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AFTER_ALL - org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.DropTime
AFTER_EACH - org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.DropTime
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerExtension
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.PostgresAppTestExtension
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.H2FileBasedDatabaseExtension
Deletes the H2 file-based database.
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.PostgresLiquibaseTestExtension
Closes the Connection provided by the test DataSource, then shuts down the embedded Postgres.
afterAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.ResetKiwiValidationExtension
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.AsyncModeDisablingExtension
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.DropwizardJdbi2DaoExtension
Rolls back the transaction on the Handle and closes the DAO.
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.DropwizardJdbi2Extension
Rolls back the transaction on the Handle.
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.Jdbi3DaoExtension
Rolls back the transaction on the Handle and closes it.
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.Jdbi3Extension
Rolls back the transaction and closes the Handle.
afterEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension
ASCII_ONLY_BLANK_STRINGS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider.AsciiOnlyBlankStringArgumentsProvider
A bunch of null, empty, or blank ASCII Strings.
AsciiOnlyBlankStringArgumentsProvider - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider
Creates an ArgumentsProvider that can feed a test method with multiple blank String objects for a ParameterizedTest.
AsciiOnlyBlankStringArgumentsProvider() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider.AsciiOnlyBlankStringArgumentsProvider
assertAcceptedResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 202 Accepted response.
assertBadRequest(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the specified response has a 400 Bad Request status.
assertClientErrorResponseFamily(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response has a 4xx status code.
assertConflict(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the specified response has a 409 Conflict status.
assertContainsError(Response, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains an ErrorMessage with the given status code and having a message that contains the given substring.
assertCreatedResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 201 Created response.
assertCreatedResponseWithLocation(Response, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 201 Created response with the Location header set to expectedLocation.
assertCreatedResponseWithLocation(Response, String, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 201 Created response with the Location header set to the value of basePath concatenated with id.
assertCreatedResponseWithLocationEndingWith(Response, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 201 Created response with the Location header having a location path ending with locationEndingWith.
assertCustomHeaderFirstValue(Response, String, Object) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that the response has a custom header named headerName and whose first value is expectedValue.
assertEnumPropertyCannotBeNull(String, T, Class<E>, Consumer<E>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that an enum property cannot be null.
assertEqualResponseEntity(Response, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains an entity using Response.getEntity() that is equal to the expectedEntity using logical equality, e.g.
assertEquals(String, String, JSONCompareMode) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.jsonassert.JSONAssertSoftAssertions
Wrapper around JSONAssert.assertEquals(JSONArray, JSONArray, JSONCompareMode) that catches any thrown JSONException or AssertionError and converts into a failed soft assertion.
assertEqualsLenient(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.jsonassert.JSONAssertSoftAssertions
Wrapper around JSONAssert.assertEquals(JSONArray, JSONArray, JSONCompareMode) that catches any thrown JSONException or AssertionError and converts into a failed soft assertion.
assertExpectedResult(List<T>, List<R>, Function<T, R>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.ParameterizedTestHelper
Given a list of input values, supply each one to the function, and (softly) assert that the result of invoking the function matches the expected value in expectedResults.
assertForbiddenResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 403 Forbidden response.
assertHasError(Response, ErrorMessage) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains the given ErrorMessage.
assertHasErrors(Response, List<ErrorMessage>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains all the given ErrorMessage objects.
assertInstantPropertyCannotBeNull(String, T, Consumer<Instant>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that an Instant property cannot be null.
assertInstantPropertyMustBeNull(String, T, Consumer<Instant>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that an Instant property must be null.
assertIntegerPropertyCannotBeNull(String, T, Consumer<Integer>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that an Integer property cannot be null.
assertIntegerPropertyMustBeNull(String, T, Consumer<Integer>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that an Integer property must be null.
assertInternalServerErrorResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 500 Internal Server Error response.
assertIsExactType(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.KiwiAssertJ
Assert the given object has exactly the given type.
assertIsServiceOrEmulator(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.ServiceNames
Asserts that the given service name is named according to the assumptions noted in the class docs.
assertIsTypeOrSubtype(Object, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.KiwiAssertJ
Assert the given object is an instance of the given type, i.e.
assertJsonResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the actual response type of response is application/json.
assertLongPropertyCannotBeNull(String, T, Consumer<Long>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that a Long property cannot be null.
assertLongPropertyMustBeNull(String, T, Consumer<Long>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that a Long property must be null.
assertMapResponseEntity(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains an entity using Response.getEntity() that is a Map and specifically one whose keys are Strings and values are Objects.
assertNoContentResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 204 No Content response.
assertNonNullResponseEntity(Response, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains an entity using Response.getEntity() whose class is expectedClass.
assertNoPropertyViolations(Object, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly asserts that there are no constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName.
assertNoPropertyViolations(Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are no constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertNoPropertyViolations(Validator, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are no constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertNoPropertyViolations(SoftAssertions, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are no constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertNoPropertyViolations(SoftAssertions, Validator, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are no constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertNotFoundResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 404 Not Found response.
assertNoViolations(Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly asserts that there are no constraint violations.
assertNoViolations(Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are no constraint violations on the given object using a default validator.
assertNoViolations(Validator, Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are no constraint violations on the given object using the specified validator.
assertNoViolations(SoftAssertions, Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are no constraint violations on the given object using a default validator.
assertNoViolations(SoftAssertions, Validator, Object, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are no constraint violations on the given object using the specified validator.
assertOkResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 200 OK response.
assertOnePropertyViolation(Object, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly asserts that there is exactly one constraint violation on the given object for the given propertyName.
assertOnePropertyViolation(Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there is exactly one constraint violation on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertOnePropertyViolation(Validator, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there is exactly one constraint violation on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertOnePropertyViolation(SoftAssertions, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there is exactly one constraint violation on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertOnePropertyViolation(SoftAssertions, Validator, Object, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there is exactly one constraint violation on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertPlainTextResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the actual response type of response is text/plain.
assertPropertiesEachHaveNoViolations(Object, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly assert that each of the specified properties has no constraint violations on the given object.
assertPropertiesEachHaveOneViolation(Object, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly asserts that each of the specified properties has exactly one constraint violation on the given object.
assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List<T>, List<Integer>, U, Consumer<T>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Given a list of input values, supply each one to mutator, and softly assert that the number of constraint violations matches the numbers in expectedViolations.
assertPropertyViolationMessages(String, List<T>, List<List<String>>, U, Consumer<T>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Given a list of input values, supply each one to mutator, and softly assert that the constraint violation messages match those in expectedViolationMessages.
assertPropertyViolations(Object, String, int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly asserts that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName.
assertPropertyViolations(Object, String, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertPropertyViolations(Object, String, String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly asserts that the constraint violations match expectedMessages on the given object for the given propertyName.
assertPropertyViolations(Object, String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that the constraint violations match expectedMessages on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertPropertyViolations(Validator, Object, String, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertPropertyViolations(Validator, Object, String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that the constraint violations match expectedMessages on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertPropertyViolations(SoftAssertions, Object, String, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertPropertyViolations(SoftAssertions, Object, String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that the constraint violations match expectedMessages on the given object for the given propertyName using a default validator.
assertPropertyViolations(SoftAssertions, Validator, Object, String, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertPropertyViolations(SoftAssertions, Validator, Object, String, String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that the constraint violations match expectedMessages on the given object for the given propertyName using the specified validator.
assertResponseEntity(Response, Class<T>, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains an entity using Response.getEntity() whose class is expectedClass and which is the same instance as the expectedEntity.
assertResponseEntity(Response, T) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that the response contains an entity using Response.getEntity() that is the same instance as the expectedEntity.
assertResponseFamily(Response, Response.Status.Family) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is in the expected Response.Status.Family.
assertResponseStatusCode(Response, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the actual response status code is expectedStatusCode.
assertResponseStatusCode(Response, Response.Status) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the actual response expectedStatus code is expectedStatus.
assertResponseType(Response, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the actual response type of response is expectedContentType.
assertServerErrorResponseFamily(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response has a 5xx status code.
assertStateChangeResult(List<T>, List<R>, Consumer<T>, Supplier<R>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.ParameterizedTestHelper
Given a list of input values, supply each one to the mutator, and (softly) assert that the result of invoking the resultSupplier matches the expected value in expectedResults.
assertStringPropertyCannotBeBlank(String, T, Consumer<String>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that a String property cannot be blank.
assertStringPropertyHasNoViolations(String, T, Consumer<String>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that a String property has no violations.
assertStringPropertyMustBeNull(String, T, Consumer<String>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that a String property must be null.
assertSuccessfulResponseFamily(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response has a 2xx status code.
assertThat(HealthCheck) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Starting point for health check fluent assertions on a HealthCheck.
assertThat(HealthCheck.Result) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Starting point for health check fluent assertions on a HealthCheck.Result.
assertThatHealthCheck(HealthCheck) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Starting point for health check fluent assertions on a HealthCheck.
assertThatResult(HealthCheck.Result) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Starting point for health check fluent assertions on a HealthCheck.Result.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(String, Instant, Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than DateTimeTestHelper.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE_MILLIS.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(String, Instant, Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than the given tolerance.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(String, ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than DateTimeTestHelper.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE_MILLIS.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(String, ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than the given tolerance.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(SoftAssertions, String, Instant, Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Softly asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than DateTimeTestHelper.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE_MILLIS.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(SoftAssertions, String, Instant, Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Softly asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than the given tolerance.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(SoftAssertions, String, ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Softly asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than DateTimeTestHelper.DEFAULT_TOLERANCE_MILLIS.
assertTimeDifferenceWithinTolerance(SoftAssertions, String, ZonedDateTime, ZonedDateTime, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
Softly asserts that the elapsed time between the given start and end times is less than the given tolerance.
assertUnauthorizedResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts that response is a 401 Unauthorized response.
assertUnprocessableEntity(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the specified response has a 422 Unprocessable Entity status.
assertViolations(Object, int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Softly asserts that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object.
assertViolations(Object, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object using a default validator.
assertViolations(Validator, Object, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Asserts that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object using the specified validator.
assertViolations(SoftAssertions, Object, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object using a default validator.
assertViolations(SoftAssertions, Validator, Object, int, Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Performs an AssertJ soft assertion that there are exactly numExpectedViolations constraint violations on the given object using the specified validator.
assertXmlResponse(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Asserts the actual response type of response is application/xml.
assertZonedDateTimePropertyCannotBeNull(String, T, Consumer<ZonedDateTime>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that a ZonedDateTime property cannot be null.
assertZonedDateTimePropertyMustBeNull(String, T, Consumer<ZonedDateTime>, Class<?>...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Convenience wrapper around assertPropertyViolationCounts(String, List, List, Object, Consumer, Class[]) to check that a ZonedDateTime property must be null.
AsyncModeDisablingExtension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
A JUnit Jupiter Extension to use in situations where code under test is using Kiwi Async which lets you easily turn async behavior on and off using the Async.setUnitTestAsyncMode(Async.Mode) method.
AsyncModeDisablingExtension() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.AsyncModeDisablingExtension


BEFORE_EACH - org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.DropTime
beforeAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerExtension
beforeAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.PostgresAppTestExtension
beforeAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.H2FileBasedDatabaseExtension
Creates a new H2 file-based database.
beforeAll(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.PostgresLiquibaseTestExtension
Start the embedded Postgres extension and initialize a test DataSource that connects to it.
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.AsyncModeDisablingExtension
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.DropwizardJdbi2DaoExtension
Create a DAO attached to the Handle and assigns it; it is accessible to tests via getDao().
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.Jdbi3DaoExtension
Create a DAO attached to the Handle and assigns it; it is accessible to tests via getDao().
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.Jdbi3Extension
Opens a Handle and begins a transaction.
beforeEach(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension
BLANK_STRINGS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider.BlankStringArgumentsProvider
A bunch of null, empty, or blank Strings.
BlankStringArgumentsProvider - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider
Creates an ArgumentsProvider that can feed a test method with multiple blank String objects for a ParameterizedTest.
BlankStringArgumentsProvider() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider.BlankStringArgumentsProvider
buildH2DataSource(File) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.h2.H2DatabaseTestHelper
Build a file-based H2 database in the specified directory.
buildH2FileBasedDatabase() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.h2.H2DatabaseTestHelper
Build a file-based H2 database in a subdirectory of the JVM temp directory, as given by the java.io.tmpdir system property.


causeConstructorDynamicTest(Class<? extends Exception>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.StandardExceptionTests
Generate a DynamicTest for an exception constructor accepting a Throwable cause.
clearSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate.HibernateTestHelper
Clears the current session.
close() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Closes the underlying single Connection.
createMockUriInfoWithRequestUriBuilder(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Creates a Mockito mock {Kink javax.ws.rs.core.UriInfo} object with the specified base path, and which returns a UriBuilder when the UriInfo.getRequestUriBuilder() method is called.
CuratorTestingServerException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.test.curator
Exception thrown if there are any problems encountered by CuratorTestingServerExtension.
CuratorTestingServerException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerException
CuratorTestingServerExtension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.curator
A JUnit Jupiter Extension that sets up a Curator TestingServer for (integration) tests that require a ZooKeeper server to be running.
CuratorTestingServerExtension() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerExtension
Create a new extension that uses the first open port above 1024 that it finds.
CuratorTestingServerExtension(int) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerExtension
Create a new extension that uses the given port.


databaseNameWithoutTimestamp(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
Static utility to get the database name without the timestamp.
DateTimeTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.util
A test helper that makes assertions on date/time values, for example assertions that the elapsed time is less than a threshold.
DateTimeTestHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
DEFAULT_MAX_ENTITY_SIZE - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.RequestResponseLogger
/Limit logging of request or response body to 8kB
DEFAULT_MONGO_PORT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests
The default MongoDB port.
DEFAULT_TOLERANCE_MILLIS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.DateTimeTestHelper
The default permitted tolerance in milliseconds between a start and end time.
detectDropwizardVersion() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2.DropwizardJdbi
Detect the Dropwizard version, using GuavaOptionalArgumentFactory as a "representative" class that resides in the dropwizard-jdbi JAR file.
DETECTED_DROPWIZARD_VERSION - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2.DropwizardJdbi
Detected version of Dropwizard using the GuavaOptionalArgumentFactory from the dropwizard-jdbi2 JAR file.
DropwizardAppTests - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app
Test utility for testing Dropwizard apps when using DropwizardAppExtension.
DropwizardAppTests() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
DropwizardConfigurations - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration
A series of static factory methods designed to create a configuration object from Dropwizard.
DropwizardConfigurations() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
DropwizardJdbi - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2
Dropwizard JDBI utilities for dropwizard-jdbi which is JDBI 2 not 3.
DropwizardJdbi() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2.DropwizardJdbi
DropwizardJdbi2DaoExtension<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
A JUnit Jupiter Extension to easily test JDBI 2-based DAOs in a Dropwizard app against any database and using transaction rollback to make sure tests never commit to the database.
DropwizardJdbi2Extension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
A JUnit Jupiter Extension to easily test JDBI 2 DAOs using the "Fluent API" (as opposed to the SQL Objects API) in a Dropwizard app against any database and using transaction rollback to make sure tests never commit to the database.
DropwizardMockitoContext - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito
Contains all the various top-level objects in a Dropwizard application.
DropwizardMockitoContext() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoContext
DropwizardMockitoMocks - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito
Creates Mockito mocks of Dropwizard application level objects.
DropwizardMockitoMocks() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks


executeAndGenerateId(Update) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi.Jdbi3GeneratedKeys
Extract the value of the generated key named "id" as a Long.
executeAndGenerateId(Update, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi.Jdbi3GeneratedKeys
Extract the value of the generated key with the given fieldName as a Long.
executeAndGenerateKey(Update, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi.Jdbi3GeneratedKeys
Extract the value of the generated key with the given fieldName as an instance of the given class.
EXPECTED_DROPWIZARD_VERSION - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2.DropwizardJdbi
Expected version of Dropwizard.
expectedMessages(String...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Creates a list of expected constraint violation messages.
expectedMessagesLists(List<String>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Creates a list of String lists for expected constraint violation messages.
expectedResults(R...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.ParameterizedTestHelper
Helper method that creates a list of expected results, mainly for readability in tests.
expectedViolations(Integer...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Creates a list of the expected number of constraint violations.
extractDatabaseTimestamp(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
Static utility to extract the database timestamp from the given database name.


findServiceOrEmulatorNameFromRoot(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.ServiceNames
Find service/emulator name from the given project root path.
findServiceOrEmulatorNameInPom(Path) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.ServiceNames
Finds the service/emulator name in the given Maven POM file.
firstManagedObject(LifecycleEnvironment, Predicate<Managed>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds the first Managed object registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment matching the given predicate.
firstManagedObject(DropwizardAppExtension<C>, Predicate<Managed>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds the first Managed object registered in the given Dropwizard app matching the given predicate.
firstManagedObjectOfType(LifecycleEnvironment, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds the first Managed object registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment having the given type.
firstManagedObjectOfType(DropwizardAppExtension<C>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds the first Managed object registered in the given Dropwizard app having the given type.
fixture(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.Fixtures
Reads the given fixture file from the classpath (e.
fixture(String, Charset) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.Fixtures
Reads the given fixture file from the classpath (e.
fixtureFile(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.Fixtures
Resolves the given fixture file name/path as a File.
fixturePath(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.Fixtures
Resolves the given fixture file name/path as a Path.
Fixtures - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.util
Helper methods for working with test fixtures.
Fixtures() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.util.Fixtures
flushAndClearSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate.HibernateTestHelper
Flushes, then clears the current session.
flushSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate.HibernateTestHelper
Flush the current session, effectively forcing Hibernate to perform database operations.


generatedId(GeneratedKeys<Map<String, Object>>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi.JdbiGeneratedKeys
Extract the value of a generated key named "id" as a Long.
generatedKey(GeneratedKeys<Map<String, Object>>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi.JdbiGeneratedKeys
Extract the value of the first generated key named keyName.
getCause() - Method in exception org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.RuntimeSQLException
Returns the cause of this exception.
getConnection() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Always returns the single Connection stored in this DataSource.
getConnection(String, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Returns the single Connection if and only if the given username and password match the ones provided when this instance was constructed.
getConnectString() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerExtension
getCurrentSession() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate.HibernateTestHelper
Return the "current" session.
getDatabaseNameWithoutTimestamp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
Get the database name without the trailing underscore plus timestamp.
getDatabaseTimestamp() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
Get the database timestamp.
getDatabaseUrl(File) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.h2.H2DatabaseTestHelper
Return a JDBC URL that can be used to connect to the H2 file-based database in the given directory.
getErrorCount() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.json.LoggingDeserializationTestHandler
Returns the total count of ALL unknown properties encountered; in other words if the same unknown property is encountered 10 times, and a second unknown property is encountered 5 times, this method will return 15.
getErrorMessages(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionTestHelper
Returns a list of the ErrorMessage objects in the given response.
getFirstErrorMessage(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionTestHelper
Returns the first ErrorMessage in the given response.
getLoginTimeout() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Returns 0, indicating the default system timeout is to be used.
getLogWriter() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Getting a log writer is not supported.
getParentLogger() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Return a parent logger with the JUL global logger name.
getPort() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerExtension
getTempDirectory() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.curator.CuratorTestingServerExtension
getValidator() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Returns a singleton Validator instance.


H2Database - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
H2Database can be used to annotate a parameter of type H2FileBasedDatabase in lifecycle or test methods.
H2DatabaseTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.h2
Utilities for H2 databases.
H2DatabaseTestHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.h2.H2DatabaseTestHelper
H2FileBasedDatabase - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.h2
Value class representing a file-based H2 database intended for use in tests.
H2FileBasedDatabase() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.h2.H2FileBasedDatabase
H2FileBasedDatabaseExtension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
JUnit Jupiter extension that creates a file-based H2 database before all tests and deletes it after all tests have executed.
H2FileBasedDatabaseExtension() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.H2FileBasedDatabaseExtension
handleUnknownProperty(DeserializationContext, JsonParser, JsonDeserializer<?>, Object, String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.json.LoggingDeserializationTestHandler
hasDetail(String, Object) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has a detail with the given key and value.
hasDetailsContainingKey(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has a detail with the given key.
hasDetailsContainingKeys(String...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has details containing all the given keys.
hasEmptyDetails() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has an empty map of details.
hasError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has an error, i.e.
hasErrorExactlyInstanceOf(Class<?>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has an error whose type is EXACTLY the given type.
hasErrorInstanceOf(Class<?>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has an error whose type is an instance of the given type.
hasErrorWithMessage(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has an error with the given message.
hasErrorWithMessageContaining(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has an error that contains the given message fragment.
hasMessage(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has the given message.
hasMessage(String, Object...) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has a message interpolated using the given message template and arguments.
hasMessageContaining(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the heath check result contains the given message fragment.
hasMessageEndingWith(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result ends with the given message suffix.
hasMessageStartingWith(String) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result starts with the given message prefix.
hasNoError() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has a null error.
hasNullDetails() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has a null map of details.
hasNullOrEmptyDetails() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result has an empty or null map of details.
healthCheckNamesOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Find the health check names registered in the given Dropwizard app.
HealthCheckResultAssertions - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics
Provides for fluent HealthCheck tests using AssertJ assertions.
HealthCheckResultAssertions() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
HibernateTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate
Test utility for testing Hibernate-based code.
HibernateTestHelper(SessionFactory) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate.HibernateTestHelper
Create a new helper with the specfied session factory.


indicesOf(List<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.IntStreams
Return an IntStream whose values are the indices ranging from 0 to values.size() - 1.
inputs(T...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.ParameterizedTests
Helper method that creates a list of inputs of some type T, mainly useful for readability in tests.
IntStreams - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.util
Static utilities related to IntStream.
IntStreams() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.util.IntStreams
isHealthy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result is healthy.
isNear(Instant) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mockito.JavaTimeArgumentMatchers
Matches an Instant near the given expected time within +/- 500 milliseconds.
isNear(Instant, long) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mockito.JavaTimeArgumentMatchers
Matches an Instant near the given expected time within +/- slack milliseconds.
isNear(Instant, Duration) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mockito.JavaTimeArgumentMatchers
Matches an Instant near the given expected time within +/- slack duration.
isServiceOrEmulator(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.ServiceNames
Check if the given service name is a service or emulator according to the assumptions noted in the class docs.
isUnhealthy() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics.HealthCheckResultAssertions
Asserts the health check result is not healthy.
isWrapperFor(Class<?>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Return true when the specified class is assignment-compatible with this instance.


JavaTimeArgumentMatchers - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.mockito
Static utility methods to create ArgumentMatcher instances for types in the java.time package.
JavaTimeArgumentMatchers() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.mockito.JavaTimeArgumentMatchers
JaxrsExceptionTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception
Test utility methods for testing JaxrsException objects.
JaxrsExceptionTestHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionTestHelper
JaxrsTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs
Helper class for testing JAX-RS code.
JaxrsTestHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
JdbcProperties - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc
A simple value class for holding basic JDBC connection properties.
JdbcProperties() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.JdbcProperties
JdbcTests - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc
Utilities for database testing via JDBC.
JdbcTests() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.JdbcTests
Jdbi3DaoExtension<T> - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
A JUnit Jupiter Extension to easily test JDBI 3-based DAOs in against any database and using transaction rollback to make sure tests never commit to the database.
Jdbi3Extension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
A JUnit Jupiter Extension to easily test JDBI 3 DAOs using the "Fluent API" (as opposed to the SQL Objects API) against any database and using transaction rollback to make sure tests never commit to the database.
Jdbi3GeneratedKeys - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi
Utilities for executing statements and extracting generated keys from JDBI 3 Update objects.
Jdbi3GeneratedKeys() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi.Jdbi3GeneratedKeys
JdbiGeneratedKeys - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi
Utilities for extracting generated keys from JDBI 2 GeneratedKeys objects.
JdbiGeneratedKeys() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi.JdbiGeneratedKeys
JSON_DESERIALIZATION_HANDLER - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.constants.KiwiTestConstants
A Jackson DeserializationProblemHandler that can be added to an ObjectMapper in order to log and count unknown properties that occur during JSON deserialization.
JSON_HELPER - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.constants.KiwiTestConstants
A Kiwi JsonHelper that can be used in tests.
JSONAssertSoftAssertions - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.jsonassert
Integrates JSONAssert into AssertJ's "soft assertions" model by catching assertion failures and manually failing them via AbstractSoftAssertions.fail(String, Throwable).
JSONAssertSoftAssertions(AbstractSoftAssertions) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.jsonassert.JSONAssertSoftAssertions
Construct instance using the given soft assertions.


KEEP - org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties.ServiceHostDomain
Keep the domain name, e.g.
KiwiAssertJ - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.assertj
Some AssertJ test utilities that you might or might find useful.
KiwiAssertJ() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.KiwiAssertJ
KiwiTestConstants - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.constants
A utility class that provides some rather opinionated constants for use in test code.
KiwiTestConstants() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.constants.KiwiTestConstants


lifeCycleListenerClassesOf(LifecycleEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds LifeCycle.Listener classes registered with the given LifecycleEnvironment.
lifeCycleListenerClassesOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds LifeCycle.Listener classes registered with the given Dropwizard app.
lifeCycleListenersOf(LifecycleEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds LifeCycle.Listener objects registered with the given LifecycleEnvironment.
lifeCycleListenersOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds LifeCycle.Listener objects registered with the given Dropwizard app.
lifeCycleObjectsOf(LifecycleEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds LifeCycle objects registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment.
lifeCycleObjectsOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds LifeCycle objects registered in the given Dropwizard app.
lifeCycleStreamOf(LifecycleEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Streams LifeCycle objects registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment.
lifeCycleStreamOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Streams LifeCycle objects registered in the given Dropwizard app.
LoggingDeserializationTestHandler - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.json
A Jackson DeserializationProblemHandler that logs at WARN level whenever a property with an unknown name is encountered.
LoggingDeserializationTestHandler() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.json.LoggingDeserializationTestHandler
looksLikeTestDatabaseName(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
Do a basic check whether the given database name contains either MongoTestProperties.UNIT_TEST_ID or MongoTestProperties.UNIT_TEST_ID_SHORT, which is a pretty good indicator that the database name was created by this class.


managedObjectsOf(LifecycleEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds the Managed objects registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment.
managedObjectsOf(LifecycleEnvironment, Predicate<Managed>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds Managed objects registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment that match the given predicate.
managedObjectsOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds the Managed objects registered in the given Dropwizard app.
managedObjectsOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>, Predicate<Managed>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds Managed objects registered in the given Dropwizard app that match the given predicate.
managedObjectsOfType(LifecycleEnvironment, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds Managed objects registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment and having the given type.
managedObjectsOfType(DropwizardAppExtension<C>, Class<T>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds Managed objects registered in the given Dropwizard app and having the given type.
managedObjectStreamOf(LifecycleEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Streams Managed objects registered in the given LifecycleEnvironment.
managedObjectStreamOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Streams Managed objects registered in the given Dropwizard app.
messageAndCauseConstructorDynamicTest(Class<? extends Exception>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.StandardExceptionTests
Generate a DynamicTest for an exception constructor accepting a String message and Throwable cause.
messageConstructorDynamicTest(Class<? extends Exception>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.StandardExceptionTests
Generate a DynamicTest for an exception constructor accepting a String message.
mockDropwizard() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the Dropwizard application environment.
mockDropwizard(ObjectMapper, Validator) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the Dropwizard application environment.
mockEnvironment() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the Dropwizard application environment.
mockEnvironment(ObjectMapper, Validator) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the Dropwizard application environment.
mockHealthCheckRegistry(Environment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the HealthCheckRegistry in the given Dropwizard environment.
mockJerseyEnvironment(Environment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the JerseyEnvironment in the given Dropwizard environment.
mockLifecycleEnvironment(Environment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the LifecycleEnvironment in the given Dropwizard environment.
mockMetricRegistry(Environment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the MetricRegistry in the given Dropwizard environment.
MongoDbExtension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
A JUnit Jupiter Extension to use in Mongo unit/integration tests.
MongoDbExtension(MongoTestProperties) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension
Create a new extension with the given MongoTestProperties.
MongoDbExtension(MongoTestProperties, MongoDbExtension.DropTime) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension
Create a new extension with the given MongoTestProperties and MongoDbExtension.DropTime.
MongoDbExtension(MongoTestProperties, MongoDbExtension.DropTime, MongoDbExtension.CleanupOption) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension
MongoDbExtension.CleanupOption - Enum in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
How to handle records after each individual test.
MongoDbExtension.DropTime - Enum in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
When to drop the test databases.
MongoTestProperties - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.mongo
Simple value class that contains properties related to connecting to Mongo in the context of a service that uses MongoDB for persistence.
MongoTestProperties(String, int, String, String, MongoTestProperties.ServiceHostDomain) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
Constructs a new instance.
MongoTestProperties.ServiceHostDomain - Enum in org.kiwiproject.test.mongo
Should the domain be kept or stripped in service host names?
MongoTests - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.mongo
Utilities for database testing with MongoDB.
MongoTests() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests


NEVER - org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.DropTime
newConfiguration(Class<C>, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration using the default Validator, ObjectMapper, and property prefix.
newConfiguration(Class<C>, Path) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration using the default Validator, ObjectMapper, and property prefix.
newConfiguration(Class<C>, Validator, ObjectMapper, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration using the default property prefix.
newConfiguration(Class<C>, Validator, ObjectMapper, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration.
newConfiguration(Class<C>, Validator, ObjectMapper, String, Path) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration.
newConfiguration(Class<C>, Validator, ObjectMapper, Path) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration using the default property prefix.
newConfiguration(Class<C>, Validator, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration using the default ObjectMapper and property prefix.
newConfiguration(Class<C>, Validator, Path) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration.DropwizardConfigurations
Creates a new Dropwizard configuration using the default ObjectMapper and property prefix.
newMongoClient() - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
Create a new Mongo client for the test database described by the properties in this instance.
newMongoTestPropertiesFromPom(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests
Create a MongoTestProperties using the given MongoDB host, the default Mongo port, and resolving the service name from the pom.xml file in the current working directory (".").
newMongoTestPropertiesFromPom(String, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests
Create a MongoTestProperties using the given MongoDB host and port, and using the given service name.
newMongoTestPropertiesFromPom(String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests
Create a MongoTestProperties using the given MongoDB host and port, and resolving the service name from the pom.xml file in the given root path.
newMongoTestPropertiesFromPom(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests
Create a MongoTestProperties using the given MongoDB host, the default Mongo port, and resolving the service name from the pom.xml file in the given root path.
newMongoTestPropertiesWithServiceName(String, int, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests
Create a MongoTestProperties using the given MongoDB host and port, and using the given service name.
newMongoTestPropertiesWithServiceName(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTests
Create a MongoTestProperties using the given MongoDB host, the default Mongo port, and using the given service name.
newTestDataSource(String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.JdbcTests
Creates a new SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource for the given JDBC credentials.
newTestDataSource(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.JdbcTests
Creates a new SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource for the given JDBC credentials.
newTestDataSource(JdbcProperties) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.JdbcTests
Creates a new SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource for the given JDBC credentials.
newValidator() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
Creates a new, default Validator instance using the default validator factory provided by the underlying bean validation implementation, for example the reference implementation Hibernate Validator.
noArgConstructorDynamicTest(Class<? extends Exception>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.StandardExceptionTests
Generate a DynamicTest for a no-argument exception constructor.
noExpectedMessages() - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Creates a an empty list that can be used to indicate there are no expected constraint violation messages.


OBJECT_MAPPER - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.constants.KiwiTestConstants
An ObjectMapper that can be used in tests.
org.kiwiproject.test.assertj - package org.kiwiproject.test.assertj
org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics - package org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.dropwizard.metrics
org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.jsonassert - package org.kiwiproject.test.assertj.jsonassert
org.kiwiproject.test.constants - package org.kiwiproject.test.constants
org.kiwiproject.test.curator - package org.kiwiproject.test.curator
org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app - package org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app
org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration - package org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.configuration
org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2 - package org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2
org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito - package org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito
org.kiwiproject.test.h2 - package org.kiwiproject.test.h2
org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate - package org.kiwiproject.test.hibernate
org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs - package org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs
org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception - package org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception
org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc - package org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc
org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi - package org.kiwiproject.test.jdbi
org.kiwiproject.test.json - package org.kiwiproject.test.json
org.kiwiproject.test.junit - package org.kiwiproject.test.junit
org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter - package org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider - package org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider
org.kiwiproject.test.mockito - package org.kiwiproject.test.mockito
org.kiwiproject.test.mongo - package org.kiwiproject.test.mongo
org.kiwiproject.test.util - package org.kiwiproject.test.util
org.kiwiproject.test.validation - package org.kiwiproject.test.validation


ParameterizedTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit
Test helper for running parameterized tests.
ParameterizedTestHelper(SoftAssertions) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.ParameterizedTestHelper
Create a new helper instance.
ParameterizedTests - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit
Shared utilities for parameterized tests.
ParameterizedTests() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.ParameterizedTests
ParameterizedValidationTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.validation
Test helper for running parameterized validation tests.
ParameterizedValidationTestHelper(SoftAssertions) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Create a new helper with a default Validator instance.
ParameterizedValidationTestHelper(SoftAssertions, Validator) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Create a new helper.
PostgresAppTestExtension<T extends io.dropwizard.Configuration> - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app
Multi-purpose extension for Application testing requiring a PostgreSQL database.
PostgresAppTestExtension(String, String, Class<? extends Application<T>>, ConfigOverride...) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.PostgresAppTestExtension
Create a new instance.
PostgresLiquibaseTestExtension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
This JUnit Jupiter extension uses the Embedded Postgres Jupiter extension but always returns a SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource.
PostgresLiquibaseTestExtension(String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.PostgresLiquibaseTestExtension
Construct a new instance using the given classpath location of a Liquibase migrations file.
provideArguments(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider.AsciiOnlyBlankStringArgumentsProvider
Provides various blank arguments for ParameterizedTest tests.
provideArguments(ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.params.provider.BlankStringArgumentsProvider
Provides various blank arguments for ParameterizedTest tests.


registerDefaultDropwizardJdbiFeatures(DBI, String, TimeZone) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.jdbi2.DropwizardJdbi
Configures the given DBI instance with all the goodies that Dropwizard adds, e.g.
registeredResourceClassesOf(JerseyEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Find the resource classes registered in the given JerseyEnvironment.
registeredResourceClassesOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Find the resource classes registered in the given Dropwizard app.
registeredResourceObjectsOf(JerseyEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Find the resource objects registered in the given JerseyEnvironment.
registeredResourceObjectsOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Find the resource objects registered in the given Dropwizard app.
REMOVE_COLLECTION - org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.CleanupOption
REMOVE_NEVER - org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.CleanupOption
REMOVE_RECORDS - org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.CleanupOption
RequestResponseLogger - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs
This utility class is useful when you are testing REST calls through a Jersey Client and you want to see the actual HTTP request or response details via the console.
RequestResponseLogger() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.RequestResponseLogger
ResetKiwiValidationExtension - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
A JUnit Jupiter Extension that resets the (static) Validator used in KiwiValidations.
ResetKiwiValidationExtension() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.ResetKiwiValidationExtension
resolveParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.H2FileBasedDatabaseExtension
Resolve the parameter annotated with H2Database into a H2FileBasedDatabase.
RuntimeSQLException - Exception in org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc
Unchecked exception that wraps a SQLException.
RuntimeSQLException(String, SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.RuntimeSQLException
Constructs an instance of this class.
RuntimeSQLException(SQLException) - Constructor for exception org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.RuntimeSQLException
Constructs an instance of this class.


selectPomPathFromRoot(String) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.util.ServiceNames
Find the path of the POM from the given project root path.
serverLifecycleListenersOf(LifecycleEnvironment) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds ServerLifecycleListener objects registered with the given LifecycleEnvironment.
serverLifecycleListenersOf(DropwizardAppExtension<C>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.app.DropwizardAppTests
Finds ServerLifecycleListener objects registered with the given Dropwizard app.
ServiceNames - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.util
This utility class helps find service or emulator names from Maven POM files.
ServiceNames() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.util.ServiceNames
setLoginTimeout(int) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Setting a login timeout is not supported.
setLogWriter(PrintWriter) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Setting a log writer is not supported.
SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc
A very simple implementation of DataSource intended to be used only during tests.
SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource(String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Create a new SingleConnectionDataSource with the given database URL and username.
SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource(String, String, String) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Create a new SingleConnectionDataSource with the given database URL, username, and password to be supplied to DriverManager.
SoftValidationTestAssertions - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.validation
A helper class with methods for making AssertJ SoftAssertions when validating objects using the Jakarta Beans Validation API.
SoftValidationTestAssertions(SoftAssertions) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Create an instance with a default Validator instance.
SoftValidationTestAssertions(SoftAssertions, Validator) - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.SoftValidationTestAssertions
Create an instance.
standardConstructorTestsFor(Class<? extends Exception>) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.StandardExceptionTests
Generate a collection of dynamic tests that asserts a given class conforms to a "standard" exception containing the same four public constructor API as defined by Exception.
StandardExceptionTests - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
Utilities to generate DynamicTests for testing "standard" exceptions, where "standard" is defined as an exception class that is a subclass of Exception and contains the same four public constructors that do nothing but delegate to the superclass implementations.
StandardExceptionTests() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.StandardExceptionTests
STRIP - org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties.ServiceHostDomain
Strip the domain name, e.g.
supportsParameter(ParameterContext, ExtensionContext) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.H2FileBasedDatabaseExtension
Does the parameter need to be resolved?


toJaxrsException(Response) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.exception.JaxrsExceptionTestHelper
Converts an error Response to the JaxrsException or an appropriate subclass.
turnOnRequestResponseLogging(Client) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.RequestResponseLogger
Turn on request/response logging to the console for the given Client at INFO level.
turnOnRequestResponseLogging(Client, Level, LoggingFeature.Verbosity) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.RequestResponseLogger
Turn on request/response logging to the console for the given Client at the given level and verbosity.
turnOnRequestResponseLogging(Client, Level, LoggingFeature.Verbosity, String, Handler, int) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.RequestResponseLogger
Turn on request/response logging allowing control over the level, verbosity, logger name, handler, and max entity size.


UNIT_TEST_ID - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
The default ID used in generated database names to indicate the purpose is for testing.
UNIT_TEST_ID_SHORT - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties
The short ID used in generated database names to indicate the purpose is for testing.
UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY_STATUS - Static variable in class org.kiwiproject.test.jaxrs.JaxrsTestHelper
Status code for (non-standard) 422 Unprocessable Entity responses.
unwrap(Class<T>) - Method in class org.kiwiproject.test.jdbc.SimpleSingleConnectionDataSource
Returns this when the specified class is assignment-compatible with this instance.
useObjectMapper(Environment, ObjectMapper) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the given Dropwizard environment to return the given ObjectMapper.
useValidator(Environment, Validator) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.dropwizard.mockito.DropwizardMockitoMocks
Mock the given Dropwizard environment to return the given Validator.


validationGroups(Class<?>...) - Static method in class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ParameterizedValidationTestHelper
Creates an array of classes that represent validation groups.
ValidationTestHelper - Class in org.kiwiproject.test.validation
Provides helper methods for making assertions on validation of objects using the Bean Validation API.
ValidationTestHelper() - Constructor for class org.kiwiproject.test.validation.ValidationTestHelper
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.CleanupOption
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.DropTime
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties.ServiceHostDomain
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.CleanupOption
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter.MongoDbExtension.DropTime
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum org.kiwiproject.test.mongo.MongoTestProperties.ServiceHostDomain
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WhiteBoxTest - Annotation Type in org.kiwiproject.test.junit.jupiter
Indicator that a test is "white box", generally used to indicate a test is calling a non-public API.
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