Class StripedLock

  • public class StripedLock
    extends Object
    StripedLock provides simple lambdas for encapsulating a block of code with a read/write lock.

    The number of "stripes" indicates the maximum concurrent processes where the lock "key" is hashed and is used to select a lock. This is useful when you want tasks that operate in the same "context" to block one another without blocking unrelated tasks.

    See Also:
    Striped, ReadWriteLock
    Implementation Note:
    This StripedLock uses Guava's Striped under the covers. The ReadWriteLocks are re-entrant, and read locks can be held by multiple readers, while write locks are exclusive.
    • Constructor Detail

      • StripedLock

        public StripedLock​(int numStripes)
        Creates a new StripedLock with the given number of stripes.
        numStripes - number of stripes
        See Also:
      • StripedLock

        public StripedLock​(<ReadWriteLock> lock)
        Create a new StripedLock using the given ReadWriteLock. This is useful if you have multiple interdependent usages that you want to share across the same set of locks.
        lock - the striped lock to use
    • Method Detail

      • runWithReadLock

        public void runWithReadLock​(String lockKey,
                                    Runnable task)
        Execute a Runnable task using the provided lock key and associated a READ lock.

        This implementation will block until the read lock is acquired.

        lockKey - the lock key
        task - the task to run
      • supplyWithReadLock

        public <T> T supplyWithReadLock​(String lockKey,
                                        Supplier<T> task)
        Execute a Supplier using the provided lock key and associated READ lock.

        This implementation will block until the read lock is acquired.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of object being supplied
        lockKey - the lock key
        task - the task to supply a value
        the supplied value
      • runWithWriteLock

        public void runWithWriteLock​(String lockKey,
                                     Runnable task)
        Execute a Runnable task using the provided lock key and associated a WRITE lock.

        This implementation will block until the write lock is acquired.

        lockKey - the lock key
        task - the task to run
      • supplyWithWriteLock

        public <T> T supplyWithWriteLock​(String lockKey,
                                         Supplier<T> task)
        Execute a Supplier using the provided lock key and associated WRITE lock.

        This implementation will block until the write lock is acquired.

        Type Parameters:
        T - the type of object being supplied
        lockKey - the lock key
        task - the task to supply a value
        the supplied value