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the reason attribute.
withRecurse(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional recurse attribute.
withRecurse(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the recurse attribute.
withRefreshErrorLoggedAs(CacheConfig.RefreshErrorLogConsumer) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Log refresh errors using custom function
withRefreshErrorLoggedAsError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Log refresh errors as error
withRefreshErrorLoggedAsWarning() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Log refresh errors as warning
withRegExp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional regExp attribute.
withRegExp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the regExp attribute.
withRelease(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional release attribute.
withRelease(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the release attribute.
withReplaceExistingChecks(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional replaceExistingChecks attribute.
withReplaceExistingChecks(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the replaceExistingChecks attribute.
withResults(Iterable<? extends Map<String, Value>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of results.
withResults(Map<String, Value>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of results.
withRevision(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the revision attribute.
withRole(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional role attribute.
withRole(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the role attribute.
withRoles(Iterable<? extends Token.RoleLink>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of roles.
withRoles(Token.RoleLink...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of roles.
withRpc(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the rpc attribute.
withRules(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional rules attribute.
withRules(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional rules attribute.
withRules(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional rules attribute.
withRules(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the rules attribute.
withRules(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the rules attribute.
withRules(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutablePolicy
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the rules attribute.
withSecretId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional secretId attribute.
withSecretId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableTokenResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the secretId attribute.
withSecretId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the secretId attribute.
withSegment(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional segment attribute.
withSegment(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the segment attribute.
withSerfLan(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the serfLan attribute.
withSerfWan(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the serfWan attribute.
withServer(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the server attribute.
withServer(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutablePorts
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the server attribute.
withServers(Iterable<? extends RaftServer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of servers.
withServers(RaftServer...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftConfiguration
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of servers.
withService(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResults
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(Optional<? extends Service>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the service attribute.
withService(Service) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional service attribute.
withService(Service) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(Service) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(Service) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableQueryResult
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(ServiceQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withService(ServiceQuery) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the service attribute.
withServiceAddress(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the serviceAddress attribute.
withServiceEnableTagOverride(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceEnableTagOverride attribute.
withServiceEnableTagOverride(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceEnableTagOverride attribute.
withServiceFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceFilter attribute.
withServiceFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceFilter attribute.
withServiceFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceFilter attribute.
withServiceFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceFilter attribute.
withServiceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.cache.ImmutableServiceHealthKey
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the serviceId attribute.
withServiceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceId attribute.
withServiceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceId attribute.
withServiceId(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the serviceId attribute.
withServiceId(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceId attribute.
withServiceId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceId attribute.
withServiceId(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceId attribute.
withServiceId(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceId attribute.
withServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Role.RoleServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceIdentities(Iterable<? extends Token.ServiceIdentity>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRole
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleListResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceIdentities(Role.RoleServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableRoleResponse
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceIdentities(Token.ServiceIdentity...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableToken
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceIdentities.
withServiceMeta(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the serviceMeta map with the specified map.
withServiceName(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the serviceName attribute.
withServiceName(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceName attribute.
withServiceName(Optional<String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceName attribute.
withServicePort(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the servicePort attribute.
withServices(Map<String, ? extends Service>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogNode
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the services map with the specified map.
withServiceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceTags.
withServiceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceTags.
withServiceTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceTags.
withServiceTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceTags.
withServiceTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceTags.
withServiceTags(String...) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of serviceTags.
withServiceWeights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceWeights attribute.
withServiceWeights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the serviceWeights attribute.
withServiceWeights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceWeights attribute.
withServiceWeights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional serviceWeights attribute.
withSession(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional session attribute.
withSession(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional session attribute.
withSession(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional session attribute.
withSession(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the session attribute.
withSession(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the session attribute.
withSession(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the session attribute.
withSession(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the session attribute.
withSkipNodeUpdate(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional skipNodeUpdate attribute.
withSkipNodeUpdate(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the skipNodeUpdate attribute.
withSslContext(SSLContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the SSLContext for the client.
withStatsdAddr(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statsdAddr attribute.
withStatsiteAddr(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statsiteAddr attribute.
withStatsitePrefix(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableTelemetry
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the statsitePrefix attribute.
withStatus(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the status attribute.
withStatus(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional status attribute.
withStatus(String) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the status attribute.
withStatus(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the status attribute.
withSuccessBeforePassing(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional successBeforePassing attribute.
withSuccessBeforePassing(Optional<Integer>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the successBeforePassing attribute.
withTag(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tag.
withTag(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tag.
withTagFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional tagFilter attribute.
withTagFilter(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional tagFilter attribute.
withTagFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the tagFilter attribute.
withTagFilter(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the tagFilter attribute.
withTaggedAddresses(Optional<? extends TaggedAddresses>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the taggedAddresses attribute.
withTaggedAddresses(Optional<? extends TaggedAddresses>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the taggedAddresses attribute.
withTaggedAddresses(TaggedAddresses) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional taggedAddresses attribute.
withTaggedAddresses(TaggedAddresses) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional taggedAddresses attribute.
withTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tags.
withTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tags.
withTags(Iterable<String>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tags.
withTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tags.
withTags(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegistration
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tags.
withTags(String...) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of tags.
withTags(List<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional tags attribute.
withTags(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableMember
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the tags map with the specified map.
withTags(Optional<? extends List<String>>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableServiceQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the tags attribute.
withTcp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional tcp attribute.
withTcp(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional tcp attribute.
withTcp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the tcp attribute.
withTcp(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the tcp attribute.
withTemplate(Optional<? extends Template>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the template attribute.
withTemplate(Template) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional template attribute.
withTimeout(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional timeout attribute.
withTimeout(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the timeout attribute.
withTimeoutAutoAdjustmentEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Enable/Disable the automatic adjustment of read timeout
withTimeoutAutoAdjustmentMargin(Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Sets the margin of the read timeout for caches.
withTlsSkipVerify(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional tlsSkipVerify attribute.
withTlsSkipVerify(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the tlsSkipVerify attribute.
withToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the toHeaders map with the specified map.
withToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the toHeaders map with the specified map.
withToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the toHeaders map with the specified map.
withToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the toHeaders map with the specified map.
withToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the toHeaders map with the specified map.
withToHeaders(Map<String, ? extends String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the toHeaders map with the specified map.
withToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableWriteRequest
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the token attribute.
withToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional token attribute.
withToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableStoredQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the token attribute.
withToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional token attribute.
withToken(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional token attribute.
withToken(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutablePreparedQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the token attribute.
withToken(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the token attribute.
withToken(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the token attribute.
withTokenAuth(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the token used for authentication
withToQuery(Map<String, ? extends Object>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryParameterOptions
Copy the current immutable object by replacing the toQuery map with the specified map.
withToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(Iterable<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableDeleteOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableEventOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutablePutOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableRoleOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTokenQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withToQueryParameters(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableTransactionOptions
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of toQueryParameters.
withTrustManager(X509TrustManager) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the X509TrustManager for the client.
withTtl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional ttl attribute.
withTtl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional ttl attribute.
withTtl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableDnsQuery
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the ttl attribute.
withTtl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional ttl attribute.
withTtl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional ttl attribute.
withTtl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the ttl attribute.
withTtl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableRegCheck
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the ttl attribute.
withTtl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSession
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the ttl attribute.
withTtl(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.session.ImmutableSessionInfo
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the ttl attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional type attribute.
withType(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.query.ImmutableTemplate
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the type attribute.
withType(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclResponse
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the type attribute.
withType(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.acl.ImmutableAclToken
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the type attribute.
withUpstreams(Iterable<? extends ServiceProxyUpstream>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of upstreams.
withUpstreams(ServiceProxyUpstream...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableServiceProxy
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of upstreams.
withUrl(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the URL from a string.
withUrl(URL) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Sets the URL from a URL object.
withValue(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional value attribute.
withValue(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional value attribute.
withValue(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the value attribute.
withValue(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableValue
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the value attribute.
withVec(double...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.coordinate.ImmutableCoord
Copy the current immutable object with elements that replace the content of vec.
withVerb(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableOperation
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the verb attribute.
withVersion(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.event.ImmutableEvent
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the version attribute.
withVersion(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableConfig
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the version attribute.
withVoter(Boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.operator.ImmutableRaftServer
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the voter attribute.
withWait(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional wait attribute.
withWait(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the wait attribute.
withWan(boolean) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional wan attribute.
withWan(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableTaggedAddresses
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the wan attribute.
withWan(Optional<Boolean>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.option.ImmutableQueryOptions
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the wan attribute.
withWarning(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableServiceWeights
Copy the current immutable object by setting a value for the warning attribute.
withWatchDuration(Duration) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.config.CacheConfig.Builder
Sets the watch duration used in caches.
withWeights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the weights attribute.
withWeights(Optional<? extends ServiceWeights>) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the weights attribute.
withWeights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.agent.ImmutableFullService
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional weights attribute.
withWeights(ServiceWeights) - Method in class
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional weights attribute.
withWhat(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional what attribute.
withWhat(Optional<String>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.kv.ImmutableTxError
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the what attribute.
withWriteRequest(Optional<? extends WriteRequest>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the writeRequest attribute.
withWriteRequest(Optional<? extends WriteRequest>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting an optional value for the writeRequest attribute.
withWriteRequest(WriteRequest) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional writeRequest attribute.
withWriteRequest(WriteRequest) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
Copy the current immutable object by setting a present value for the optional writeRequest attribute.
withWriteTimeout(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder
withWriteTimeout(IntSupplier) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.NetworkTimeoutConfig.Builder
withWriteTimeoutMillis(long) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.Consul.Builder
Write timeout for OkHttpClient
writeRequest() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogDeregistration
writeRequest() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.CatalogRegistration
writeRequest() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration
writeRequest() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration
writeRequest(Optional<? extends WriteRequest>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value writeRequest to writeRequest.
writeRequest(Optional<? extends WriteRequest>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value writeRequest to writeRequest.
writeRequest(WriteRequest) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogDeregistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value writeRequest to writeRequest.
writeRequest(WriteRequest) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.ImmutableCatalogRegistration.Builder
Initializes the optional value writeRequest to writeRequest.
WriteRequest - Class in org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog
WriteRequest() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.consul.model.catalog.WriteRequest
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